Vision and values

At Saltford C of E Primary School we believe anything is possible. We keep children as the focus of everything we do.

Our aims and ethos

We know that children have the right to be provided with a creative, innovative and exciting education that will inspire them to become lifelong learners who are enthusiastic and proud of everything they do. We want every child to excel in all aspects of their learning within an immersive, imaginative, expressive and inclusive environment. We want children to become confident discoverers, explorers and creators who live our Christian values.

We keep children as the focus of everything we do.

We aim to

  • become a unique school which meets the needs of the twenty-first century child
  • support and challenge children so that they become happy, engaged and independent learners
  • ensure children are leaders of their own learning to satisfy their natural curiosity
  • ensure children receive a creative, immersive and innovative education
  • be a truly inclusive school where children have the same opportunities to excel in their learning
  • be an effective team
  • live our core Christian values of kindness, honesty and respect in everything we do
  • inspire new learning and create awe and wonder
  • provide a rich and purposeful learning environment
  • develop effective relationships with families and the community
  • be the best that we can be.

We encapsulated our aims in a letter to future pupils that was buried in a time capsule in the new building.

Our core values

  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Kindness

Our Vision and Values document can be found here and our Vision, Values and Mission statement here.


Contact us


We are always pleased to hear from you in person, by email, phone or post. Our office staff will be pleased to answer most of your questions but will also be able to direct any specific enquiries to the relevant member of staff, including our Headteacher, Mrs Dawn Sage.

Claverton Road
Bristol BS31 3DW

Tel: 01225 872185 


Please do not use email to report absences; you should phone school before 9am.

If you have a child with special educational needs, you can contact our Inclusion Leader, Mrs Godwin, by emailing


Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Sage and our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Godwin. Full details on our safeguarding page here.

Plan of the school

Our plan of the school site from September 2024 shows classrooms and their names.

School opening hours

School is open from 8:50am until 3:15pm on weekdays, which amounts to 32 hours and 5 minutes in a typical week. Break times are 15 minutes long and lunch is 1 hour.


Please use the governors' email address or contact us through the school office.


The PTA may be contacted by email at or through the school office.

Futura Learning Partnership

We are part of the Futura Learning Partnership. Please see the Futura Learning Partnership's website for more information.


If you wish to make a complaint, please follow the procedure outlined in the Futura complaints procedure found here.


Who's who

Headteacher: Mrs Dawn Sage

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Elizabeth Spincer

Class teacher: Miss Elizabeth Davis
Year group: Reception (R)
Class name: Bumblebee class
Curriculum responsibility: Foundation Stage Leader, Early Years, Early English and Maths

Class teacher: Mrs Melissa Brook
Year group: Reception (R)
Class name: Butterfly class
Curriculum responsibility: PE

Class teacher: Mrs Gemma Morgan
Year group: Reception (R)
Class name: Butterfly class
Curriculum responsibility: Outdoor education, forest school and play provision

Class teacher: Mrs Maria Newark
Year group: 
Year 1
Class name:
Curriculum responsibility: 
Early Reading leader

Class teacher: Mrs Ruth Hayden
Year group: Year 1
Class name: Apple
Curriculum responsibility: Music

Class teacher: Mrs Charlotte White
Year group: Year 1
Class name: Pear
Curriculum responsibility: Computing and Early Reading assistant

Class teacher: Mrs Patricia Nethercott
Year group: Year 2
Class name: Palm
Curriculum responsibility: KS1 Leader, KS1 Maths Lead & Modern Foreign Languages

Class teacher: Mrs Charlotte Hardy
Year group: 
Year 2
Class name: 
Curriculum responsibility:

Class teacher: Mr Sam George
Year group: 
Year 3
Class name: 
Curriculum responsibility: Music

Class teacher: Miss Natalie Jupp
Year group: Year 3
Class name: Maple
Curriculum responsibility: Lower KS2 Leader, PHSE & Staff well-being

Class teacher: Mr Robert Jenkins
Year group: Year 4
Class name: Willow
Curriculum responsibility: Religious Education

Class teacher: Mrs Kathryn Hamlen
Year group: Year 4
Class name: Lime
Curriculum responsibility: Art and Design Technology Leader

Class teacher: Miss Beth Benton
Year group: Year 5
Class name: Elm
Curriculum responsibility: Science

Class teacher: Mr Andrew Boyle
Year group: Year 5
Class name: Horse chestnut
Curriculum responsibility: Geography and History

Class teacher: Mr Nathan Styles
Year group: Year 6
Class name: Ash
Curriculum responsibility: English and Science

Class teacher: Mr Jonathan Godwin
Year group: Year 6
Class name: Oak
Curriculum responsibility: Upper KS2 Leader and Maths

Teacher: Mrs Gemma Godwin
Curriculum responsibility: Inclusion Leader

For a full list of school staff, please see our prospectus; see also a summary of the Leadership Team Structure and Responsibilities here.


Our prospectus

Please see our full prospectus here in PDF format and our presentation celebrating life at Saltford School here in PDF format.

We feel that the best way to find out about a school is by coming and talking to us; you are therefore most welcome to arrange a visit. Please get in touch.



Modeshift stars silver award

Modeshift STARS silver award: we were the first school in B&NES and the joint first in the whole West of England area to achieve the Modeshift STARS Silver award. It recognises that we have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. The scheme encourages schools nationwide to increase sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and well-being of pupils.

Artsmark silver award

The Artsmark recognises schools that enthuse and inspire their pupils in the four art forms: dance, drama, music and art. This year we have been involved with several different projects to excite and enthuse children and we are proud that we have achieved the Artsmark Silver award

Saltford Primary School provides a high level of provision in the arts through our wide range of extra-curricular clubs, a rich curriculum that incorporates dance and music, and opportunities to perform in the community and beyond.

Our children are keen to share their learning in, and through, the arts and identify the skills they develop in their artistic studies. Staff too have built on their expertise and passion in the arts, and have worked closely as a team on our musical productions.

A large proportion of KS2 children learn to play musical instruments or receive singing tuition from our peripatetic staff, and some of the children attend bands or orchestras outside school. We also have two recorder groups.

Every class receives weekly music lessons, and we follow a lively, well-resourced and varied scheme called Active Music as a basis for our teaching. We also listen to, appraise and discuss a wide range of music.

We are passionate about the difference that involvement in the arts can make in children's lives, and are committed to developing this further in the future.

Music Mark accreditation

A Music Mark school: this award comes in recognition of the value we place on music education as part of a broad and balanced curriculum. Read more about music in our curriculum here.

Platinum school games mark for Saltford

Platinum school games mark: we were absolutely delighted to have achieved the top Platinum School Games Award for 2023 –.24. This reflects our consistent Gold level over the last four years. 

This government-led awards scheme rewards Saltford CofE Primary School for our outstanding commitment to the development of competition across our school and into the community. Keep up to date with our sports reports here.

Five star hygiene rating for our kitchen

Our catering manager, Lynne Portlock, and her team have consistently achieved the highest five-star hygiene rating from the Food Standards Agency. They are part Zest catering who provide the catering service for the Futura Learning Partnership.

Silver Eco-School status

Our school has fulfilled the criteria necessary for Silver Eco-School status. This landmark was achieved with much involvement from families. We are all committed to improving our local environment, endeavouring to save energy and avoid waste, and understanding better how choices made by us may affect people living in other countries. Full details on the Eco-Schools website.


In our recent Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools, we were found to be outstanding in all areas by the Diocesan inspector. A copy of the report can be found here. See  Collective Worship for full details.


Environment and lettings

We have superb facilities, including a modern ICT suite, a purpose-built library and our own swimming pool, set alongside an extensive outdoor environment that provides many opportunities for play and learning.

Recent additions to our site include a superb early years play area, a reflective garden and a brand new six-classroom block.

All the school's facilities are available to hire at reasonable rates. Please contact the school for rates, terms and conditions.



We are a fully inclusive mainstream primary school, committed to supporting and challenging all pupils to achieve their full potential. For full information on how we support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, read our SEND policy and our SEND Information Report.The Futura Learning Partnership inclusion policy can be read here.

For information about how Saltford School meets the needs of gifted and talented pupils, read our policy here.

Introducing "Thrive" logo

We are now a Thrive school. The Thrive Approach provides a powerful way of working with children to support optimal social and emotional development. In particular, the Approach supports targeted work with children who may have struggled with difficult life events to help them re-engage with life and learning. 


Inspection reports

We welcomed an inspector from Ofsted into our school in March 2023 for a two-day inspection. The Inspector said how much she had enjoyed seeing our school; she saw a happy, safe and caring school where pupils thrive and staff are proud to work hard to encourage pupils to be the best version of themselves. Please read the full report here.

In November 2017 we were visited by the Diocesan inspector for our Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). We are delighted to report that she found us to be outstanding in all areas. 

Highlights include “The vision for Saltford is: ‘A vibrant, caring and supportive church school, inspiring and serving the whole community’. This vision is successfully lived out. Core values of kindness, respect and honesty permeate the work of the school and these are promoted and articulated within a distinctively Christian context.”.

It is a report that everyone in the team contributed to and we would like to thank everyone for their hard work.  We are especially grateful to the foundation Governors, Reverend Daile Wilshere and Mr Baker. Please read the full report here.

The school welcomes parental feedback; we send out a regular school questionnaire to parents and invite parents to complete the short Ofsted survey, found here, at any time.


Collective worship and prayer

Dear God
We thank you for our school.
We thank you for all the teachers and staff who work here.
We thank you for all the children who come to learn.
We pray our school would be a place of great discovery, adventure and creativity.
May it be a place where we love to learn and learn to love.
A place where everyone is respected and valued.

We are a community in which Christian values are upheld. As a Church of England School, acts of Collective Worship form the basis of our corporate experience and mark important times and occasions e.g. Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas and Easter. Stories from the Bible are often at the heart of our collective worship, also times for prayer and singing. We hope that all children will find these times to be stimulating, interactive and inclusive. Please see our full Collective Worship policy here.

At Saltford Church of England Primary School the children participate in a daily act of collective worship. Teaching staff and members of the school/church community lead services every day in the school hall. These usually follow the pattern:

Monday: Whole school service (where a theme is introduced) led by St Mary's Open the Book team or another representative of St Mary's Church

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: Reception, Key Stages 1 and 2 each have a service led by Mrs Sage, a member of staff or 2 by 2 staff.

Friday: Whole school celebration service (where certificates, medals, etc... are awarded) led by Mrs Sage

We follow a series of themes throughout the term linked to our school values and bible stories etc.

By law, parents have the right to withdraw children from collective worship. in the first instance, parents wishing to request a withdrawal would meet with the head teacher to discuss their concerns and requirements. Details can be found in our Collective Worship Policy here.

In June 2017, volunteers from St Mary’s Church and Revd Daile Wilshere led a ‘Prayer Workshop’ for our pupils. One of the activities asked the children what they would like to thank God for about their school and to pray for their school. The answers were collated and discussed by the school council. They found that one prayer simply wasn't enough and so please find the resulting collection of prayers for Saltford School here.


British values at Saltford School

The Department for Education has said: "We want to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs."

At Saltford, we are very proud of the diverse range of activities we provide for the children and those of you who follow our Twitter feed will be familiar with many of them. Here is a summary of some of the ways we have demonstrated these values at School over the past year or so. This further document shows some examples and photos of how we promote British values at Saltford School. 

If you feel you may have something to offer the school linked with British Values (or know someone else who might be keen to), we would love to hear from you.


UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award

UNICEF RRSA Silver Award logo

 UNICEF’s Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA).

We are delighted to have received the Silver 'Rights Aware' award in July 2018.  Find out more from our report here.

What is the RRSA?  It is a Unicef UK programme that aims to put children’s rights at the heart of schools in the UK. The Award recognises a school’s achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into practice within the school and beyond. Children have the right to participate, so meaningful involvement of children and young people is fundamental to every stage of your RRSA journey. 
Please have a look at this short YouTube video about the impact of the award in schools and Unicef's summary of the rights of the child.

Rights are referred to in assemblies and as part of the curriculum through PSHE. This commitment links with the work of the School Council, the Green Team and the E-Team, with our School Vision and Values and our Golden Rules to encourage children to reflect on their actions and think about the part they play in the life of our school community and beyond

 RRSA display in school



Performance data

Please follow this link for the Government summary of our school statistics and results.

Our own latest results for statutory assessments can be found on the Assessment page.



We have lots of great opportunities within our Trust. Please take a look at the current vacancies here.


Request a printed copy

If you require a paper copy of the information on our website, please contact the school office on 01225 872185 or email: We will provide copies as soon as possible.


Futura Learning Partnership

Saltford Primary School converted to academy status on 1st September 2016. We are now part of the Futura Learning Partnership. We believe academy conversion secured the long term future of our school, offering the best opportunity to our pupils to progress and achieve.

Working closely with the other schools in the Futura partnership enables the educational experience of children in all those schools to be enhanced. As part of the partnership, we work collaboratively to nurture and develop the children in our care.

Futura Learning Partnership registered office: Chandag Road, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1PH
Tel: 0117 946 1229

 A charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 07746787

Further information:
