
Pancake races on Tuesday 4th March
To celebrate Shrove Tuesday, we will be holding our traditional pancake races on Tuesday, 4th March. Children should bring in a pan and a pancake (in a named carrier bag) and we will hold pancake events on the playground for FS/KS1 and KS2 pupils.
Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent begins. Lent is the period of six weeks 40 days (not including Sundays) leading up to Easter, the most important festival in the Christian calendar. Shrove Tuesday is also known as Pancake Day because this day was traditionally the last chance to use up the foods Christians would not be eating during Lent.

Friday 7th February for all classes
The PTA are very excited to be holding their second disco of the year, on Friday 7th February. The disco is split into Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) followed by Key Stage 2 (Year 3 - 6 ) later in the evening. This will be our first disco for our Reception children, so parents are invited to stay in the library if they wish to support their children during the event.
Due to the fire limits of the hall, it is not possible for parents to stay with their children during the disco. There are sufficient parent helpers attending to ensure full supervision. Pick up and drop off are via our Claverton Road entrance only – accessing the Hall via the front door (which leads to the office). For Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 you will need to drop them at the hall at 5.30pm and collect them at 6.30pm. The disco for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will start at 6:45pm and will end at 8:00pm. If you wish to stay at school, there will be refreshments for parents in the library (for a small donation to PTA funds).
The tickets for FS/KS1 include a small bag of sweets, so they do not need to bring any money into the disco. There will a tuck shop for Years 3-6 so please bring your pocket money (change is always helpful). All children will need to bring a labelled water bottle as drinks are not provided as part of this.
If your child would like to request some songs for the disco on Friday then please complete the relevant Key Stage form below:
EYFS/KS1 disco:
KS2 disco:
We appreciate that a disco is not something that every child wants to take part in. If your child receives one to one support or adjustments at school to support sensory overload and they are attending – please see Mrs Sage to plan support needed.
Tickets are sold online from Monday 27th January at 6pm – please click on the following link to purchase your tickets: Parent helpers are needed on the evening so please sign up online if you can help. Prices of tickets:
£3.50 – FS/KS1 (including a small bag of sweets)
£2.50 – Years 3-6 (these tickets do not include refreshments).
Please give just a little of your time
Please click on the links below to sign up to help at the Christmas fair on Friday. It is critical to have enough helpers so that all our children can enjoy everything that is laid on at the fair. All volunteers will be entered into a draw to win a bottle of fizz…
Slots are only 30 minutes long so that everyone has time to enjoy the fair with their children and do their bit to help. Thank you very much for your support.
Monday 2nd Dec prep night – hall 4.30-6pm:
Monday 2nd Dec prep night – hall 6-8pm:
Friday 6th set up before fair:
Tea room with hot chocolate and mulled wine - in hall:
3.15 - 3.45pm
3.45 – 4.15pm
4.15 – 4.45pm
Craft room, making reindeer food, boppers, and decorating gingerbread men in Badger Room:
3.45 – 4.15pm
4.15 – 4.45pm
Sweet stall and chocolate tombola in the nest
3.15 – 3.45pm 3.45 – 4.15pm
Bottle tombola in library
3.15 – 3.45pm
Facepainting in Pear class
3 – 4pm
4 – 4.45pm
Info desk, gift stall, selling raffle tickets in the hall
3.15 – 3.45pm
3.45 – 4.15pm
4.45 – 5.15pm
Tidy up, meet in the hall, 5 – 5.30pm:

Make life lighter for children
We will be supporting BBC Children in Need this year on Friday 15th November. Children may wear something spotty to school along with their usual uniform, in exchange for a small donation. The main aim of this year’s campaign is to challenge yourselves to make life lighter for children.
Please note that the spotty items do not have to be official merchandise; we’ll be very pleased to see the children wearing something they have created themselves or something spotty that they already have.
If you would like to support Children in Need’s fundraising through school, we suggest a small donation in exchange for wearing something spotty. We have set up a JustGiving page this year which is now open for donations of £2 or more. The link is below. Children are still welcome to bring in £1 cash to school if preferred which we will collect and add to the online total.
This year's online fundraising page is here:

11am 11th November
Remembrance at school
On Monday 11th November the whole school will mark Remembrance Day. We will all go outside to observe two minutes' silence at 11am. Mrs May will play the Last Post before we fall silent and she will mark the end of the silence by playing the Reveille. Our Monday assembly later in the day will observe Remembrance Day also.
In their classes, children will learn about Remembrance Day, why people wear poppies in November and why we observe the silence. Remembrance can bring people of all ages and backgrounds together to reflect upon the service of the Armed Forces and join together in hoping for a peaceful future.
Poppy appeal
From the first week of term, we will be selling poppies and a choice of poppy appeal items in support of the Royal British Legion's poppy appeal. The extra items and suggested donations are listed below. You can see what they look like on the RBL poppy shop here. You can also donate direct to the poppy appeal here.
Zip pull, suggested donation 50p
Wrist band, suggested donation £1
Poppy reflector, suggested donation 50p.
Wednesday 9th & Thursday 10th October
It is that time of year when we enjoy our traditional harvest festivals and think about our community and where our food comes from. We are also really looking forward to seeing the children perform.
Reception/Key Stage 1: there are two Harvest performances for FS/KS1 in the School Hall on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th October, each starting at 9:15am. The services will last approximately 30 minutes.
Key Stage 2: there are also two Harvest performances for KS2 in the School Hall on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th October, each starting at 10am. These services will last approximately 45 minutes.
Donations: as part of our celebrations, we collect harvest gifts of food. This aspect of the celebration is "caring for our community" in practice. This year's donations will go to the local food bank.
If your family would like to make a harvest donation, please send please see the list below for their most wanted items. Please note that fresh goods are not required, and just one item per family is enough. Please send donations to school with your child from Monday 7th October and leave them in the crates that will be provided at the front of the school. We will collect them and make a display on our stage as part of the festival. The collection will close at the end of the day on Thursday 10th October.
Thank you in advance for your generosity. The most wanted items are:
Tins of spaghetti bolognaise, fruit, rice pudding and macaroni cheese
Cartons of fruit juice and dairy UHT milk
Jars of pasta sauce
Packets of sugar, chocolates and sweets
Sponge puddings
Essentials such as toilet rolls, toiletries, washing detergent pods and washing up liquid.
If you wish to make a personal donation or find out more about the charity please go to the Keynsham Food Bank website here.
Tickets: each family has been allocated two tickets. Please collect them after school. Parents in FS/KS1 should collect their ticket from the teacher of the youngest sibling in FS/KS1. In the same way, KS2 parents should collect from the teacher of youngest sibling in the KS2 phase. The final deadline for ticket collection is Friday 4th October. If you don't collect your child from school, please send a named envelope in with your child with the required day and number of tickets (maximum two). Staff will put the ticket in the envelope and send home with your child.
Please have your ticket with you on the morning of the performance to show Mrs Sage on the door and please do double check the day of the performance on your ticket so we can ensure the right number of seats are available.

Swimming begins Monday 9th September
Swimming for term 1 starts on Monday 9th September. The current timetable is here.
Helpers needed for this activity
Volunteers are essential to support this activity and we would be very grateful if you could consider if you are able to help. All volunteers must hold a DBS certificate with this school. For your DBS still to be valid, you must have helped in school in any capacity within the last 3 months. If this is not the case and there has been a gap longer than 3 months, please reapply for your DBS.
If you do not hold a current DBS for this school, it needs to be organised prior to your volunteering. If this applies to you, please contact the school office for an application pack as soon as possible.
If you are signed up to help, or are wondering what is involved with regard to safety, please read the current guidelines for swimming helpers here.
Quick links to helper sign-up sheets
There is an electronic sign-up sheet for each class which shows the number of helpers required and how many spaces are available. When you offer to help you will be asked for your first and last name, email address and phone number. You cannot proceed without this. Personal details are not used for anything other than running the site. Please see more information about volunteersignup and privacy below.
Apple Class: Mon 1.30–3pm
Pear Class: Thurs 1.30–3pm
Palm Class: Tues 1.30–3pm
Cherry Class: Wed 1.30–3.00pm
Sycamore Class: Thurs 10.30–12 noon
Maple Class: Tues 9.00–10.30am
Lime Class: Weds 10.30–12 noon
Willow Class: Mon 9.00–10.30am
Elm Class: Mon 10.30–12 noon
Horse Chestnut Class: Tues 10.30–12 noon
Ash Class: Weds 9.00–10.30am
Oak Class: Thurs 9.00–10.30am
Electronic sign-up and privacy
We have used the volunteer sign up website many times before. When you offer to help you will be asked for your first and last name, email address and phone number. You cannot proceed without this. Personal details are not used for anything other than running the site. The website’s privacy notice is available here:
Kit reminder
The current timetable is here. Please take note of when your child/children will be swimming to ensure that they have the appropriate clothing available on their swimming day as we do not have the capacity to contact home for forgotten kit with so many children swimming. NB: No jewellery is to be worn. The required kit is:
- A one-piece swimming costume or trunks – no bikinis
- A named towel
- A named swimming hat (use permanent marker to name)
- A waterproof bag to be sent in with the child’s swimming kit weekly
- Goggles are not compulsory but may be worn if preferred. They must be named.

Everything you need to know for the first week back
Mrs Sage would like to welcome everyone back for the new school year. There's lots to look forward to and many opportunities linked to additional provision to enrich our children's education.
We've highlighted below some practical information you'll need before the first day back. There is also lots more specific information for parents of our new reception children on our website: Starting School in 2024. Take a look also at for tips for parents on having your child ready for school. These include what to do about absences, tips for healthy snacks in line with school policy and the procedure at the end of the school day. There is a wealth of information about about school routines and procedures in the prospectus here.
Your class letter will contain lots of practical information too. Copies of these can be found on the relevant class page of our website.
When do we start?
This year, school starts on Wednesday 4th September. Years 1 – 6 should arrive in school at 8.40am as usual,
The split sessions for new Reception children are 8.40am – 11.45am and 1.00pm – 3.15pm.
What should we bring?
Children should bring their school book bags and be wearing the correct school uniform. Children are advised to bring their PE kit on the first day back. We like to encourage the children to take responsibility for remembering what they need to bring to school and packing it in good time. Please remember to name all items. If you wonder why, take a look at our overflowing lost property box!
Swimming starts on the first Monday back, 9th September. Willow, Elm and Apple classes are swimming that day. Please see the swimming timetable for all classes here.
Do keep your eye on the Clubs page for up-to-date information about clubs and their timetables.
School dinners
The current menu is on our website here: Saltford Primary - Zest Menu - 2024 (
Dinners must be ordered by, at the latest, midday of the day before the dinner is required. If your child will require a dinner on the first day back, the order will need to be placed before midday on Tuesday 3rd September.
All the information you need about school dinners is on the 'school dinners' section of the website. Dinners for children in years 3 - 6 should be paid for in advance using MCAS.
During the first week of term, parents will receive a class letter and curriculum map that will detail class arrangements for terms 1 and 2, including PE and swimming times and arrivals and departures guidelines.
Do look out for our launch newsletter that will be emailed to every family on Thursday of the first week back. This website is frequently updated with news, pictures and practical information, so keep an eye on our news and sports reports pages. The weekly newsletter is emailed to all contacts every Thursday. Our school X (Twitter) account gives you instant access to pictures and news as we have so much going on in a typical week at Saltford School.
Welcome meetings
We strongly advise that you attend our welcome meetings in term 1. They provide an opportunity for parents to meet the staff and to talk through the year to come. It is the ideal time to clear up any questions you may have. You will also be invited to visit the classrooms after the meeting. Do look out for messages from school containing details of your meeting.
The only year groups not having their meetings next term will be the new Reception classes and the new Y3 classes because they have already had their meetings.
Wednesday 4th September 5pm: Year 6 welcome meeting in hall
Thursday 5th September 5pm: Year 5 welcome meeting in hall
Monday 9th September 5pm: Year 2 Welcome meeting in hall
Tuesday 10th September 5pm: Year 1 Welcome meeting in hall
Wednesday 11th September 5pm: Year 4 Welcome meeting in hall
Mon 16th September: EY literacy meeting
The presentations from the meetings, as well as the usual class letters and subject overviews, will all be available on your child's class page.
Get involved
We always encourage parents to be engaged in school life. Please take a look at our wonderful PTA pages and find out how you could get involved. It's rewarding and it's fun.
We also encourage children to be engaged in all that school has to offer. See our 'Children' section for details of all the opportunities available to them.
We always appreciate the help parents and extended families can give in the school day. Mrs Sage sends a letter to ask for help in the classroom each year. Please complete the form on the letter if you are able to hear children read, help with computers etc. Any offer of help via any means is welcome.

Monthly chance to buy pre-loved uniform & tasty cakes and swap a book for free
The money raised from each cake sale goes to that class who can then choose the toys and games they would like for their classrooms, so please support your class. The PTA will also be selling nearly new school uniform at very attractive prices and there will be a free book swap available at the same time.
For the book swap, children can donate their pre-loved books anytime in the box outside the school office. On the cake sale days, children can come into the hall and help themselves to a new book of their choice for free. This is not a fundraising event, just a way to encourage the children to share books and encourage recycling.
Friday 20th September 2024: Year 1
Friday 11th October: Year 6
Friday 22nd November: Year 3
Friday 17th January 2025: Year 2
Thursday 13th February: Year 6 supplementary cake sale; no uniform sale and book swap at this one.
Friday 7th March: Year 4
Friday 2nd May: Reception
Friday 6th June: Year 5
Classes are paired in year groups for the sales which take place monthly on a Friday in the hall from 3.15 – 3.30 pm. The uniform sales and book swap take place in the hall at the same time.
Please bring in cakes on the morning of the sale. The children should leave them on the left hand library shelf. If you need your container back, please ensure it is labelled and collect it from the library the following Monday.
There are children in school with severe life-threatening nut, lentil and seed allergies so please do check your cakes carefully. If you are donating gluten free/ dairy free or vegetarian cakes, please ensure they are clearly labelled.
Please bring change if you are purchasing cakes and encourage older children to go along to the cake sale independently to keep the queues down to the minimum. Thank you for your support.

May 2023 report 'Outstanding' in all areas of provision
On 28th February and 1st March we welcomed His Majesty's Ofsted Inspector (HMI), Kelly Olive and her team to our school when we were pleased to be able to share with them all that makes our school the special place that it is. They were hugely impressed with the children at Saltford, describing them as welcoming, extremely well-behaved, eager to participate in all aspects of school life and passionate about their learning.
In the final report, inspectors said pupils and staff were rightly proud of their inclusive school, where all children are encouraged to be the best versions of themselves. They added that headteacher Dawn Sage and her team pursued excellence at all times and had constructed a curriculum that was exceptional.
“Staff share this continuous drive for improvement across all aspects of the school. Together, they are aspirational for what pupils can achieve,” Ofsted said,
“The school’s vision, ‘Caring for our Community,’ informs the development of pupils’ characters. They are kind and look for ways to help others,” the report noted.
“Pupils are highly motivated. They try hard in lessons and show resilience when faced with a setback. When attempting work that they find challenging, pupils persist until they are successful. Pupils strive to meet the high expectations set by staff.”
Other areas the inspectors highlighted included the welcoming library and the strong culture of reading, the wealth of opportunities for children to take on leadership roles, the many clubs and activities and the extensive choice of outdoor play activities.
“Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the education and care their children receive at the school,” Ofsted said.
The school was rated Outstanding for quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and early years provision.
The inspectors praised the high-quality training for staff, tailored to support the school’s priorities. This meant that children, including those with special educational needs or disabilities and those from disadvantaged backgrounds, were able to flourish. Staff morale was said to be high, with leaders, including governors, placing importance on wellbeing.
The support provided by Futura Learning Partnership, which Saltford school joined in 2016, was also highlighted.
Ofsted said: “The trust’s support has been instrumental in developing the expertise of staff. The trust, combined with an effective local governing body, share the vision of leaders. They
support and challenge in equal measure. As a result, the pupils at this school receive outstanding provision.”
Mrs Sage said the inspection outcome was thanks to the efforts of the whole school community, including children, staff, parents, wider families, the local community and the trust.
“We are so proud of our school, where children are challenged in their learning and are nurtured to develop personally and academically. Saltford C of E Primary is a place where children value their strong friendships and feel safe and happy in school. We all strive every day to make sure the school is a place where everyone can thrive,” she said.
Andrea Arlidge, chief executive of Futura Learning Partnership, said: “We are delighted that the consistently excellent education and care provided at Saltford CofE Primary School has been recognised by Ofsted. This wonderful report is a tribute to the hard work of everyone connected with the school – congratulations to all.”
Further information
Saltford School letter to parents
Ofsted Parent View. Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of your child’s school. In addition, they publish the overall summary of the responses to Ofsted Parent View.