
Curriculum overview

A broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum

We are continuously developing and enriching our curriculum in response to educational research and in partnership with other Futura schools.

We believe children learn better when they are encouraged to use their imagination and apply their learning to engaging contexts. 

Our Christian values are central to our curriculum and underpin everything we do. Our core values of kindness, respect and honesty shape the way we live together and support our response to the issues that we encounter through our curriculum.

Curriculum development

Creating this approach to curriculum takes time.  We also believe that partnering with others and learning from their expertise will make our curriculum stronger and the opportunities for the children that much richer. We have worked in 'curriculum development groups' made up from members of the Futura Learning Partnership teaching staff to create and review plans for each subject.

Our curriculum is knowledge rich and builds on previous learning. It provides many learning challenges throughout the academic year that require children to solve problems, apply themselves creatively and express their knowledge and understanding effectively across the curriculum. It also provides a rich menu of exciting and motivating learning activities that make creative links between all aspects of our children’s learning. 

This summary of curriculum principles from the Futura Learning Partnership shows how our curriculum benefits from our membership of the partnership and integrates with the Futura values.   

More details about the curriculum in each of our subject areas can be found below.

Virtual curriculum remote learning

Links and ideas to supplement home learning

During times when home learning is necessary, please have a look at our virtual curriculum page here. We have put together some additional ideas and activities to support your child's learning at home in each of the subject areas. This can be used independently or as directed by your child's class teacher. The resources from this page, and any linked websites, will complement any in-school teaching or remote learning.

Please see our remote education news item here for complete information about online provision for Saltford School children who are learning at home.


Passionate about art in children's lives


We focus on providing a high-quality art and design education. It should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. 


The national curriculum for art and design aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
  • become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
  • evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
  • know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.

The Futura Art Curriculum can be found in this document here. Our Art and Design overview for the year can be found here. The Art and DT handbook can be found here.

In June 2018, we were very pleased to be awarded the Artsmark Silver Award for creative arts within the school. This award is for schools that deliver a high quality arts and cultural education. At Saltford School we believe that:

“Art is at the centre of a child’s learning experience; offering opportunities for exploring the physical world, the world of social relationships and the self…”
Margaret Morden

The children experience a wide range of skills, including painting, drawing, modelling, collage, fabric work and printing. Each term a new theme, often linked with other subjects and special events, is explored by the children, and their art work is displayed in the communal areas of the school and the garden.

We also provide a weekly 'Funky Art Club' where children can complete an arts award.


Architectural painting Class art project building Grandma Year 1 Pinocchio art Buildings and art Unicef inspired art Buildings in art


How are we doing?


We focus on finding out and reporting on the progress our pupils are making so that they can move forward with their learning.

Assessment techniques

At Saltford School we use a range of techniques to assess the progress the children are making. We believe that the process is most effective when the children are engaged and involved in assessing their progress and thinking about how they can improve their work. This formative assessment helps us all understand what steps are needed to move the children forward and takes place on a day-today, week-by-week process.

You may see examples of formative assessment in action when teachers give feedback to children - often verbally in class (or you see symbols or comments on how children could improve their work in their books); when children have identified what they have done well/need help with or how they feel about their work. Sometimes children might use red, amber or green marks to indicate how well they feel they understand something. These are usually linked with the focus for a lesson (or a series of lessons) and activities like quizzes can help remind children of what they have learnt and help them remember it better.

Of course there are also times we need to carry out summative assessments, to make sure that individuals and groups of children are making progress and improving in their learning. This can be done through the use of tests, ticks, marks and observations (particularly with our younger children or with subjects such as Science). They help us identify areas of learning that the school is doing well at and areas which have room for improvement. They also help us identify groups which need different kinds of support.

How can you help your child?

  • Encourage your child to believe that he or she can improve through effort and practice
  • Talk to him or her about his or her learning
  • Celebrate successes, but also focus on what your child needs to do to improve, rather than what or how he or she has done
  • Help your child realise that making mistakes can be a path to improving

Thank you for your support!

How do we let you know how your child is doing?

Please see this letter to parents about the way we report your child’s progress to you.

Our results

Please follow this link for the Government summary of our school statistics.

A summary of results from 2021-2024 can be found here.


We respect differences and healthy relationships


Our focus is on learning about how we develop as individuals and as members of our community and the wider world, through a wide range of opportunities and experiences.

Although a non-statutory subject, Citizenship is an important part of our work here at Saltford School and appears across many areas of school life, contributing to our pupils' character development. It has obvious links with other areas of the curriculum, such as History, Geography, RE and PSHE, but it can also be seen through our work on the British Values, in assemblies, theme weeks and through the various teams that lead important work in our school.

In our Citizenship work, pupils are encouraged to: 

  • Develop confidence and responsibility and make the most of their abilities
  • Prepare to play an active role as citizens
  • Develop a healthy, safer lifestyle
  • Develop good relationships and respect the differences between people

Please see the DfE Citizenship document here for more information about what these areas involve.

Find out more here about our school teams and clubs:

  • School Council
  • E-Team
  • Green Team
  • Digital Leaders
  • Active travel
  • Houses







Enjoying technology, keeping safe


Our focus is for every child to be IT literate by learning new skills and integrating these skills across the curriculum. 

At Saltford C of E Primary School we believe that Computing and the use of ICT is an integral part of the education of all children. It prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which all activities are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technology. We aim to give each pupil the opportunity to apply and develop their technological understanding and skills across a wide range of situations and tasks. Pupils are encouraged to develop a confident and safe approach to Computing and the use of ICT, with the understanding of the capabilities and flexibility of their resources. With the knowledge that Computing will undoubtedly continue to form a major part in the children’s life at home, in further education and places of work, we ensure the Computing and ICT experiences and abilities that the children are equipped with at Saltford, are effective and transferrable life skills.


Saltford C of E Primary School’s intent for computing is that an exciting and rigorous Computing education will ensure children are immersed in engaging, technology-rich learning experiences that allow them to learn deeply and embed core-computing skills, think independently and problem solve in an ever-evolving digital world. Regardless of changes within technology and the world we live in, our children will possess the core skills and behaviours required to safely and confidently access new technology to enhance their wider learning, access the curriculum throughout their school journey and inspire a future where technology is used to innovate and make positive change.

We believe that learning about Computing provides an important context for the development of pupils’ key learning skills, particularly problem-solving, creative and critical thinking and resourcefulness.

For more information, please see the Futura Computing Curriculum within this document here.

Please see our whole school overview of Computing here.

Websites to use at home




For all 

Further information

Please see our online safety page for advice on keeping your child safe online.

Please follow this link for the Safer Internet Day 2023 campaign video: 

Primary videos for safer internet day 2023:

Design Technology

Inspiration in the made world


Our focus in DT is to provide an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject where pupils design and make and evaluate products using their creativity and imagination.

Our DT Curriculum aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to become successful, innovative young designers and makers. By building on prior experience, students progressively develop technical skills and practical expertise. They are encouraged to think creatively, imaginatively and be ambitious in their design ideas. They are given opportunities to solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They learn to recognise the importance of design and technology in the real world and its relevance in everyday life. They are given opportunities to learn about and be inspired by designs and designers past and present who have impacted on life across the world. Through the design, make, evaluate process, students are guided to develop skills of team work, communication, resilience and reflectiveness through problem solving. They learn to use knowledge and understanding from other curriculum areas including mathematical, scientific, computing and art skills, applying them in relevant and practical contexts. In this way, we aspire for our students to become articulate, dynamic thinkers able to approach new challenges with confidence and enthusiasm

Inclusion: Our curriculum is ambitious for all and strives to address inclusion and disadvantage in its intent and implementation

Saltford’s Approach:

At Saltford, each year group covers three DT topics in the year. These can be viewed on our long term overview, found here

The aim is for a ‘know more, remember more’ approach of learning, where at the end of each two year cycle, all children will have had access to the advancing objective and some children will achieve a deeper understanding of the objective.  More information about this can be found in our Art and DT handbook, found here.

We provide opportunities for children to work individually, in pairs and in groups to discuss plans and to evaluate their own and their peers’ work in a constructive way. We also assist pupils to develop skills and knowledge of tools and materials, to appreciate the need for safety for themselves and others, and to develop their creative thinking, designing and making, and evaluative skills.


Underpinning the intent of the Futura Curriculum, are key substantive and disciplinary concepts. The future curriculum is designed so pupils can know more and remember more. The Futura curriculum framework can be found here.

The national curriculum for design and technology aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world
  • build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users
  • critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others
  • understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.




Early Years Foundation Stage
Early Years Foundation Stage

Great oaks from little acorns grow

The period from age three to the end of the Reception year is described as the Early Years Foundation Stage. It is a distinct stage and important both in its own right and in preparing children for later schooling.

At Saltford School we have an intake of 60, organised into two classes, Bumble Bee Class  and Butterfly Class.

The intent of our whole school curriculum is to ensure our pupils develop the necessary skills, knowledge and attitude to achieve fulfilling lives.  The EYFS department is the start of our pupils' school journey towards achieving this important purpose.  

In Reception we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. This curriculum is broad and varied and enables the children to learn how to be learners through engagement, enthusiasm, curiosity and play. We are guided by, and highly value, the four themes that make up the principles of the EYFS:

  • A unique child
  • Positive relationships
  • Enabling environments
  • Learning and development

The EYFS is based on seven areas of learning:

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Maths
  • Literacy
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

At Saltford we use the EYFS curriculum to identify the Characteristics of Effective Learning. This shows us how each child engages with other people and their environment, how they play and explore, if they are active learners and if they are creating and thinking critically. we provide opportunities for children to explore and take risks through child initiated play and teacher directed activities indoors as well as outdoors. Our aim is to help each child reach their full potential.

We observe children through child initiated play as well as teacher led activities. We use these observations to assess each child using the EYFS curriculum which informs us for each individual’s next steps.  We use ‘Tapestry’, an online learning journal, to document learning and the most special moments to them both at school and home and capture the child’s voice and perspective of their own learning. Tapestry offers a valuable communication tool between parents, who are able to access this securely, and school.

We value our partnership with parents and offer several curriculum evenings to support their understanding of their child’s education. A welcome evening in July, a Literacy workshop in September and a Maths workshop in October.  We hold regular ‘Access Afternoons’ where the children share their work and classroom environment with parents/carers.

Children have regular taught sessions of Phonics, Maths and Literacy. 

For Phonics we follow the Read Write Inc Scheme

For Maths we follow The White Rose Scheme

In Reception we go on several visits throughout the year. Children enjoy a variety of enhancing experiences that ensure what they are learning comes alive for them. There are daily opportunities for outdoor learning in the EYFS area and the secret garden. We our proud to note that Reception children participate in all our concerts, the Nativity and school wide events.

At Saltford transition from pre-school to Reception is a real strength. We offer stay and play sessions, where parents/carers can come for half an hour and interact with their child in their school environment; storytime sessions, where the children get used to their new setting with the class teacher and EYFS team and visit and speak to staff in their nurseries and pre-schools. This ensures we have as rounded a picture of the child prior to them joining us in September.

For a detailed breakdown of our intentions for all curriculum areas please see here.

For more information about your child's class do see our Bumble Bee and Butterfly Class pages.

Please see our 'Starting school in 2023' section here for lots of information on what school life is really like at Saltford, how you can best support your child as they prepare for this exciting step and how to apply smoothly.


Appreciating the spoken and the written word


Our focus in English is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping all pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. Our intent is that a high-quality education will inspire children to become creative and critical thinkers. We believe that it is the right of every child to become a competent and confident user of the English language; able to live, work and succeed in the literate world. Children will be able to communicate fluently and confidently, using a wide vocabulary accurately and effectively. They will be able to critique a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, appreciating a rich and varied literary heritage. Children will be inspired to become imaginative writers who can write coherently with a high level of accuracy in spelling, punctuation and grammar; children will be able to adapt their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. English provides the fundamental building blocks for students to succeed in all subjects; a high level of literacy provides the vehicle needed to unpick key concepts across the curriculum. This, alongside carefully selected texts appropriate to our contexts, develops the cultural capital needed to succeed in life. Crucially, we aim to foster a love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.


Our aims, as set out in the EYFS framework and the National Curriculum, are to teach children to

  • read easily, fluently and with good understanding
  • develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information
  • acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language
  • appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage
  • write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences
  • use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas
  • are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate.

We have been working in teams across the Futura Learning Partnership to create a shared curriculum for all schools to use across a range of subjects. The curriculum for English can be found within this document here.

Please see each of the following sections for more information: phonicsreadingwriting and assessment 


In Foundation Stage and Key Stage One all children have daily phonics lessons in class. Our EYFS and KS1 children undertake phonics learning through  Read, Write Inc.

Please see more information here.

All Y1 pupils are tested in June to establish their phonic knowledge and the results are reported to parents. Extra support is given to any child who has not reached the expected standard and they retake the test in Year Two.


For the teaching of reading from Foundation stage into Key Stage One and Lower Key Stage Two we have a reading scheme that begins with closely matched phonic books linked to our Read Write Inc scheme. From there, once children are fluent readers, they continue to work through a progression of books from National Bookbands up to Level 16 taken from a variety of publishers including Oxford University Press, PM and Walker.

On reaching the end of this scheme, children are moved on to independent readers and the Accelerated Reader scheme.  This scheme carefully tracks and monitors children's reading progress whilst allowing them the freedom to choose books for pleasure and enjoyment.  The books available include carefully selected texts that encourage a breadth of reading experiences For more information on the Acclerated Reader scheme please see the resources here and here. For children who require support with fluency and accuracy additional titles with high interest, lower reading ages are available, such as Barrington Stoke Books.


The Importance of Daily Reading

We hold the ‘simple view of reading’ which means we focus on developing readers who read with fluency and accuracy and comprehend the texts they read and are read to them. Please see our reading section here for useful links for children and parents and take a look at Miss Davis' Inspire Reading presentation here. There are games, book lists, tips for parents and more...

We develop childrens' understanding of what they read through:

  • daily opportunities to listen and discuss texts read to them.
  • By using texts that are linked to children’s interest or the topics they are studying.
  • Through VIPERS for reading comprehension across the school.


We teach a progressive set of specific written skills, in line with the outcomes from the Early Learning Goals in EYFS and the Age Related Expectations from the National Curriculum for Years 1 – 6, through a range of genres of writing.

We do this:

  • Through the teaching of cursive handwriting, guided by the Teach Handwriting scheme.
  • By studying units of fiction, non- fiction and poetry writing and unpicking features of different text types through modelled examples.
  • By using high quality, culturally diverse texts to focus our writing on.
  • Through regular opportunities for independent writing with clear, focussed feedback for individuals.

In Reception and early Key Stage One children are given a variety of opportunities to write within their play and, when they are ready, guided during teacher-directed tasks. Throughout the school writing is supported and developed through a range of cross curricular subjects as well as in English lessons.

To encourage the children to take ownership of their learning, teachers involve them in improvement of their written work. This includes giving them time to revise and edit their work considering targets by referring to small manageable ones set by themselves and the teacher for each piece of extended written work.


We teach spelling through the application of phonic knowledge linked to the phases and then in line with English Appendix 1 from the National Curriculum.

This is achieved through specific teaching of grapheme- phoneme correspondence in Sets 1-3 in EYFS and KS1. The focus on correspondence continues in KS2, where children are taught a wider range of graphemes for familiar and less-familair phonemes. This includes irregular and common exception words for each year group. 

Children in EYFS are regularly assessed for their application of their phonic knowledge and children in Year 1-6 undertake weekly spelling tests linked to the taught patterns.

For those children who find spelling challenging, lists are adapted in line with their current need and interventions such as Nessy, Read, Write Inc or Precision Teaching may be used to support their progression.

Assessing reading and writing

At Saltford teachers are gathering information about children’s reading and writing on a daily basis from a number of activities. This helps us ensure lesson planning meets the needs of individuals. In EYFS ongoing, daily assessment is recorded in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and in Y1- Y6 teachers assess and record whether a child is 'on track' to meet end of year expectations in reading and writing three times a year. Any child who is not making the expected progress is discussed and strategies are put in place to support them. This could be in the form of 1:1 teaching, small group activities or being heard read on a more regular basis. Statutory testing of reading and writing also takes place at the end of Y2 and Y6 and testing of Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar at the end of  Y6.

Further information

Please see the following documents for further information:

End of year expectations FS social and English
End of year expectations Y1 social and English
End of year expectations Y2 social and English
End of year expectations Y3 social and English
End of year expectations Y4 social and English
End of year expectations Y5 social and English
End of year expectations Y6 social and English

Saltford school website "reading room" Saltford school web page of tips for spelling, punctuation and grammar and our guide to Online Learning Support

Useful literacy websites

BBC - Schools Ages 4-11 - Literacy Sites
Reading and phonic support:


It's a fascinating world



We focus on inspiring in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. 


In Geography we aim to develop key areas of geographical learning. We have been working in teams across the Futura Learning Partnership to create a shared curriculum for all schools to use across a range of subjects. These schemes are a working document and will be updated regularly in line with curriculum developments. The document for Geography can be found within this booklet here and gives lots of detail about the different areas of geographical learning we focus on.

We place great value on equipping children with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with developing a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.. The children will learn about the landscape and the way humans affect it. To help them, we use maps, artefacts, accounts, books, images, videos, websites and their own observations. Fieldwork and visits are very important! The children record their work in many ways too.

We do this by studying a range of localities, including those we are familiar with and those that are contrasting, and by examining a variety of geographical themes. We often learn through topics, which we enjoy linking with other areas of the curriculum.

Please take a look at the Futura Geography document (link above) to see the progression in and strands of learning across the school and please find our Geography and History Handbook here.

We welcome any contributions that families can make to help us take our learning further! If you send in books or artefacts to support our work, please make sure they are clearly labelled.


Children enjoying some outdoor learning:




Bringing the past to life!


Our focus is to enrich, inspire and enthuse children in their understanding of the past, how it has changed and evolved over the years. We especially wish to bring history to life!


In History we aim to develop our historical skills and understanding through five main areas:

  • Chronological understanding
  • Knowledge and understanding of people and events in the past, and how they have changed
  • Historical interpretation
  • Historical enquiry
  • Organisation and communication

We endeavour to develop these skills through a variety of ways:

  • Educational visits to support our topics
  • Visiting speakers
  • Themed days
  • Role play/re-enactments

To support our learning, we have a wealth of resources, including books, artefacts, photographs, paintings, DVDs, costumes, log books and websites. We also welcome additional resources and artefacts brought in to support our topics.

We ensure that children are given a range of experiences and opportunities.

Curriculum Development

We have been working in teams across the Futura Learning Partnership to create a shared curriculum for all schools to use across a range of subjects. The document for History can be found here.

 Please find our Geography and History Handbook here.

 Here are some children enjoying their visit to the Roman Baths:




We all need maths


Our focus in mathematics teaching at Saltford Primary School is to encourage our children to be confident and enthusiastic mathematicians, making sense of the world around them through the development of their ability to reason, calculate and solve problems, building on skills learned in previous years.

Our long-term aim is to produce an ambitious, engaging, connected curriculum accessible to all pupils in the Futura Learning Partnership. Pupils will make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems.The intent of our mathematics curriculum is to design a curriculum, which is accessible to all and will maximise the development of every child’s ability and academic achievement and preparation for their journey into the wider world. We aim to deliver lessons that are creative and engaging. We intend for our pupils to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge across the curriculum. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content.

We have been working in teams across the Futura Learning Partnership to create a shared curriculum for all schools to use across a range of subjects. The document for Maths can be found within this booklet here.


The aims for our maths curriculum are:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
  • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions

For our youngest learners, we follow the Department for Education’s Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework which can be viewed here. This is implemented through our own sequenced curriculum, based on the EYFS White Rose Scheme that can be found here


Please see the EYFS class pages for a presentation about Early Maths development

In Key Stages 1 and 2 we follow the statutory programme of study for mathematics. Information on year-by-year objectives can be found here:

The children have a daily mathematics lesson with a strong emphasis on arithmetic, mental maths skills and problem solving. Children learn about a wide range of mathematical subjects, such as number, shape, data handling and measures. During these lessons children may work as a whole class, in groups or individually as appropriate. A wide range of resources is used. Maths is often of a practical nature, with more formal written methods being taught at Key Stage 2. With the help of parents the children are encouraged to learn number bonds and multiplication tables. All children follow the White Rose scheme of work, which builds understanding year on year. The programmes followed can be seen in the attached documents, showing curriculum coverage for Autumn, Spring and Summer terms:

White Rose Maths Year 1

White Rose Maths Year 2

White Rose Maths Year 3

White Rose Maths Year 4

White Rose Maths Year 5

White Rose Maths Year 6


Doodle Maths:

We are  using DoodleMaths, the award-winning homework programme. All children new to the system should have brought home from school a letter containing their class code. Please follow the instructions on the letter to access Doodle Maths. If you do not have the class code letter, please contact your child's teacher or the school office.


  • Has been proven to help children make big improvements in both their ability and confidence in maths - using for 10 minutes a day has helped children make 3 month’s progress in just 1 month.
  • Learns what your child’s strengths are, and what they need to work on, then builds a programme just for them.
  • Is fun and engaging!

It’s easy for you to be involved at home by using the Parent Connect app and the Parent Dashboard to track their progress. Please see a copy of the letter sent out to explain about Doodle Maths here.

In KS2 we have access to a site called “Times Table Rockstars” where children are able to take part in a variety of challenges. They will have been given a log in at school. You can access the site at:

Inspire Maths Session:

On 21st and 22nd January, Mr Godwin held sessions looking at the use of Doodle Maths in the school, the Y4 multiplication tables check, and the way in which maths is taught at Saltford. To see a copy of this presentation, please click here.


TT Rockstars and Numbots

We use Times Table Rockstars, a whole-school times table challenge, to encourage children to learn their multiplication facts by heart. For our younger children, we also subscribe to Numbots to promote early arithmetic skills.

Children complete fun and exciting games/activities according to their ability. Once they have improved their time taken to answer the questions their Rock Star Avatar changes. Can you aim to become a Rock legend? Further to this, the more frequently they play, then the more points they gain to spend on their Avatar.

Information for parents on written calculations

Please see the following PDF document for further information:

Progression in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division 


Maths games websites

Please click here for information about calculation methods and targets for each year group:

We recently held a maths evening for parents where we looked at different methods of calculation. The aim was to boost parents' confidence in helping their children with maths by demonstrating and trying out some of the written methods we use in class and by doing some games to help with understanding. If you would like to see more, please see the handout here.

Multiplication Tables check

There will be a new test for Year 4 children call the "Multiplication Tables Check".  Information on this check can be located on the letter sent to all Year 4 parents.  Further information for parents is also available here.

Modern Foreign Languages
Modern Foreign Languages

Ici on parle français


Our focus at Saltford School is on fostering pupils’ curiosity and deepening their understanding of the world through a high quality languages education.


Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. At Saltford and in liaison with the Futura Learning Partnership, we aim to foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. We strongly believe that languages are a skill for life, and something that pupils should enjoy and find rewarding.  Through learning a foreign language, we provide opportunities for the children to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read great literature in the original language with a focus on key phonics, grammar and vocabulary.

Language learning should provide the foundation for learning further languages. We hope to expand students’ cultural knowledge alongside developing their language skills.  

Through language learning, pupils gain a sound understanding of the structure of their own language, leading to effective communication in the foreign language.  Students of all abilities can benefit from learning a foreign language, supporting and enhancing their literacy learning across the curriculum. 

The Languages curriculum caters for students with varied previous language learning.  It enables students to build upon prior knowledge or language learning skills.

Students are well-prepared at the end of each key stage to tackle the next steps in language learning but equally, should they choose not to continue their formal language learning, they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to use in the workplace or for leisure or to further their learning. 

Inclusion: Our curriculum is ambitious for all and strives to address inclusion and disadvantage in its intent and implementation

Aims:  Underpinning the intent are key substantive concepts:

  • Listening (comprehension)
  • Speaking (production)
  • Reading (comprehension)
  • Writing (production) and Grammar
  • Independence - Using reference materials
  • Cultural Awareness and Understanding

For more details on these aims please refer to the Futura Knowledge Document for french which can be found here.



Learning languages at Saltford School 


We have been working in teams across the Futura Learning Partnership to create a shared curriculum for all schools to use across a range of subjects. The Futura Languages Curriculum Framework for MFL across the trust can be found in this document here.

The handbook for Modern Foreign Languages and how it is taught at Saltford School can be found here.

In addition to our learning in class, we offer the children the opportunity to take their love of languages further through our Spanish and French clubs.


Music makes us happy


Our focus is to provide a high-quality music education which should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.


The national curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians
  • learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence
  • understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.

We are very well equipped for music resources and all children are encouraged to participate and extend their musical development using pitched and unpitched instruments. Children explore rhythms, melodies, pitch, dynamics and timbre, developing teamwork, independence and self-confidence.

Instrumental lessons are taught by the West of England Music Alliance, offering violin, cello, guitar, flute, clarinet, saxophone, brass, voice, piano, percussion and other instruments. If your child is interested in Music Lessons, please follow this link to apply for music lessons. We also offer descant recorder tuition from Year Two upwards. 

Please find the current Music timetable here

Learning the fluteLearning the drumsLearning the guitarLearning the violinLearning the guitar in a groupLearning the guitarLearning the saxophoneLearning the guitar

All children are part of our school choir and we have a strong tradition of musical performances throughout the year. Key Stage One organise a Christmas Nativity and a Summer Concert. The Key Stage Two Christmas musical productions are always a highlight of the season. Harvest Festivals, Easter and Christingle Services are memorable celebrations throughout the year. There are also two choirs for the children to join in Key Stage 2; the Lower Key Stage 2 choir run by Mr George (Years 3 and 4) and the Upper Key Stage 2 choir (Years 5 and 6) run by Miss Benton.

We always welcome music and drama groups to enhance the musical learning and diversity of the curriculum for both staff and pupils.

Music Mark accreditationThe Music Mark school award comes in recognition of the value we place on music education as part of a broad and balanced curriculum.

When teaching music lessons, we follow the Active Music Scheme, an excellent resource that covers all the National Curriculum requirements. Each year group has its own plan to follow and a range of musical genres are included. 

We worked in teams across the Futura Learning Partnership to create a shared curriculum for all schools to use across a range of subjects. The document for Music can be found within this booklet here.

Please follow this link for the PDF document of the unit overviews and musical progression of Active Music.



Music Development Plan

Our Music Development Plan can be found here. Please find the Sing Up Curriculum here.



Positive about the benefits of PE


Our focus in Physical Education (PE) is to provide every pupil with the opportunity to develop his/her capabilities to the full, which in turn leads to the development of positive attitudes to taking part in physical activity. This has implications on their feelings, attitudes and learning throughout the curriculum and providing the opportunity for cross-curricular work.  Through the medium of PE, children gain knowledge about the body and how it works and responds to exercise.  They learn principles of movement and understand about how and why activity is undertaken.


PE should involve pupils in the continuous process of planning, performing and evaluating. It should:

  • promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles
  • develop positive attitudes (such as “fair play”, “honest competition”, “good sporting behaviour ”)
  • ensure safe practice

Pupils have two hours of PE timetabled per week through which we develop the fundamental skills of agility, balance and co-ordination. 

In addition children will be given the opportunities to develop their skills in dance, gymnastics, games, athletics as well as swimming in our own pool. 

There is a variety of extra-curricular sports clubs available to all children during, before and after the school day. See our clubs page for up to date information.

To view the PE rolling programme, click here. This links to our Scheme of work Complete PE. Due to Storm Eunice, we have had to adapt our rolling programme, our adapted programme can be found here.

We have been working in teams across the Futura Learning Partnership to create a shared curriculum for all schools to use across a range of subjects. The document for PE can be found within this booklet here.

Inter-school competition

As members of BANES School Sport Partnership the children enjoy a wide range of inter-school sports. Over the past year, we have sent teams of pupils to represent the school at boys and girls football, netball, cross-country, cricket and athletics.  In addition, each year group from yr 2-6 enjoy a cluster festival at Wellsway Academy.

We have had a number of individuals go even further and represent at County level in their chosen sport. To read more about our ‘Platinum’ School Games Mark please click here. This is a reward for our commitment to the development of competition across our school and into the community.

For the latest news on all of our sporting achievements keep an eye on our sports reports section.

PE premium

For up to date information about our PE Premium and our PE action plan see our Key information page here.

Personal, Social and Health Education

Helping pupils thrive as individuals and community members


Our focus is for every child to become a healthy, independent and responsible member of society. 


The purpose of the Futura Learning Partnership PSHE intent is to provide a framework for high quality PSHE education across phases which is accessible to all and ensures that each of our pupils will develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy, safe and prepared for life and work. The aim is to ensure our pupils understand more about how to play a positive and successful role within our society, both as a child and as an adult within the future. It should have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. The aim is for a holistic PSHE learning journey spanning the pupil’s school career, with a progressive, spiral curriculum that addresses real needs in a rapidly changing world. Our curriculum is ambitious for all and strives to address inclusion and disadvantage in its intent and implementation.


We use the Jigsaw scheme of work to deliver our PSHE lessons. Jigsaw gives our children the relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others.

During the school year we cover 6 core themes:

  • Being Me in My World
  • Celebrating Difference
  • Dreams and Goals
  • Healthy Me
  • Relationships
  • Changing Me

We teach PSHE in a variety of ways; as a discrete subject, through lessons, circle times, assemblies and through other curriculum subjects. As well as our outdoor educational visits, community work and activities, we have many visits from outside agencies.

RSE curriculum

In term 6 all classes will have lessons delivered from a theme called ‘Changing Me’. This unit teaches from the now statutory RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) curriculum. This is a valuable part of every child’s education and all will benefit from a clear programme of RSE. We have consulted all parents in years 4, 5 and 6 about the RSE curriculum via the Parent Voice Group. Face to face parents' briefings have also been held for parents to view the resources that will be shared with the children. Please see our Relationships and Sex Education Policy on our Saltford School Policies page here.


E is for equality. We have established an E-team to help promote and ensure that everyone is treated equally and fairly, and no-one is left out or discriminated against. We have recently introduced a playground buddy scheme aimed at improving playtimes for all pupils and making everyone feel included.

PSHE yearly overview

EYFS: please see Personal, social and Emotional Development section of the curriculum breakdown.

We have been working in teams across the Futura Learning Partnership to create a shared curriculum for all schools to use across a range of subjects. The document for PSHE can be found within this booklet here. The overview across the school can be seen in this document here.


Please look at these sites before using them with your child.



Helping your child to understand and cope with bereavement can be very difficult. Please see our bereavement information sheet and the useful websites listed below. Please read all the information before you talk to your children.


Healthy eating

Feelings and health

Understanding money

Religious Education
Religious Education

Understanding human life

We are a Church of England School and we greatly value RE lessons as times when children can explore and better understand their own and other people’s experiences of human life, its aspirations, times of celebration, problems and challenges.

We have been working in teams across the Futura Learning Partnership to create a shared curriculum for all schools to use across a range of subjects. You can find the RE document within this booklet here.

We use Discovery RE scheme materials in lessons. Here is a copy of our overview for this.

RE is an inclusive subject with many possibilities for cross curricular learning e.g. music, history, drama and art. Please see our Religious Education policy here.

We have very strong links with SACRE, the local organisation that oversees the teaching of RE. The collection of RE artefacts, which can be loaned to schools, is kept at Saltford and we often host RE training for teachers from other schools.


Developing interest and curiosity in the world


Our focus is for all children to gain a broad range of scientific knowledge and skills that help them to understand the world around them.


In science, children should develop a good range of scientific vocabulary and skills as required by the curriculum. Their enthusiasm for the subject should be driven by investigations. They should have high quality SRE delivered throughout their time at primary school.

We believe that the teaching of science develops in children an interest and curiosity about the world in which they live, and fosters a respect for the environment.

At Saltford, we value the importance of children asking their own questions about the world around them and discovering interesting ways to answer them. A practical and skills based approach is also central to the way in which we teach science.

We ensure that we use our links with other Futura schools to provide the children with high quality science experiences. The children have enjoyed trips to secondary school science labs and visits from outside experts. 


The purpose of the Futura Learning Partnership cross-phase Science curriculum is to help students understand and question the world around them. It gives them the scientific knowledge and skills that they need in order to be successful in their future lives and make a contribution to the wider community. Students are empowered with a strong knowledge base that they can then use to evaluate important issues, analyse evidence and problem solve. They develop the confidence to form their own opinions and articulate themselves effectively. Our engaging and challenging curriculum means that students who have studied Science at a Futura school will continue to enjoy learning about Science and how the world works throughout their lives.

For more information, please see the Futura Science Curriculum within this document here. The overview across the school can be seen as part of this document here.

Useful websites 
