

Remote education

Summary of provision

Seesaw & Tapestry

Reception families use Tapestry.

We are delighted to have introduced the Seesaw home learning platform for Years 1 – 6 which provides the main structure for Saltford pupils' home learning. Please see the Seesaw introduction here which includes a video for parents from Miss Davis. All parents will also have received login and a user guide

In a remote learning situation, teachers will provide new daily tasks on Seesaw.

Please support us by using these resources rather than phoning the school for individual information. Please also make sure your family stays safe online by checking the advice on our online safety page here.


We know that lots of children really enjoy listening to stories in assembly, so we aim to provide the next best thing through our Assemblies page below with videos, stories and other assembly material from the Open the Book team.

Curriculum pages

You will find recommended links for particular subjects on the relevant curriculum pages

Daily practice

Where possible, we would advise that your child undertakes daily reading, spelling and maths practice using the websites and apps below or their home learning pack. In addition please record any daily reading in your child's reading record/planner.

DoodleMaths and English Your child’s Doodle Maths login will also work for all the other Doodle sites that we now subscribe to.

Spelling Shed

Phonics Bug (EYFS/ KS1)

TT Rockstars


ICT Games

BBC Bitesize Primary

BBC Teach

Multiplication Check (Year 4)

Numbots, for EYFS into KS1 and beyond. Aimed at securing addition and subtraction recall including number bonds.It reinforces key calculation skills and complements your child's work on DoodleMaths.


For links to ideas and activities to help children to stay positive and feel good during their time away from school, please see the Well-being section of our website.


Easy to follow assemblies for home learning

Lots of children tell us that they enjoy listening to stories in assembly, for example, when the Open the Book team share them on a Monday afternoon.

Throughout the period of home assisted learning during the pandemic, we posted videos from Rev'd Daile (and her special helper, Rev'd Charlie), our foundation governor Mrs King, the Open the Book team and the ‘2 by 2’ team, who all kindly made some recordings especially for us. Being  linked to our school values, these assemblies are still valuable and some come with a link to the relevant values worksheets which contain interesting activity ideas and information.

Hezekiah trusts God 27th January

You can view the video in full screen directly on YouTube with this link:

No-one is perfect 20th January

You can view the video in full screen directly on YouTube with this link:

An assembly on prayer 12th January

You can view the video in full screen directly on YouTube with this link:

A tale of two houses 12th January

You can view the video in full screen by following this link direct:

New beginnings 4th January

Here is Mrs King's assembly for the New Year.

You can view the video in full screen directly on YouTube with this link:

Keeping our word

Here's an assembly from 2by2 that talks about the importance of keeping our word, illustrated with the story of Noah's ark.

You can view the video in full screen directly on YouTube with this link:

How are you feeling?

Here's an invitation from Lesley and Michelle from 2by2 to think about how you and those around you might be feeling at the moment. It includes a Bible story from The Jesus Storybook Bible.

You can view the video in full screen directly on YouTube with this link:


Our foundation Governor, Mrs King, has made a short video to help us think about respect, for ourselves and for others. You can see the video below and take a look at the values sheet on respect here.

You can view the video in full screen directly on YouTube with this link:


Ian Freemantle from the 'Open the Book' Team has recorded an assembly for us in which he shares and thinks about the parable of the Persistent Widow. You can see the video below and think about it with some help from the values sheet on perseverance here.

You can view the video in full screen directly on YouTube with this link:


At this time when so many people need help, especially those who are elderly or disabled, it has been wonderful to hear many stories of people offering help in many ways. Sometimes we call people who make a special effort to help others 'Good Samaritans'. Ian Freemantle from the 'Open the Book' Team has recorded an assembly for us in which he shares and thinks about the parable that Jesus told of the Good Samaritan. You can see the video below and think about it using the values sheet on compassion here.

You can view the video in full screen directly on YouTube with this link:


In the introductory video, Rev'd Daile explains about 'virtual assemblies' and teaches us some new opening sentences. She also has help from a special friend you will love to meet called Rev'd Charlie! Please see the values sheet on community here.

You can view the video in full screen directly on YouTube with this link:

In the other video, Rev'd Daile introduces the 'Jesus Storybook Bible', which every class has now been given, and she shares a story which links with our current values theme of 'Community'.

You can view the video in full screen directly on YouTube with this link:

Bumble Bee class
Bumble Bee class

Miss Davis, Early Years Foundation stage

Welcome to our class page

Please find below important information regarding the children's time in school.

Here you will find helpful information about your child's class.

Please see our Autumn class letter here. You can find our curriculum web for the Autumn Term here.

Please see information about Tapestry here.

PE lessons are completed through an indoor and an outdoor games session. Outdoor PE is on a Tuesday and indoor PE is every Monday or Thursday.

 Please can the children keep their kit in school in a small bag on their pegs. A pattern for this can be found here. We will send them home each term to be washed and returned.  Please may all kit be named. 

 We will swim in terms 5 and 6. More details will follow in a letter. Children will need an appropriate swimming bag, a swimming suit (costume or trunks- no bikinis or long shorts please), a towel and a hat. Please ensure all of this is named. 

Home learning

Don't forget to show us what you have been up to at home on Tapestry

See here for some fun learning about shape and here for counting and ordering numbers. Now is a great time to watch Numberblocks- Our Favourite!

We would love the children to continue practising their number work. A great way to do this is through board games. We will also upload a termly maths picture for you to use as a discussion aid for your child on Tapestry.

Information about resources to support speaking and listening, reading, writing and maths at home are in our short information videos below and don't forget to keep an eye on your local library's opening times and sign up for a free Oxford Owls account to access lots of free ebooks.

Books for Topics has some really lovely recomended reading lists for EYFS children. Please see here for their list of recommended reads for Reception. How many have you read?!

Please see information regarding:

Supporting Reading at home

Literacy and number support

See here for the Top 10 Tips to develop your child's speaking and listening skills. 

Please take a look at these resources for supporting your child's development;

Information evenings

Our welcome meeting was on Thursday 22nd June. You can look at the presentation for parents here.  

Our Early Years Literacy Evening was held on Monday 16th September at 5pm in the school hall. Please find the presentation here. The links for the Read Write Inc videos are here and here. Supporting documents on speaking and listening, Fred Games and Handwriting phrases are all accessible here too.

Our Early Years Maths Evening was held on Monday 14th October at 5pm in the school hall. Please find the presentation here.

Reading information 

We will send you further correspondence and some information videos about the Read Write Inc reading scheme very soon.

Butterfly class
Butterfly class

Mrs Brook & Mrs Morgan, Early Years Foundation stage


Welcome to our class page


Please find below important information regarding the children's time in school.


Here you will find helpful information about your child's class.


Please see our Autumn class letter here. You can find our curriculum web for the Autumn Term here.


Please see information about Tapestry here.




PE lessons are completed through an indoor and an outdoor games session. Outdoor PE is on a Tuesday and indoor PE is every Tuesday or Friday.


 Please can the children keep their kit in school in a small bag on their pegs. A pattern for this can be found here. We will send them home each term to be washed and returned.  Please may all kit be named. 


 We will swim in terms 5 and 6. More details will follow in a letter. Children will need an appropriate swimming bag, a swimming suit (costume or trunks- no bikinis or long shorts please), a towel and a hat. Please ensure all of this is named. 


Home learning


Don't forget to show us what you have been up to at home on Tapestry


See here for some fun learning about shape and here for counting and ordering numbers. Now is a great time to watch Numberblocks- Our Favourite!


We would love the children to continue practising their number work. A great way to do this is through board games. We will also upload a termly maths picture for you to use as a discussion aid for your child on Tapestry.


Information about resources to support speaking and listening, reading, writing and maths at home are in our short information videos below and don't forget to keep an eye on your local library's opening times and sign up for a free Oxford Owls account to access lots of free ebooks.


Books for Topics has some really lovely recomended reading lists for EYFS children. Please see here for their list of recommended reads for Reception. How many have you read?!


Please see information regarding:


Supporting Reading at home


Literacy and number support


See here for the Top 10 Tips to develop your child's speaking and listening skills. 


Please take a look at these resources for supporting your child's development;


Information evenings


Our welcome meeting was on Thursday 22nd June. You can look at the presentation for parents here. 

 Our Early Years Literacy Evening was held on Monday 16th September at 5pm in the school hall. Please find the presentation here. The links for the Read Write Inc videos are here and here. Supporting documents on speaking and listeningFred Games and Handwriting phrases are all accessible here too.

Our Early Years Maths Evening was held on Monday 14th October at 5pm in the school hall. Please find the presentation here.


Reading information 


We will send you further correspondence and some information videos about the Read Write Inc reading scheme very soon.


Apple class

Mrs Newark & Mrs Hayden, Year 1

A very warm welcome to Mrs Newark & Mrs Hayden's class page.  We hope that you find the information below useful.

Welcome to the Autumn Term! I hope you had a lovely Summer break. 


Our PE day is Thursday (outdoor). 

Children must wear their school uniform everyday and bring in their PE kit on their PE days. This should be a red plain or Saltford t shirt and black shorts or jogging trousers and trainers (Please send velcro fasteners if your child is unable to tie their laces) and a fleece type jacket.  Please ensure that all items are clearly named. Please can they keep their kit in school in a small bag on their pegs. We will send them home each term to be washed and returned.


We swim on a Monday afternoon every week starting in week 2.


Please could you support your child with their homework.

  • Spellings will be tested and given out on FRIDAYS. We ask that children practise their spellings at least three times in a week.
  • Reading We would suggest that your child reads for a minimum of five times a week for around ten minutes each session- little and often is usually best! Please comment in, and sign your child’s reading record  every time they read to you and mark it with an 'h' to indicate home.  Please date their bookmark too, to help them gain their reading for the stars certificates!
  • Maths homework - To support your children at home in maths, we would suggest encouraging them to practise counting to 100, in steps of two, five and ten, recalling pairs of numbers that add up to 10 and 20. We also recommend undertaking practical tasks such as board games where the children must count on and back, creating art work using different shapes, weighing ingredients for cooking, paying for items in shops and telling the time. All children have been provided with a Doodle Maths and a Numbots login. Please login at least 3 times a week but we recommend logging in each day for short bursts. 


In Geography, we will be learning about Our Local Area

In History, we will be learning about the Great Fire of London and the Moon Landing.

In Science, we will be learning about Animals including Humans

Further information

Please see our termly overview and our  Autumn letter for more information.  

You can also find all of the information from our recent Welcome to Y1 presentation evening here


Pear class

Mrs White, Year 1

A very warm welcome to Mrs White's class page.  I hope that you find the information below useful.

Welcome to the Autumn Term! I hope you had a lovely Summer break. 


Our PE day is Friday (outdoor). 

Children must wear their school uniform everyday and bring in their PE kit on their PE days. This should be a red plain or Saltford t shirt and black shorts or jogging trousers and trainers (Please send velcro fasteners if your child is unable to tie their laces) and a fleece type jacket.  Please ensure that all items are clearly named. Please can they keep their kit in school in a small bag on their pegs. We will send them home each term to be washed and returned.


We swim on a Thursday afternoon every week starting in week 2.


Please could you support your child with their homework.

  • Spellings will be tested and given out on TUESDAYS. We ask that children practise their spellings at least three times in a week.
  • Reading We would suggest that your child reads for a minimum of five times a week for around ten minutes each session- little and often is usually best! Please comment in, and sign your child’s reading record  every time they read to you and mark it with an 'h' to indicate home.  Please date their bookmark too, to help them gain their reading for the stars certificates!
  • Maths homework - To support your children at home in maths, we would suggest encouraging them to practise counting to 100, in steps of two, five and ten, recalling pairs of numbers that add up to 10 and 20. We also recommend undertaking practical tasks such as board games where the children must count on and back, creating art work using different shapes, weighing ingredients for cooking, paying for items in shops and telling the time. All children have been provided with a Doodle Maths and a Numbots login. Please login at least 3 times a week but we recommend logging in each day for short bursts. 


In Geography, we will be learning about Our Local Area

In History, we will be learning about the Great Fire of London and the Moon Landing.

In Science, we will be learning about Animals including Humans

Further information

Please see our termly overview and our  Autumn letter for more information.  

You can also find all of the information from our recent Welcome to Y1 presentation evening here


Palm Class

Mrs Nethercott, Year 2

A very warm welcome to Mrs Nethercott's class page.  I hope that you find the information below useful.

Welcome to the Autumn Term! I hope you had a lovely Summer break. 


Our PE day is Thursday (outdoor). 

Children must wear their school uniform everyday and bring in their PE kit on their PE days. This should be a red plain or Saltford t shirt and black shorts or jogging trousers and trainers (Please send velcro fasteners if your child is unable to tie their laces) and a fleece type jacket.  Please ensure that all items are clearly named. Please can they keep their kit in school in a small bag on their pegs. We will send them home each term to be washed and returned.


We swim on a Tuesday afternoon every week starting in week 2.


Please could you support your child with their homework.

  • Spellings will be tested and given out on MONDAYS. The children have between 6 and 10 words to learn and we ask that they practise their spellings at least three times in a week, one session focussing on writing these in a sentence. See our spelling homework letter here.
  • Reading We would suggest that your child reads daily for around ten minutes each session - little and often is usually best! Please comment in and sign your child’s reading record every time they read to you.
  • Maths homework  will be checked on a WEDNESDAY. Please ensure that homework sheets are kept in your child’s reading folders at all times. Also, if you wish to support your children at home in maths, please encourage them to use DoodleMaths and TTRockstars. See our maths homework letter here and strategies sheet here.


In Geography, we will be learning about Our Local Area

In History, we will be learning about the Great Fire of London and the Moon Landing.

In Science, we will be learning about Animals including Humans.

Further information

Please see our termly overview and our  Autumn letter for more information.  Please see here for our Welcome to Year 2 presentation.

Mrs Nethercott says: "I am very excited about getting to know you all and having a fabulous time in Year 2!"

Cherry Class

Mrs Hardy, Year 2

A very warm welcome to Mrs Hardy's class page.  I hope that you find the information below useful.

Welcome to the Autumn Term! I hope you had a lovely Summer break. 


Our PE day is Monday (outdoor). 

Children must wear their school uniform everyday and bring in their PE kit on their PE days. This should be a red plain or Saltford t shirt and black shorts or jogging trousers and trainers (Please send velcro fasteners if your child is unable to tie their laces) and a fleece type jacket.  Please ensure that all items are clearly named. Please can they keep their kit in school in a small bag on their pegs. We will send them home each term to be washed and returned.


We swim on a Wednesday afternoon every week starting in week 2.


Please could you support your child with their homework.

  • Spellings will be tested and given out on TUESDAYS. The children have between 6 and 10 words to learn and we ask that they practise their spellings at least three times in a week, one session focussing on writing these in a sentence. See our spelling homework letter here.
  • Reading We would suggest that your child reads daily for around ten minutes each session - little and often is usually best! Please comment in and sign your child’s reading record every time they read to you.
  • Maths homework  will be checked on a FRIDAYS. Please ensure that homework sheets are kept in your child’s reading folders at all times. Also, if you wish to support your children at home in maths, please encourage them to use DoodleMaths and TTRockstars. See our maths homework letter here and strategies sheet here.


In Geography, we will be learning about Our Local Area

In History, we will be learning about the Great Fire of London and the Moon Landing.

In Science, we will be learning about Animals including Humans.

Further information

Please see our termly overview and our  Autumn letter for more information. Please see here for our Welcome to Year 2 presentation.

Sycamore class

Mr George, Year 3

A warm welcome to Sycamore Class page – I hope you find the following information useful

Welcome to Mr George's class, here is all you need to know for the Autumn Term.

Indoor PE 

Indoor PE will take place on a Thursday. Indoor kit should be red plain or Saltford T shirts and black shorts.

Outdoor PE

This will take place on Wednesday Outdoor PE Kits should include long warm jogging trousers, a red T-Shirt, trainers, (Please send velcro fasteners if your child is unable to tie their laces) and a fleece type jacket.  Please find a link to purchase our new Saltford School red sports fleeces here.   Please keep these in school all week as sometimes we have to adjust our P.E. slots.   Please ensure your child comes to school with their Saltford School PE kit in a named bag.  Please can you also ensure all items in the bag are named.

Autumn term 2024

Our Geography this term will be a study of Local Area including National Parks followed by a History unit on Stone Age to Iron Age. 

Our Science topics will be Electrical Circuits followed by a unit on Animals, humans and food webs.  Any named resources you could bring in to support this work are always well received.


Please see this letter giving further information about homework expectations in Y3 and Y4.


All children will need to bring their reading folders every day. Daily reading is expected in some form at home.  It is amazing how reading for just 10-20 minutes a day can make such a difference to your child’s progress. Please see our presentation about how you can support your child’s reading at home here. Please continue to fill in their bookmarks in line with our "Reading for the stars" initiative. We will monitor the planners and bookmarks each Monday.

Spellings will be given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday.  Please support your child with their spellings and sentences. For more information on our new spelling scheme, please see the letter here.

Maths homework is also given out weekly in both year groups in the form of times tables to learn and an expectation of 30 stars earned on DoodleMaths. The Doodle Maths is an excellent resource provided by the school and when used regularly can have a huge impact on your children’s progress.  Therefore, we are asking that as their maths homework all children log in to Doodle Maths at least 3 times a week in order to earn their 30 stars rather than completing all 30 in one go.  This will provide the optimum conditions for the algorithm to work as it is designed to do. Please can you sign your child’s planner once this is completed.  Staff will monitor this on a Friday morning.

Times tables will be set and tested on Fridays.  Any support you could give your child to help them to become fluent in their times tables would be greatly appreciated.  

In the meantime there are lots of fun times tables games online to help with these: The children will know their logins for this fantastic website, which they use regularly in school.

YouTube has useful videos, including songs for times tables. 

Further information.

For more information, please see our  LKS2 letter for the autumn term  and our Year 3 curriculum overview for the Autumn term.

You can also find all of the information from our recent Welcome to Y3 presentation evening here.

Please do come and speak to us if you have anything you would like to discuss.

Maple class

Miss Jupp, Year 3

A warm welcome to Maple class page – we hope you find the following information useful

Welcome to Miss Jupp's class. Here is all you need to know for the Autumn term.

Indoor PE 

Indoor PE will take place on a Monday. Indoor kit should be red plain or Saltford t shirts and black shorts.

Outdoor PE

This will take place on Wednesday.  Outdoor PE Kits should include long warm jogging trousers, a red T-Shirt, trainers, (Please send velcro fasteners if your child is unable to tie their laces) and a fleece type jacket.  Please find a link to purchase our new Saltford School red sports fleeces here.   Please keep these in school all week as sometimes we have to adjust our P.E. slots.   Please ensure your child comes to school with their Saltford School PE kit in a named bag.  Please can you also ensure all items in the bag are named.

Autumn term 2024

Our Geography this term will be a study of Local Area including National Parks followed by a History unit on Stone Age to Iron Age. 

Our Science topics will be Electrical Circuits followed by a unit on Animals, humans and food webs.  Any named resources you could bring in to support this work are always well received.


Please see this letter giving further information about homework expectations in Y3 and Y4.


All children will need to bring their reading folders every day. Daily reading is expected in some form at home.  It is amazing how reading for just 10-20 minutes a day can make such a difference to your child’s progress. Please see our presentation about how you can support your child’s reading at home here. Please continue to fill in their bookmarks in line with our "Reading for the stars" initiative. We will monitor the planners and bookmarks each Monday.

Spellings will be given out on a Thursday and tested the following Thursday.  Please support your child with their spellings and sentences. For more information on our new spelling scheme, please see the letter here.

Maths homework is also given out weekly in both year groups in the form of times tables to learn and an expectation of 30 stars earned on DoodleMaths. The Doodle Maths is an excellent resource provided by the school and when used regularly can have a huge impact on your children’s progress.  Therefore, we are asking that as their maths homework all children log in to Doodle Maths at least 3 times a week in order to earn their 30 stars rather than completing all 30 in one go.  This will provide the optimum conditions for the algorithm to work as it is designed to do. Please can you sign your child’s planner once this is completed.  Staff will monitor this on a Friday morning.

Times tables will be set and tested on Thursdays.  Any support you could give your child to help them to become fluent in their times tables would be greatly appreciated.  

In the meantime there are lots of fun times tables games online to help with these:  The children will know their logins for this fantastic website, which they use regularly in school.

YouTube has useful videos, including songs for times tables. 

Further information.

For more information, please see our  LKS2 letter for the autumn term  and our Year 3 curriculum overview for the Autumn term.

You can also find all of the information from our recent Welcome to Y3 presentation evening here.

Please do come and speak to us if you have anything you would like to discuss.

Willow class

Mr Jenkins, Year 4

A very warm welcome to Willow class web page - I hope you find the information below useful!

Here is all you need to know for the autumn term.


Swimming  will take place in on a Monday morning in Term 1 only. 

Indoor PE 

Indoor PE will take place in on a Monday afternoon from Term 2.   Indoor kit should be red plain or Saltford T shirts and black shorts.

Outdoor PE

This will take place on Friday afternoons.

Outdoor PE Kits should include long warm jogging trousers, a red T-Shirt, trainers, (Please send velcro fasteners if your child is unable to tie their lacesand a fleece type jacket.  Please find a link to purchase our new Saltford School red sports fleeces here. Please keep these in school all week as sometimes we have to adjust our P.E. slots. Please ensure your child comes to school with their Saltford School PE kit in a named bag. Please can you also ensure all items in the bag are named.

Autumn term 2024

Our Geography this term will be a study of Local Area including National Parks followed by a History unit on Stone Age to Iron Age. 

Our Science topics will be Electrical Circuits followed by a unit on Animals, humans and food webs.  Any named resources you could bring in to support this work are always well received.


Please see this letter here  giving further information about homework expectations in Y3 and Y4.


We actively encourage daily reading with your child. Your support with this is greatly appreciated. Please continue to read with your child daily, ensuring you sign their planner clearly marked with an H (Home Reading)

All children will need to bring their reading folders every day. Daily reading is expected in some form at home.  It is amazing how reading for just 10-20 minutes a day can make such a difference to your child’s progress. Please see our presentation about how you can support your child’s reading at home here. Please continue to fill in their bookmarks in line with our "Reading for the stars" initiative. We will monitor the planners and bookmarks each Monday.

Spellings will be given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday.  Please support your child with their spellings and sentences. For more information on our new spelling scheme, please see the letter here.

Maths homework is also given out weekly in both year groups in the form of times tables to learn and an expectation of 30 stars earned on DoodleMaths. The Doodle Maths is an excellent resource provided by the school and when used regularly can have a huge impact on your children’s progress.  Therefore, we are asking that as their maths homework all children log in to Doodle Maths at least 3 times a week in order to earn their 30 stars rather than completing all 30 in one go (please can your child try if possible to do some DoodleMaths and DoodleTables as part of their 30 stars).  This will provide the optimum conditions for the algorithm to work as it is designed to do. Please can you sign your child’s planner once this is completed.  Staff will monitor this on a Friday morning.

Times tables will be set and tested on Fridays.  Also this year in the summer term your child will take part in the statutory Multiplication Times Tables Check (MTC) so any support you could give your child to help them to become fluent in their times tables would be greatly appreciated.  Please see our presentation about this here.

In the meantime there are lots of fun times tables games online to help with these:  The children will know their logins for this fantastic website, which they use regularly in school.

YouTube has useful videos, including songs for times tables. 

Further information.

Please find our Welcome to Year 4 presentation here

For more information, please see our  LKS2 letter for the autumn term  and our Year 4 curriculum overview for the autumn term.

Please do come and speak to us if you have anything you would like to discuss.

Lime class

Mrs Hamlen Year 4

A very warm welcome to Lime class web page -  We hope you find the information below useful!

Welcome to Mrs Hamlen's class -  Here is all you need to know for the summer term.


Swimming  will take place in on a Wednesday morning in Term 1 only. 

Indoor PE 

Indoor PE will take place in on a Friday afternoon from Term 2. Indoor kit should be red plain or Saltford t shirts and black shorts.

Outdoor PE

This will take place on Tuesday afternoons.  Outdoor PE Kits should include long warm jogging trousers, a red T-Shirt, trainers, (Please send velcro fasteners if your child is unable to tie their laces) and a fleece type jacket.  Please find a link to purchase our new Saltford School red sports fleeces here.   Please keep these in school all week as sometimes we have to adjust our P.E. slots.   Please ensure your child comes to school with their Saltford School PE kit in a named bag.  Please can you also ensure all items in the bag are named.

Summer term 2024:

Our Geography topic this term are: UK National Parks and the local area

Our History topic will beThe Ancient Greeks

Our Science topic will be Light and Sound followed by a unit on Rocks and Fossils.  Any named resources you could bring in to support this work are always well received.


Please see this letter here  giving further information about homework expectations in Y3 and Y4.


We actively encourage daily reading with your child. Your support with this is greatly appreciated. Please continue to read with your child daily, ensuring you sign their planner clearly marked with an H (Home Reading)

All children will need to bring their reading folders every day. Daily reading is expected in some form at home.  It is amazing how reading for just 10-20 minutes a day can make such a difference to your child’s progress. Please see our presentation about how you can support your child’s reading at home here. Please continue to fill in their bookmarks in line with our "Reading for the stars" initiative. We will monitor the planners and bookmarks each Monday.

Spellings will be given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday.  Please support your child with their spellings and sentences. For more information on our new spelling scheme, please see the letter here.

Maths homework is also given out weekly in both year groups in the form of times tables to learn and an expectation of 30 stars earned on DoodleMaths. The Doodle Maths is an excellent resource provided by the school and when used regularly can have a huge impact on your children’s progress.  Therefore, we are asking that as their maths homework all children log in to Doodle Maths at least 3 times a week in order to earn their 30 stars rather than completing all 30 in one go. (please can your child try if possible to do some DoodleMaths and DoodleTables as part of their 30 stars). This will provide the optimum conditions for the algorithm to work as it is designed to do. Please can you sign your child’s planner once this is completed.  Staff will monitor this on a Friday morning.

Times tables will be set and tested on Fridays.  Also this year in the summer term your child will take part in the statutory Multiplication Times Tables Check (MTC) so any support you could give your child to help them to become fluent in their times tables would be greatly appreciated.  

In the meantime there are lots of fun times tables games online to help with these:  The children will know their logins for this fantastic website, which they use regularly in school.

YouTube has useful videos, including songs for times tables. 

Further information.

Please find our Welcome to Year 4 presentation here

For more information, please see our  LKS2 letter for the autumn term  and our Year 4 curriculum overview for the autumn term.

Please do come and speak to us if you have anything you would like to discuss. 

Horse chestnut class

Mr Boyle, Year 5

Welcome to Horse Chestnut Class

We hope you had a lovely summer holiday!

Welcome to the first two terms!

Amongst other things, this term we will be learning about:

History: Invaders and Settlers

Geography: Local area, including rivers, mountains and the water cycle

Science: Light, Earth and Space

RE: Christianity - Gospel and Creation


Please make sure that children come to school in their uniform everyday and bring their PE kit with them on the first day of term to leave in school.  This is: a plain red or Saltford T shirt, shorts/jogging bottoms, trainers and a plain hooded top. Please ensure all items are named.

Swimming - Tuesday 10:30am (Term 1)

Indoor PE - Tuesday morning (Term 2)

Outdoor PE - Thursday morning (Term 1), Monday afternoon (Term 2)


The children have several homework activities given over the course of the week.

Reading: we encourage the children to read their book at home for a minimum of 20 minutes each day. Even though the children are older and may need less support with actually reading the words, they still need to discuss their reading with an adult, talking about characters, plot and any tricky vocabulary. Although we encourage the children to keep a record of their own reading, it is very useful if you could sign their record books regularly. (Children get house points in class for regular reading at home.) 

For more information about activities to support reading and recommended books, please see our Reading Room page here.

Spellings are given each Friday for a test on the following Friday, accompanied by a short activity based on a spelling pattern studied in class. Children will keep their spelling books in school to write their spellings each day as part of their morning activities. For homework, we expect 5 sentences, using the spelling words for the week, to be recorded in planners. For more information on our new spelling scheme, please see the letter here.

Maths homework is checked on a Wednesday, there is an expectation for children to complete 30 stars using DoodleMaths and Doodle Tables. We also encourage the children to use TT Rockstars to help them with their multiplication tables.

English homework is given out on Friday to be handed in on the following Friday. 

Further information

For more information, please click on the link for a copy of our welcome letter and our termly overview of Term 1 and 2.

You can also find all of the information from our recent Welcome to Y5 presentation evening here

Elm class

Miss Benton, Year 5

Welcome to Elm Class

We hope you had a lovely summer holiday!

Welcome to the first two terms!

Amongst other things, this term we will be learning about:

History: Invaders and Settlers

Geography: Local area, including rivers, mountains and the water cycle

Science: Light, Earth and Space

RE: Christianity - Gospel and Creation


Please make sure that children come to school in their uniform everyday and bring their PE kit with them on the first day of term to leave in school.  This is: a plain red or Saltford T shirt, shorts/jogging bottoms, trainers and a plain hooded top. Please ensure all items are named.

Swimming - Monday 10:30am (Term 1)

Indoor PE - Tuesday morning (Term 2)

Outdoor PE - Thursday morning (Term 1), Monday afternoon (Term 2)


The children have several homework activities given over the course of the week.

Reading: we encourage the children to read their book at home for a minimum of 20 minutes each day. Even though the children are older and may need less support with actually reading the words, they still need to discuss their reading with an adult, talking about characters, plot and any tricky vocabulary. Although we encourage the children to keep a record of their own reading, it is very useful if you could sign their record books regularly. (Children get house points in class for regular reading at home.) 

For more information about activities to support reading and recommended books, please see our Reading Room page here.

Spellings are given each Friday for a test on the following Friday, accompanied by a short activity based on a spelling pattern studied in class. Children will keep their spelling books in school to write their spellings each day as part of their morning activities. For homework, we expect 5 sentences, using the spelling words for the week, to be recorded in planners. For more information on our new spelling scheme, please see the letter here.

Maths homework is checked on a Wednesday, there is an expectation for children to complete 30 stars using DoodleMaths and Doodle Tables. We also encourage the children to use TT Rockstars to help them with their multiplication tables.

English homework is given out on Friday to be handed in on the following Friday. 

Further information

For more information, please click on the link for a copy of our welcome letter and our termly overview of Term 1 and 2.

You can also find all of the information from our recent Welcome to Y5 presentation evening here

Ash class

Mr Styles, Year 6

Welcome to Ash Class


We hope you had a lovely Summer break!

Welcome to the first two terms.

Amongst other things, this term we will be learning about:

History: Invaders and Settlers

Geography: Local area linking to rivers, mountains and the water cycle

Science: Light, Earth and Space

RE: Christianity - Gospel and creation



Please make sure that children come to school in their uniform everyday and bring their PE kit with them on the first day of term to leave in school.  This is: a plain red or Saltford T shirt, shorts/jogging bottoms, trainers and a plain hooded top. Please ensure all items are named.

Our PE days are as follows:

Swimming - Wednesday 9am (Term 1)

Indoor PE - Wednesday afternoon (Term 2)

Outdoor PE  - Thursday morning



The children have several homework activities given over the course of the week:

Reading: we encourage the children to read their book at home for a minimum of 20 minutes each day. Even though the children are older and may need less support with actually reading the words, they still need to discuss their reading with an adult, talking about characters, plot and any tricky vocabulary. Although we encourage the children to keep a record of their own reading, it is very useful if you could sign their record books regularly. Children get house points in class for regular reading at home.

For more information about activities to support reading and recommended books, please see our Reading Room page here.

Spellings are given each Monday for a test on the following Monday, accompanied by a short activity based on a spelling pattern studied in class. Children will keep their spelling books in school to write their spellings each day as part of their morning activities. For homework, we expect 5 sentences, using the spelling words for the week, to be recorded in planners. For more information on our spelling scheme, please see the letter here.

Maths homework is given once a week on Tuesday to be completed by the following Tuesday. A homework sheet will be available on Seesaw for the reinforcement of skills taught at school and there will be an expectation of completing DoodleMaths and Doodle Tables 3 times a week, earning a minimum of 30 stars. We also encourage the children to use TT Rockstars to help the children with their multiplication tables.

English homework is given out on Thursday to be handed in on the following Thursday, in the form of a book that the children complete.


Further information

For more information, please click on the link for a copy of our welcome letter and our termly overview of Terms 1 and 2.

We look forward to seeing you at our Year 6 welcome meeting on Wednesday 4th September in the school hall at 5pm. A copy of this presentaton will be available here following the meeting.

Oak class

Mr Godwin, Year 6

Welcome to Oak Class and to Year 6. We hope you find the information below useful.

We hope you had a lovely Summer break!

Welcome to Term 1.

Amongst other things, this term we will be learning about:

History: Invaders and Settlers

Geography: Local area linking to rivers, mountains and the water cycle

Science: Light, Earth and Space

RE: Christianity - Gospel and creation


Please make sure that children come to school in their uniform everyday and bring their PE kit with them on the first day of term to leave in school.  This is: a plain red or Saltford T shirt, shorts/jogging bottoms, trainers and a plain hooded top. Please ensure all items are named.
Our PE days are as follows:

Swimming (Term 1 from week 2): Thursday morning. From Term 2 indoor PE will also be on a Thursday morning.

Outdoor PE - Wednesday afternoon


The children have several homework activities given over the course of the week.

Reading: we encourage the children to read their book at home for a minimum of 20 minutes each day. Even though the children are older and may need less support with actually reading the words, they still need to discuss their reading with an adult, talking about characters, plot and any tricky vocabulary. Although we encourage the children to keep a record of their own reading, it is very useful if you could sign their record books regularly. (Children get house points in class for regular reading at home.) 

For more information about activities to support reading and recommended books, please see our Reading Room page here.

Spellings are given each Monday for a test on the following Monday, accompanied by a short activity based on a spelling pattern studied in class. Children will keep their spelling books in school to write their spellings each day as part of their morning activities. For homework, we expect 5 sentences, using the spelling words for the week, to be recorded in planners. For more information on our new spelling scheme, please see the letter here.

Maths homework is given once a week on Tuesday to be completed by the following Tuesday. A homework sheet will be available on Seesaw for the reinforcement of skills taught at school and there will be an expectation of completing DoodleMaths and Doodle Tables 3 times a week, earning a minimum of 30 stars. We also encourage the children to use TT Rockstars to help the children with their multiplication tables.

English homework is given out on Thursday to be handed in on the following Thursday, in the form of a book that the children complete.

Further information

For more information, please click on the link for a copy of our welcome letter and our termly overview of Terms 1 and 2.

We look forward to seeing you at our Year 6 welcome meeting on Wednesday 4th September in the school hall at 5pm. A copy of this presentaton will be available here following the meeting.

