
News archive

Swimming in term 1 autumn 2024
Swimming in term 1 autumn 2024

Swimming begins Monday 9th September

Swimming for term 1 starts on Monday 9th September. The current timetable is here.

Helpers needed for this activity

Volunteers are essential to support this activity and we would be very grateful if you could consider if you are able to help.  All volunteers must hold a DBS certificate with this school. For your DBS still to be valid, you must have helped in school in any capacity within the last 3 months. If this is not the case and there has been a gap longer than 3 months, please reapply for your DBS.

If you do not hold a current DBS for this school, it needs to be organised prior to your volunteering.  If this applies to you, please contact the school office for an application pack as soon as possible.

If you are signed up to help, or are wondering what is involved with regard to safety, please read the current guidelines for swimming helpers here

Quick links to helper sign-up sheets

There is an electronic sign-up sheet for each class which shows the number of helpers required and how many spaces are available. When you offer to help you will be asked for your first and last name, email address and phone number. You cannot proceed without this. Personal details are not used for anything other than running the site. Please see more information about volunteersignup and privacy below.

Apple Class: Mon 1.30–3pm 

Pear Class: Thurs 1.30–3pm

Palm Class: Tues 1.30–3pm

Cherry Class: Wed 1.30–3.00pm

Sycamore Class: Thurs 10.30–12 noon

Maple Class: Tues 9.00–10.30am

Lime Class: Weds 10.30–12 noon

Willow Class: Mon 9.00–10.30am 

Elm Class: Mon 10.30–12 noon

Horse Chestnut Class: Tues 10.30–12 noon

Ash Class: Weds 9.00–10.30am

Oak Class: Thurs 9.00–10.30am

Electronic sign-up and privacy

We have used the volunteer sign up website many times before. When you offer to help you will be asked for your first and last name, email address and phone number. You cannot proceed without this. Personal details are not used for anything other than running the site. The website’s privacy notice is available here:

Kit reminder

The current timetable is here. Please take note of when your child/children will be swimming to ensure that they have the appropriate clothing available on their swimming day as we do not have the capacity to contact home for forgotten kit with so many children swimming. NB: No jewellery is to be worn. The required kit is:

  • A one-piece swimming costume or trunks – no bikinis
  • A named towel
  • A named swimming hat (use permanent marker to name)
  • A waterproof bag to be sent in with the child’s swimming kit weekly
  • Goggles are not compulsory but may be worn if preferred. They must be named.
A warm welcome back from Mrs Sage
A warm welcome back from Mrs Sage

Everything you need to know for the first week back

Mrs Sage would like to welcome everyone back for the new school year. There's lots to look forward to and many opportunities linked to additional provision to enrich our children's education.

We've highlighted below some practical information you'll need before the first day back. There is also lots more specific information for parents of our new reception children on our website: Starting School in 2024. Take a look also at for tips for parents on having your child ready for school. These include what to do about absences, tips for healthy snacks in line with school policy and the procedure at the end of the school day. There is a wealth of information about about school routines and procedures in the prospectus here.

Your class letter will contain lots of practical information too. Copies of these can be found on the relevant class page of our website.

When do we start?

This year, school starts on Wednesday 4th September. Years 1 – 6 should arrive in school at 8.40am as usual, 

The split sessions for new Reception children are 8.40am – 11.45am and 1.00pm – 3.15pm.

What should we bring?

Children should bring their school book bags and be wearing the correct school uniform. Children are advised to bring their PE kit on the first day back. We like to encourage the children to take responsibility for remembering what they need to bring to school and packing it in good time. Please remember to name all items. If you wonder why, take a look at our overflowing lost property box!

Swimming starts on the first Monday back, 9th September. Willow, Elm and Apple classes are swimming that day. Please see the swimming timetable for all classes here.

Do keep your eye on the Clubs page for up-to-date information about clubs and their timetables.

School dinners

The current menu is on our website here: Saltford Primary - Zest Menu - 2024 (

Dinners must be ordered by, at the latest, midday of the day before the dinner is required. If your child will require a dinner on the first day back, the order will need to be placed before midday on Tuesday 3rd September.

All the information you need about school dinners is on the 'school dinners' section of the website. Dinners for children in years 3 - 6 should be paid for in advance using MCAS.


During the first week of term, parents will receive a class letter and curriculum map that will detail class arrangements for terms 1 and 2, including PE and swimming times and arrivals and departures guidelines.

Do look out for our launch newsletter that will be emailed to every family on Thursday of the first week back. This website is frequently updated with news, pictures and practical information, so keep an eye on our news and sports reports pages. The weekly newsletter is emailed to all contacts every Thursday. Our school X (Twitter) account gives you instant access to pictures and news as we have so much going on in a typical week at Saltford School.

Welcome meetings

We strongly advise that you attend our welcome meetings in term 1. They provide an opportunity for parents to meet the staff and to talk through the year to come. It is the ideal time to clear up any questions you may have. You will also be invited to visit the classrooms after the meeting. Do look out for messages from school containing details of your meeting.

The only year groups not having their meetings next term will be the new Reception classes and the new Y3 classes because they have already had their meetings.

Wednesday 4th September 5pm: Year 6 welcome meeting in hall

Thursday 5th September 5pm: Year 5 welcome meeting in hall

Monday 9th September 5pm: Year 2 Welcome meeting in hall

Tuesday 10th September 5pm: Year 1 Welcome meeting in hall

Wednesday 11th September 5pm: Year 4 Welcome meeting in hall

Mon 16th September: EY literacy meeting

The presentations from the meetings, as well as the usual class letters and subject overviews, will all be available on your child's class page.

Get involved

We always encourage parents to be engaged in school life. Please take a look at our wonderful PTA pages and find out how you could get involved. It's rewarding and it's fun.

We also encourage children to be engaged in all that school has to offer. See our 'Children' section for details of all the opportunities available to them.

We always appreciate the help parents and extended families can give in the school day. Mrs Sage sends a letter to ask for help in the classroom each year. Please complete the form on the letter if you are able to hear children read, help with computers etc. Any offer of help via any means is welcome. 

Cake & uniform sales and book swap
Cake & uniform sales and book swap

Monthly chance to buy pre-loved uniform & tasty cakes and swap a book for free

The money raised from each cake sale goes to that class who can then choose the toys and games they would like for their classrooms, so please support your class. The PTA will also be selling nearly new school uniform at very attractive prices and there will be a free book swap available at the same time.

For the book swap, children can donate their pre-loved books anytime in the box outside the school office. On the cake sale days, children can come into the hall and help themselves to a new book of their choice for free. This is not a fundraising event, just a way to encourage the children to share books and encourage recycling.

Friday 20th September 2024: Year 1
Friday 11th October: Year 6
Friday 22nd November: Year 3
Friday 17th January 2025: Year 2
Friday 7th March: Year 4
Friday 2nd May: Reception
Friday 6th June: Year 5

Classes are paired in year groups for the sales which take place monthly on a Friday in the hall from 3.15 – 3.30 pm. The uniform sales and book swap take place in the hall at the same time.

Please bring in cakes on the morning of the sale. The children should leave them on the left hand library shelf. If you need your container back, please ensure it is labelled and collect it from the library the following Monday.

There are children in school with severe life-threatening nut, lentil and seed allergies so please do check your cakes carefully. If you are donating gluten free/ dairy free or vegetarian cakes, please ensure they are clearly labelled.

Please bring change if you are purchasing cakes and encourage older children to go along to the cake sale independently to keep the queues down to the minimum. Thank you for your support.

Colour run at school
Colour run at school

Friday 12th July from 2pm

Children will run around a course set up on the sports day field being thrown powder paint to run through. They will also be given a paint bag at the end to throw in a designated ’paint area’.

The entry fee is £5 per child and you will be asked to sign a waiver when purchasing a ticket.

It will be messy! Children must wear old clothes – white T-shirts are suggested so they show up the paint. There will be a mufti day at school on Friday 12th. Children must also bring eye protection such as glasses, sunglasses or swimming goggles. Without this they cannot run.

The paint is safe and it will wash off. Do bring a towel for your  journey home.

The event is taking place during school hours. Children must be picked up by a designated parent/carer before they do the run and they can go straight home afterwards.

EYFS children must have a designated parent/carer accompany them during the run (beware you may get messy, so wear old clothes yourself). KS1 and KS2 children must have a designated parent spectating (as they will be leaving school straight after the event). Children are not allowed back into school afterwards.

Children participating in the run will be waiting for their designated parent/carer on the top field in classes. Please come through the main school entrance to collect them. The back entrance to the school will be locked during this event.

You can allocate another parent to be the designated parent/carer of your child during this race. You will need to name them when you sign

Time slots have been allocated as follows:

EYFS 2 – 2.20pm

Year 1 & 2 2.20 – 2.40pm

Year 3 & 4 2.40 – 3.00pm

Year 5 & 6 3.00 – 3.20pm

Please arrive promptly to ensure your children can run with their class mates, and allow a smooth flow for the children.

Chuckles children should please bring a spare change of clothes for afterwards!

Summer fair 2024
Summer fair 2024

Saturday 15th June at 12 – 3pm

This year's theme is The Paris Olympics 2024. Please also check the PTA Facebook page for up to date information and the Summer Fair lowdown letter from the PTA.

Bake-off is back for 2024

This year’s theme is the Great Olympic Bake-off, which gives the children full encouragement to go bold with their designs, colours and flavours!

Categories are:

  •       Reception – Biscuits
  •       Years 1 – 2 Cupcakes
  •       Years 3 – 4 Tray Bake
  •       Years 5 – 6 Celebration Cake

Entries will be judged on: Theme/Overall Presentation/Texture/Taste All baked items will be judged by Sally Turner and Headteacher Dawn Sage on Friday 14th June, prior to the fair, with the winning entries announced at the Summer Fair on Saturday 15th June. Get your full guidelines here and your entry form here. Happy baking!

Bumper raffle!

There are some fabulous prizes in this year's raffle. Who wouldn’t want to win a new 10.2" iPad or vouchers worth £100s for local attractions, restaurants, shops and services? Tickets are £1 each or £5 for a book. If you need more tickets to sell or buy, please ask at the school office. Please return all raffle tickets, stubs and money to the school office by Friday 14th June. Tickets will still be on sale at the information desk at the fair, and the draw will take place at the end of the fair.

Why not volunteer to help here?

Please click on the below links to volunteer. This is a great opportunity to get involved to help the PTA raise funds that will benefit all of the children at Saltford primary school. Without your help we would not have been able to raise over £22,000.00 last year. If you would like to join the PTA planning team please speak to someone at the info desk. 

Reception class Bumblebee:

Reception class Butterfly:

Y1 Apple & Pear:

Y2 Palm:

Y2 Cherry:

Y3 Sycamore:

Y3 Maple:

Y4 Lime & Willow:

Y5 Elm:

Y5 Horse Chestnut:

Y6 Oak & Ash:

Friday 14th June night prep from 3.30 - 7pm:

Saturday 15th June pre-fair (10 - 11.30am) and post-fair (3-4pm):

Face painting:

On the day…

Please invite your friends and family and bring plenty of change! There will be a programme of the day, including a map, info about all stalls, events and timings. Vouchers that can be bought for using cards can be purchased at the info desk and bar. These can be redeemed at all school stalls . 

Mufti Day Friday 7th June

In exchange for the children wearing their own clothes to school, we ask for donations of bottles and/or chocolate for the tombolas which are always extremely popular. Thank you in anticipation of your generous support.

Drawing competition

Congratulations to Otto whose illustration won this year's colouring competition and Toby who was our runner up.

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