Mrs D Sage
We are all extremely proud of our school and committed to providing the very best education possible for all of our children.
Every decision within our school is made by first considering the best interests of the children. In this way, children lie at the heart of everything we do.
We look forward to working with you and your child so that Saltford Church of England Primary can continue to be the popular and very special place that it is today.
Dawn Sage, Headteacher.

We are a vibrant, caring and supportive Church school, inspiring and serving the whole community.
We are a vibrant, caring and supportive Church school, inspiring and serving the whole community.

Futura Learning Partnership
Saltford CofE Primary School is a Futura Learning Partnership School.
We are a partnership of schools in the West of England region committed to offering a high-quality educational experience to all children and young people in our care.
Visit Futura Learning Partnership.

Mrs Holdaway
Office manager
The office
In the office section you will find all the useful information you would expect such as copies of letters, term dates and all the details you need about dinners, payments and uniform. All payments into school are made on-line via MCAS (My Child at School). Please click here to find a summary of the way we communicate with our parents and carers. Of course, if you can't find what you need then Mrs Holdaway, Mrs Rich or Miss Simpkins are always happy to help.

Mrs Rich
Clerical assistant

- Bumble bee class Miss Davis EYFS
- Butterfly class Mrs Brook & Mrs Morgan EYFS
- Apple class, Mrs Newark & Mrs Hayden, Y1
- Pear class, Mrs White, Y1
- Palm class, Mrs Nethercott, Y2
- Cherry class, Mrs Hardy, Y2
- Sycamore class, Mr George, Y3
- Maple class, Miss Jupp, Y3
- Willow class, Mr Jenkins, Y4
- Lime class, Mrs Hamlen, Y4
- Elm class, Miss Benton, Y5
- Horse chestnut class, Mr Boyle, Y5
- Ash class, Mr Styles, Y6
- Oak class, Mr Godwin, Y6

Science work in Year 5
We believe children learn best when they can use their imagination and apply their learning to a range of engaging contexts.
Since using a variety of topic titles to introduce the curriculum changes of 2014, we have been constantly refining our curriculum. We have developed a creative and thematic approach to learning that maps key skills to the Primary National Curriculum to ensure comprehensive coverage of national expectations.
Please take a look at our Curriculum overview for full details, and our Curriculum pages for subject-by-subject information.

We are fortunate to have such a committed group of governors who give their time so freely to support the school and to ensure we provide the best education possible for our children.

Our school community
PTA and staff working together
Our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) forms an important link between home and school. Their fundraising makes a real difference to every child's experience in school. All parents are welcome to join in and help shape the school community.

The story of our logo
The tree has been a symbol of Saltford Church of England School for many years. The original version, which can be seen carved into the school lectern, was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from the Genesis Creation story. Learning about the difference between good and evil is, of course, an essential element of any child’s education.
Some years ago it was decided to redesign the Saltford tree with seven oak leaves. It is now a powerful symbol which reminds us of our Christian heritage and traditions and encourages us to live our lives according to principles shared by Christians and members of other faith communities.

Saltford C of E Primary School
Caring for our community
Six of the leaves represent our six Golden Rules, which are displayed in every classroom and which all children are expected to follow.
These rules are about respect for people and property and about striving to do our best at all times. Many of them are based on the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus about how we should treat one another.
The seventh leaf represents our link with the church while the three acorns reflect the partnership between the school, parents and child as well as the Holy Trinity.