
Sports reports

Basketball Tournament

Well done to all!


Last Tuesday two mixed team of Y5 & Y6 took part in the annual basketball competition at Wellsway. Both teams played a round-robin of 7 games. Both teams played fantastically and used all of the skills they have learnt in both their PE lessons and at Matt's morning basketball club. There was some tough competition but Saltford A team finished in 1st place, having only lost one game! Saltford B worked hard as a team and came 6th place, ensuring they got a basket in every single game! Well done to both teams, we are very proud of how hard you have worked. A big thank you to Matt and Dave Burston for organising the event and thank you to the parents and staff that supported them after school. 

Year 5 Quadkids

fun in the sun!


On Thursday 10 Y5 children took part in the annual Quadkids event at the Glass House playing fields in Bath. They children had to work together across 4 events to get a combined score. This included a 600m run, howler throw, standing long jump and 75-meter sprint. They all worked so hard, especially given the hot weather we had. The team placed 5th out of 8 and were competing against many Y6 teams, so an amazing achievement. A special mention to Florence Sanigar who placed 3rd in the girls individual totals. Well done to all the children who took part, you showed great sportsmanship and represented the school amazingly. 



Anyone for tennis?


On Wednesday 15th May, eight year 4’s took part in a tennis competition at The Sports Village at The University of Bath.  The children were put into two teams and played many, many matches throughout the afternoon against other teams/schools from across the county.  It was a pleasure to see the children play at this prestigious venue and they were clearly thrilled to be there.  The sports ambassadors from Haysfield school together with the tennis coaches umpired the games and after two exhausting hours of non -stop tennis, it was with much excitement that one of our team were announced as the overall winners, each receiving a gold medal! Many congratulations to them and to everyone else who took part and thanks to all the parents who helped with transport .

Football Festival Fun!

Goals, goals, goals.


Our year 5 girls’ football team and two girls from year 4 were invited to play in a football festival on Monday 13th May which was organised by Bath City FC.  The focus of the day wasn’t about winning or losing but to play lots of football and have lots of  fun and our girls certainly did just that! In fact, throughout the day, the girls’ played 9 matches against 9 schools in attendance from across the area and scored an incredible 18 goals along the way. The team either won or drew their games not losing a single match.  Furthermore, they managed to keep a clean sheet throughout the whole festival- a first for Saltford school! The girls should be incredibly proud of their 18 goals scored as well as the many others that were saved along the way.  Many, many congratulations girls- you were all fantastic!  Thank you to Bath City FC and to Dave Burston for this event and to the many parents who came along to support

Silver success.

Excellent performances from all.


It’s not every day you walk away with 10 silver medals but on Tuesday 30th April our year 4 gymnastics team did just that! The children have been practising their routines before school for many weeks so were absolutely delighted that all of their early starts and hard work resulted in a second place podium finish.  The competition, held at Baskervilles Gym in Bath, was attended by eight other primary schools in the local area and was, as always, a very competitive event.  The standard of all the attendees appeared to be higher than ever this year but our children held their nerve and performed their individual routines with such finesse and expertise that it was a real honour to witness. Individual medals were awarded to Alba, Isla and Harper for their outstanding individual performances too! Well done girls’- we are all very proud of you.





Amazing cup run comes to an end.

Well done girls!

We are so proud of our year 6 girls’ team who were knocked out of the football cup competition this week.  We travelled to play Weston All Saints Primary School (WASPS) after school on Monday 22nd April to play in a very competitive match.  Without our goalkeeper (who is still injured)  we knew from the beginning that this was going to be a tough match so the game was played in quarters to allow us to rotate a player in goal.  The first quarter, we lost 2-0 but then we improved as the next two quarters were both 1-0 to WASPS.  We were delighted in the last quarter as we finished the game with a clean sheet!  The final result did not reflect the many chances Saltford created throughout the whole match.  The girls played some wonderful, creative football and had many shots on goal but unfortunately their goalkeeper was well drilled and rehearsed and saved every chance we created.   The girls’ nevertheless should all be extremely proud of themselves for their fantastic cup run this year.  They have been an absolute pleasure to accompany and I have loved being part of their football journey. 

Goals, goals, goal!

Into the next round...

It’s been quite a week for our year 6 girls’ football team; in the space of two school days they’ve played two matches and scored an unbelievable 20 goals!

Last Thursday, we welcomed a team from The Meadows to play in a friendly game to prepare the girls for the competitive knock out match the following week. The Meadows were a credit to themselves, never giving up despite a very dominant Saltford team.  The final result was 7-1.

Today, Monday 11th March, the same team travelled to St Nicholas School in Radstock to play in the BaNES schools knock out cup.  Once again, Saltford dominated.  Our year 6 girls were a pleasure to watch and outplayed the opposition with ease. With so many goals scored by us in the first half, we offered to mix up the teams to make the match more competitive but the offer was declined by St Nick’s who chose to continue to play as the match began. Unfortunately for them, they couldn’t break into our half as we were too dominant for them .... The final score was 13-0 to us!

Thank you to Mr Andrews, Mr Hutchinson and Mr Vine for transporting the team and to St Nicks for hosting.  We are looking forward to the next round.


Gracious in defeat.

Well done girls!

It was a tough game for our year 5 girls last Thursday.  St Keyna started positively and unfortunately that struck the tone for this match.  Nevertheless, our girls continued to give 100% and never gave up with their commitment and defending.  After the half time break, Saltford had a couple of shots on target denied by St Keyna’s excellent goal keeper but still the Saltford team showed true grit and determination and never let their heads drop. As the well known phrase goes- ‘you can’t win them all’ so we are ready to go again next time!  Well done to the girls’ for their excellent sportsmanship and attitude and congratulation to St Keyna who were most humble in their victory.

Goal, goals and more goals!

Semi Finalists

Twelve goals in total were scored by the Year 4’s representing the school at the annual schools’ football tournament on Tuesday 27th February.  The day started superbly with a convincing 4-0 win against St Keyna. Despite the run of play and our continual dominance, we lost the next match, 0-2 against Moorlands. We played Combe Down next and the boys pressed hard.  They continued to pass the ball and kept possession throughout the whole match, scoring 4 more goals and keeping another clean sheet. After lunch, refreshed and refuelled , the boys were eager to play in the knock out stages of the competition.  We faced St Stephens first and our team were outstanding once again.  They showed their superb skills, passed the ball continually and dominated the whole match to win 2-0.  Next up, we faced Pensford.  This was an extremely tight game with Oliver making the save of the tournament to keep it at 0-0 at half time.  Soon afterwards, Noah scored a brilliant goal to put us ahead but within the final minute of normal time, Pensford took advantage of a free kick and equalised shortly afterwards.  The game went into extra time at 1-1 but neither school could break the deadlock. The dreaded penalties were next!  After 3 each, it was once again all square so we headed into ‘sudden death’. Both teams scored again with success ( 4-4) but unfortunately, it wasn’t to be Saltford’s day- we missed our 5th penalty and Pensford scored theirs...

Well done boys- a third place finish out of 16 schools and 12 goals scored throughout the day, is something to be very proud of.  Moreover, it was the teams attitude and sportsmanship behaviour which I am most proud to report.  Each player represented our school as a great role model.  They worked together and played as a team throughout the whole tournament and were highly commended by the organisers for this. Congratulations boys! Thank you to all of the parents who helped with the transport and cheered and encouraged from the sidelines.  Thanks also to Mr Roberts for his tactical coaching and to Mr Burston for organising the event.  


Swimming Success.

Well done Team Saltford!

On the afternoon of Tuesday 6th February, Mrs Nethercott, Mrs Brook and Mr Lye Senior and Mr Lye Junior had the pleasure in accompanying 19 KS2 children at the annual schools swimming gala at Keynsham Leisure Centre. It is always one of the highlights in our busy sporting calendar and one that always comes with an electrifying atmosphere.  The gala began with the girls' freestyle relay, quickly followed by the boys' freestyle relay. The breast stroke event was next followed by the 25 metre freestyle event, the medley relay, the butterfly and the backstroke and the mixed cannon freestyle relay to finish! All of the races were extremely competitive as well as being highly entertaining and pleasurable to watch.  The children were all able to show case their exceptional talents with many convincing wins. (we really enjoyed winning the last event especially.) The children were absolutely thrilled to finish the gala in a very respectable third place out of seven schools in total, narrowly missing the top spot by just 11 points.  Without having any school lessons for two years now (due to our pool temporarily out of action) the children and their parents can be extremely proud of this result.Thank you to Dave Burston for organising, to Mrs Jones for the excellent poolside assistance and to all the parent helpers who provided the transport and cheered the team on. 

County Finalist!

Excellent performances from all.

On the morning of Tuesday 6th February, Mrs Brook, Mr Jenkins and Mr Roberts accompanied our winning Year 6 athletics team to the county finals at UWE, Bristol. The children competed against 12 other schools from all over the South West in events such as sprinting races, relay and obstacle races, the javelin, long and triple jumps and speed bounces. The children all performed to a very high standard showing great sportsmanship throughout the whole morning. We finished a very respectable 7th place overall and everyone left with huge smiles on their faces. Many thanks to Mrs Oliver and Mr Andrews who helped with the transport, to Mr Jenkins who drove the mini bus and Mr Edwards who accompanied us. Well done year 6’s - we are very proud of your achievements and for representing B&NES at the 2024 County Finals.


B&NES Gymnastics Competition- Many Congrats!

On Tuesday 30th January, 9 Year 6 girls took part in the B&NES annual gymnastics competition at Baskervilles in Bath. The girls worked really hard coming in early each week to practice their routines. We secured 2nd place for our Level 1 team and 6th place for our Level 2 team. There were only 2 points separating 1 st and 6th places. A special mention to Sophie V and Emily P who were awarded individual medals for 1st and 2nd place! Well done girls; you all represented the school brilliantly and should be really proud of your achievement. Thanks to, Mrs Brook, Miss Mulready and Miss Harding, and those parents who provided transport for their support of the team

Amazing Athleticism!

County Finals Await in the new year...

We were all very grateful that last Wednesday’s athletics competition was indoors (it was a freezing outside!) as seventeen of our year 6’s took part in the annual indoor athletics competition held at Wellsway sports hall alongside five other primary schools from the area.  The events included: relay, obstacle and hurdle races as well as javelin throwing, chest pushes, vertical jumps, triple jump, long jump and speed bounces. It was an extremely competitive event with a fantastic atmosphere which showcased all the talented children we have at our school. It was very exciting to learn the day next day that we had won the whole competition and each member of the team were presented with a medal.  We can now progress onto the county finals in February!

 Thank to Dean Garrett , Dave & Cath Burston for organising such a wonderful event. A special mention to the fantastic Sports Ambassadors too who helped run the individual events.

First Round Victory!


Last Thursday, our year 5 girls with the help of Savannah from year 6, played in the first round of the Bath and District knock out cup competition.  The girls were so excited to play their first competitive match for the school that they attacked Oldfield Park Junior School from the first whistle with great pace and enthusiasm.  The game was very exciting to watch -the girls showed off their passing and movement skills around the football pitch and were a joy to watch.  Liv, Tally and Lauren were solid in defence and did a great job protecting Savannah and our goal.  Dolci, Alana and Sienna worked equally well in attack and fed the ball accurately for Alana to score first within 10 minutes.  OPJS were unable to break down our defence in either half of the game and Lauren was able to score our second with a wonderful run down the left wing.  With only 5 minutes left of the game, Sienna made a superb run down the right  wing, passed the ball to Dolci who fired home our third and final goal!  Many congratulations girls- a thoroughly well derserved victory.  Thank you to Mr Edwards for refereeing and to  all the parents and teachers who cheered the team on.  Bring on Round Two!!



7-a-side Mixed Football Tournament at Odd Down

Super Soakers Saltford!

On Tuesday 14th November, the Year 6 Saltford Mixed Football Team attended the annual 7-a-side football tournament at Odd Down Sports Centre.

Despite the driving rain, the team made a positive start in a tight match, narrowly losing 1-0 to Moorlands School. 

By the second and third matches in the group stage, the Saltford squad had settled into the tournament and showed fantastic team work beating Roundhill School 2-0 and Castle school 1-0. 

Although the final game of the group stage ended in a 1-0 defeat against Oldfield Park Junior School, Saltford finished 3rd in the group, qualifying for the Plate Competition play offs.

In the first match of the knockout stage, Saltford played St Keyna. It was another very close match ending in a 1-0 victory to St Keyna ending Saltford's journey in the tournament this year.

Well done to all of the Saltford team who played their best in every match: Zach W, Ollie C, Charlie T, Mikey M, Alex B, Zach U, Robyn H, Bertie G and Rory F. 

Thank you to all the parents who helped with lifts to and from the venue and supporting from the touchline in extremely wet and windy conditions


Super Saltford Girls Shine Through The Rain!

Well Done.

Mr Roberts writes, we could not have been prouder of our Saltford girls team on Thursday when they competed against 15 other schools in the area at the annual BANES football tournament. We were drawn in a really tough group containing Chandag, Newbridge and Castle schools. In our first match, we comfortably saw off Castle School with two superb goals coming from Robyn and Esther. We then played a very confident Chandag side, coming off the back of thrashing Newbridge. Though we held out for a good while, Chandag eventually broke down our defenses and won the game. In our final match in the pools, we knew that a draw would put us through to the knockout stages of the cup. We played a defensive game which ended in 0-0. After lunch, we were delighted to find out that we had come second in our group and learnt that we had drawn the mighty WASPs in the quarter finals of the cup competition. Clearly the Super Saltford girls had saved their best performance of the day for this tough battle. WASPs had finished top of their group and came at us with everything they had but the Saltford girls defended majestically, despite a sudden downpour, and WASPs could not find a way through. The game went to extra time and was looking destined for penalties, but in the dying seconds of the game, WASPs scored an absolute screamer from outside of the box.

Ultimately we all had a lovely day. The girls showed their skills on and off the pitch, demonstrating excellent skills, integrity, and sporting spirit. Thank you to all of the players, and parents who helped with transport, and to Mr Burston and Mrs Brook for giving up their time to organise and support this wonderful event.

Smiles despite the result!

Well done boys.

At the end of the first term, we welcomed Weston and All Saints Primary School to play our year 5 football team. We were fortunate to have a squad of 14 players for this 7 a side match which meant there were plenty of opportunities for all of our team to demonstrate their skills. All of the boys were a pleasure to watch, worked well and never gave up despite facing a very strong WASPs team. James was superb in goal and saved many balls from seeing the back of the net with some incredible acrobatic skills! Tommy charged through the defence to score a fabulous goal which lifted the spirits of all of the team and supporters on the side lines.  Congratulations to WASPs who were worthy winners and demonstrated super sportsmanship throughout the whole match.  Thank you to Mr Roberts who refereed, Mr Boyle for his leadership and all of the staff who cheered on from the side.  Thanks, Mrs Brook. 01.11.23

Smiles in the sunshine at Odd Down Sports Complex



The sun shone on our cross country runners yesterday as they competed alongside 17 other local primary schools, approximately 400 children, in the annual cross country event at Odd Down Sports Complex. Miss Mulready and Mrs Brook were so proud of our Year 5 & Year 6 runners having already achieved the top 5 places last week at school in order to compete in this exciting event.
The year 5 boys made an incredible start and set a blistering  pace around the course.  Benji crossed the finish line in 3rd place to gain the bronze medal.  The whole year 5 team finished in the top 35 runners which meant as a team , they claimed first place overall. Well done boys!  The year 5 girls were next- Florence sprinted from the start and led the way around the whole field leaving the pack chasing her! She crossed the finish line with ease to claim her gold medal.  Congratulation Flo! The year 5 girls' team finished inside the top 20, which gave them 4th place overall- Amazing! The year 6 boys were next and they all finished inside the top 28 which gave the whole team a bronze medal- fantastic.  The year 6 girls were the last team to race and finished inside the top 37 which meant that they finished 5th overall. Well done!  Thank you to all the parents for their support and for Mr Burston for organising such a fun event.



Cross Country Success!

On Wednesday 27th September, KS2 took part in the annual inter-school cross-country competition with the help of The Wellsway sports ambassadors and their teacher, Mrs Burston. 

The day started strongly with the year 6 setting a high standard of competition. The year 6 girls set off with Thea claiming 1st place followed by Sophie and Esther. The year 6 boys had Rory, Charlie and Aiden all battling it out for first place with Rory eventually crossing the line in first place with Charlie and Aiden claiming 2nd and 3rd place respectively. 

Next, it was the turn of the year 5 girls. Florence set a blistering pace and continued her form from the previous two years to claim gold. Holly came second and Alana claimed the third podium position. The year 5 boys was an equally competitive event seeing Benji, Jacob and Christopher crossing the finish line in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place respectively. 

The year 3 girls competed after playtime in their first Saltford cross country race and all ran brilliantly. Sophie crossed the line in first place, closely followed by Amelia and Flora. The year 3 boys matched the girls in competitive spirit with Joss claiming the gold and Parker wining silver.

Finally, the year 4’s did not disappoint the crowd and finished what was already a brilliant morning on a high. The girls showed great maturity and ran with ease and class. Orla won in 1st place, followed closely by Willow and Isla.  The boys wrapped up the morning’s fun with an incredible sprint from Noah to claim gold with an equally amazing run from Jackson and Toby who won silver and bronze respectively.  It was a pleasure to watch the children participate with great resilience and passion. A big thank you also to the Wellsway sports ambassadors (including ex pupils) and Mrs Burston without whom the competition could not take place. 


Cup Finalists!

Congratulations Saltford Lionesses!

On the final week of this academic year our y5/6 girls’ team played their highly anticipated cup final match against Moorlands Junior School.  This incredible team have won every match since this knock out competition began in September to reach this prestigious event.  (An astonishing 38 teams throughout Bath and North East Somerset entered)  The excitement didn’t disappoint the crowd which came along to support the girls including many members of staff.  Right from the kick off, both teams displayed some fantastic football but it was Moorlands who (somehow) broke through our defence after 10 minutes to snatch an early lead.  The second half began as the first- it was frantic, end to end football and had it not been for Moorlands wonderful goalkeeper, Saltford would have snatched the equaliser needed as well as the victory as our girls continued to drive forward and shoot on target at every opportunity  throughout the second half of the match.  Eventually, a hand ball gave us a penalty which levelled the match,1-1.  As the minutes ticked by to reach the full time whistle without any further goals scored, extra time was played but unfortunately, neither team could gain the advantage.  The dreaded penalties came next and once again Moorland’s goalkeeper proved to be the winning formula.

Obviously, we were all very disappointed not to have won the cup.  This  is sport however and there has to be an winner... sadly, it wasn’t to be us but the girls have to and must be extremely proud to have reached this cup final match.  Hopefully, the memories of their achievements will last a very long time for them all and they can look back at this year with a lot of pride. 

Basketball in the dry!


On Thursday 13th July, the rain stopped just in time for our two Year 6 teams to compete in an inter school basketball competition held on our school playground. There were six teams in total and each team had the opportunity to play all teams in attendance. Both our A and B team played brilliantly and were able to show case their talents by scoring many baskets and defending plenty of others! One of the most exciting matches was when our teams had to play each other; each team took turns to lead the match but just before the final whistle, Tanaka scored a wondrous basket from outside the ‘D’ to level the match. Team B finished in 5th place and Team A finished in 3rd. Many congratulations to all of the boys and a special mention to Christopher in year 4 who was chosen to take part.

Saltford's basketball teams


On Tuesday 11th July, Miss Mulready and Mrs Brook accompanied two teams to a basketball competition at Wellsway Sports Hall which was organised by our very own Matt Analts.  We were very proud to enter two teams, especially as one of the teams was our first all girls team to enter this event.  There were two pools of four teams which meant that each team played three games initially to decide the next step in the competition.  The boy’s team drew their first game against Newbridge, then went on to win both games convincingly against Peasdown and Paulton.  This meant they finished second in their group by only a basket difference of two.  The boys then faced Chew in the semi final.  Many shots were scored at either end in an extremely fast and exciting match.  At the full time whistle, both teams were equal which meant the dreaded penalties came next.  As always with his cruel way of deciding a winner, someone had to miss and on this occasion, it was Saltford who failed to be the victorious team.  Another game however was played to decide the 3rd place position.  The boys faced Newbridge once again and once again the match was level at full time so they had to endure another round of penalties.  This time however, the luck was with our team and the boys were thrilled to achieve their 3rd place position!

The girls played some wonderful basketball throughout the whole competition and despite being the only girls team, none of them gave  up playing against the more powerful teams in their pool.  We were so proud of them. They are all superb ambassadors for not only women’s basketball but for Saltford school and their parents too. Well done girls.

Swimming Champions!


Many Congratulations.

On Friday 7th July, Mrs Brook, Mrs Williams and Mr Lye had the pleasure in accompanying 13 KS2 children at the annual schools swimming gala at Keynsham Leisure Centre. It is always one of the highlights towards the end of a busy sporting year and one that always comes with an electrifying atmosphere.  The gala began with the girls' freestyle relay, quickly followed by the boys' freestyle relay. The breast stroke event was next followed by medley relay, the butterfly and the backstroke events.  There we three more relay races to finish which were: the motorbike relays and finally the mixed cannon freestyle relays.  All of the races were extremely competitive as well as being highly entertaining and pleasurable to watch.  The children were all able to show case their exceptional talents with many convincing wins in the majority of the races. We were all absolutely thrilled to win the gala after narrowly missing the top spot by just 4 points last year.  Many congratulations to: Thea, Emily S, Emily H, Florence, Kate, Harper, Tanaka, Kimi, Anslem, Lucas, Hudson, Zach and Sam. Thank you to Dave Burston for organising and to the parent helpers who priovided the transport and cheered the team on. 

Congratulations Girls!

Bring on the Final...

A fabulous display of football in the semi final match V Paulton Juniors.

On Monday 26th June, we headed off to Paulton Junior School to play their team in the semi final of the girls knock out cup competition.  The game began evenly with both teams having equal possession of the ball but after 10 minutes one of their players gave away a free kick which Emma took full advantage of to put Saltford 1-0 up.  At half time this was the only goal that separated the two teams.  The second half started well for us when Paulton’s goalkeeper failed to clear the ball off her line– Emma pounced on this opportunity and scored another superb goal.  Saltford dominated the rest of the second half which saw each and every one of our team involved in super dribbling and passing accurately to one another.  Robyn was allowed to show us her brilliance as she weaved the ball with ease past the Paulton players on numerous occasions and was rewarded with 2 further goals as well as numerous others being saved off the line!  Nicole was equally strong in defence as was Charlotte with a lovely heel flip.  Jess and Souad were brilliant with their presence on the ball and Rosie and Frankie always seemed to be in the right place at the right time to set up the other goals for Emma to slot them in the back of the net.  Rosie wasn’t too disappointed with her penalty save as Saltford at this stage in the game were 5-0 up.    When the final whistle blew, it was 6-0 and the girls could not have been happier!  We are definitely ready for the CUP FINAL in a few weeks time! Well done girls – we are so proud of you .Thank you to Mrs Dixon and the other parents who transported the team.

Anyone for cricket?

Semi finalists!

On Thursday 15th June, a Y6 cricket team, from Saltford School, competed in the annual BANES schools cricket tournament ,at the Sulis Club in Bath. The focus as always was on the children having fun, practising their skills and enjoying the thrill of competition-and hopefully making a friend or two along the way. The team played in the group stage first, winning all of their three games convincingly. The team finished top of the group and qualified for the quarter finals where they met St Phillips. This was a very competitive match but the skills from many hours practising with Tom Baker paid off and they narrowly beat St Phillips by 9 runs. The team met Moorlands in the semi-final and despite some excellent balls and batting on display, the boys lost by just 5 runs.

Well done to all the team who competed, demonstrating fantastic sportsmanship and skills. All the players were a credit to Saltford School. Thank you to the parents for providing transport to the Sulis Club and support for those who stayed and witnessed a fun day of cricket. Finally, thank you to Dave Burston who organised the tournament. 


Amazing Athleticism On Display!

Many congratulations to our Year 6 Quadkid athletes who competed in the Bath and District Competition alongside seven other local primary schools, last Friday 9th June at The Glasshouse Playing Fields. Throughout this wonderful event, the children’s passion, determination and self belief were in abundance as they competed against 11 other teams in four disciplines including: a 75 metre sprint, a 600 metre race, a javelin event and the Long Jump.  The children's passion and determination was a credit to them with some extraordinary displays of athleticism. The team results were as follows:

 Team Scores

 1st     St Stephens A        1,515

2nd    Pensford                1,506 

3rd    Saltford A                 1,479

4th    Saltford B                 1,372

5th    St Mary's Catholic    1,317

5th    WASPS                       1,317 

7th    St Keyna A                  1,273 

8th   OPJS                           1,261

9th   Abbot Alphege           1,081

10th  St Keyna B                   933

11th  SSS B                            809    

Individual Scores


1st Nicole                Saltford            205

A fantastic set of results for Saltford : Nicole, Erin, Souad, Emma, Rosie, Jess, Ruby, Roisin, Harriett, Poppy, Jack, Fin, Harry, Tanaka, Lucas, Thomas, Reggie,Max ,Anslem and Felix. Well done! A special mention has to go to Souad who ran a sensational 600m in just 2minutes and 15 seconds, Finn W for running 75 metres in an outstanding 10.9 seconds, Jack B & Anslem for both throwing an incredible 30m in the javelin.  A huge congratulations to Nicole whose brilliant performance in all four events earnt her an individual Gold medal. Thank you to the parents who kindly offered to transport the children and to Mr and Mrs Burston for organising the event. 

Anyone for cricket?

The week of sport at Saltford continued under the blue skies and glorious sunshine on Thursday 25th May as 20 year 6 girls played in the annual BANES cricket tournament in Bath along with 14 other primary schools from the area.  One of teams, Saltford B were in Group B with: Paulton, Stephens A, St Vigor and Newbridge.  The girls played some fabulous cricket throughout the afternoon and should be very proud of all of their efforts.  Saltford A were our more experienced players and were in Group 3 and played against children from: Pensford, Farrington, Widcombe and Peasdown. The girls won all four of their games convincingly which meant that they finished top of their group and had to play Bathwick from Group 1 in the semi finals. ( We knew this was going to be a tough match as they were coached and managed by our very own colleague, Tom Baker!) It was a very exciting match.  Saltford made some wonderful strikes and saves and in the end were only beaten by just 9 runs!  Well done girls – 3rd place out of 15 schools is an amazing achievement!  Thank you to the parents who helped with transport and a special thanks to Illy’s dad who provided the lolly pops!


Bring on the Semi- Final!

Football in the sunshine.

On Wednesday 24th May, the Y5/6 girls’ football team travelled to St John and St Vigor, Chilcompton to play in the next round of the Bath & District knock out competition.  After a long journey there, the girls were eager to get started. Emma scored first, quickly followed by Rosie then just before half time, Saltford scored 2 more goals before the opposition pulled one back.  At half time, we had a quick change of goal keepers- Frankie stepped up to take a turn in goal and during the second half made some fabulous saves as St John’s looked for more goals.  Fortunately Saltford’s team work made the difference.  Robyn showed us her magic with dribbling with the ball and was rewarded with a sublime shot in the back of the net.  As the second half progressed, more goals were scored. Charlotte, Jess and Souad worked well at the back.  Rosie, Robyn and Nicole dominated the mid field and gave Emma many chances to shoot.  Credit to St John’s goal keeper who was kept very busy throughout.  Just before the end of full time, one more goal slipped through our net but we were all delighted with the final score 6-2 to Saltford! Well done girls.  The Semi- finals await against Paulton…..



Proud of third place.

On Thursday 18th May our Year 6 girls participated in a football tournament organised by Bath City F.C along with 20 other schools from the area. We were blessed with some glorious sunshine throughout the day and played some fantastic football.  To begin with, we were grouped in a pool with 5 other schools so we played 4 matches against: Combe Down, Trinity, St Stephens and Welton.  We won every game, scored an incredible 8 goals and kept a clean sheet! The semi finals were next where we met a very strong Moorlands team.  An early goal from them took us by surprise and before we knew it, the final whistle was blown.  We then played the other semi-finalist to play for 3rd place.  This was an equally exciting game against Batheaston.  Rosie scored a powerful shot for us to take the lead but Batheaston scored just before full time which meant the game went to penalties. Ruby was amazing in goal and saved two! Saltford were awarded 3rd place. Well done girls! You all played brilliantly and we are so proud of you all.


Tennis Champs!

On Wednesday 17th May, Mrs Brook accompanied 8 children to participate in a B&NES school tennis competition at the Sports Training Village, University of Bath. The children were grouped into two team, with each team playing an astonishing 6 matches! There was some wonderful tennis played throughout the afternoon and many points were won by team Saltford. One of our teams were so successful that they reached the final where they met a very strong side from Pensford. The match was incredibly close but Saltford were the strongest and went on to win the match and indeed the whole tournament! A massive well done to all of the children who took part. Thank you to the parents who transported the team and to Mr Burston for organising such a fun event.




Girls' cup run comes to an end.

A fabulous cup run indeed!


On Tuesday 28th March, Mrs Brook had the pleasure in accompanying our year 5/6 girls' football team to play against St John's R.C Primary School in the quarter finals of the BANES Cup Competition.  Our girls began the game with many chances with Lois finding the back of the net within the first quarter of the game.  We held onto our lead throughout the first half and at half time the score reflected the stronger team : 1-0 to Saltford.  The opposition came back strongly after the break and were awarded a penalty for an accidental hand ball in the box.  Nevertheless, Saltford continued to play brilliantly and created many more chances despite St John's scoring two further goals.  All of our girls  ran their socks off throughout the 40 minutes of play and never gave up searching for more goals but when the final whistle was blown, it was St. John's who were victorious and will therefore progress to the semi finals. There is no denying however, that this team should be immensely proud of themselves for reaching the quarter finals of this highly competitive competition- we salute you all! Congratulation!


Year 4 gymnastics

Excellent performances from all.

Many congratulations to both our Y4 gymnastic teams who competed today, Tuesday 7th March, at the annual Baskervilles gymnastics competition with over 100 other children from the area.  The children competed at two levels: Level One which was for those less experienced gymnasts and Level Two for those with more experience. It was wonderful to see them performing their skills during the routines which they have been practising before and during school for the past couple of weeks. The judges said the standard this year was the highest they’ve seen so we were delighted with both teams finishing in fourth place. Many congratulations to them all. Thank you to all the parents who helped with transport and to Mr Burston for organising the event.



Saltford Lionesses

Into the Quarter-Finals!

On Thursday 23rd February our year 5/6 girls’ team travelled to Farmborough Primary School to play their year 6 team in the next round of the Bath and District knock out cup competition.   Many of our team, including Mrs Brook had been inspired by watching The Lionesses beat Belgium at Ashton Gate the night before so it was a very exciting start with our girls eager to emulate their heroes.  An early goal from Farmborough however broke the deadlock after 10 minutes but Saltford responded quickly and equalised 5 minutes later.  A lucky goal to them slipped past Savannah just before half time.  The score:2-1.  As the second half began, neither team looked like they were able to score anymore goals and just when the full time whistle was a minute away; Frankie won a penalty and converted it with a smashing strike.  Score 2-2!  10 minutes of extra time was played without any further goals - the dreaded penalties followed.  Both Farmborough and Saltford were unlucky with their first two shots so it came down to the third and final penalty which Farmborough missed. When Isla walked up to take our third penalty, she was more fortunate, striking the ball into the top right hand corner of the net with such speed and precision that the girls were ecstatic! Well done to all of the team - we are very proud of you.  Commiserations to a lovely Farmbourough side that were most gracious in defeat.


Cup run comes to an end.

Well done boys!

On Monday 20th February, Mrs Brook had the pleasure to accompany our boys’ football team to play against St Martin’s Garden Primary School in the quarter final of the BANES Cup Competition.  Our boys played brilliantly and continued to show much determination and resilience despite losing to St Martin’s who were physically the stronger side.  Brooklyn made some excellent saves throughout the match and Jenson scored a lovely goal towards the end which was worth celebrating.   All of our boys ran their socks off throughout the 40 minutes of play but unfortunately, it wasn’t our day. There is no denying however that this team should be immensely proud of themselves for reaching the quarter finals of this highly competitive competition- we salute you all! Congratulation!


Off to a flying start!

Saltford girls shoot 8.

We have entered 4 teams into the Bath & District Schools Cup Competition this season and on Thursday 2nd February Mrs Brook had the pleasure of witnessing one of our year 5/6 girls team play against St Keyna in their first round. Saltford attacked from the start and their early pressure was rewarded when Robyn found the back of the net after the first quarter of the game. St Keyna were resilient in their efforts to block the ball throughout the whole game but Saltford's relentless attacking pressure continued and our girls scored another 7 goals. Well done to St Keyna who never gave up and showed a great sense of fair play throughout the match until the final whistle.  Congratulations Saltford - bring on round two!

Medals to be proud of.



On Tuesday 31st January, Mrs Brook accompanied 10 gymnasts from school to attend the annual gymnastics competition at Baskervilles Gym in Bath along with over 100 other children from the area.  Since the start of this year, the children have been practising their skills and their routines twice a week before school in our hall so it was absolutely fantastic to see all of their efforts rewarded with medals! One group achieving bronze, the other group achieving silver. Many, many congratulations to them all. They performed with such elegance and finesse that made each and every one them a deserved medallist winner. Thank you to Dave Burston and Vicky Baskerville for organising this event, to the parents who transported the team and to Miss Harding and Mrs Dixon for their support.



Goals Galore!

What a start to the cup competition!


On Thursday 26th January, Mrs Brook took a group of Saltford lionesses to play against Oldfield Park Juniors in the next round of the schools knock out cup competition, having already progressed on a bye. The girls started off steadily before settling into their positions and kept pressing in the oppositions half.  Their goalkeeper continued to make some excellent saves but just before the half time whistle Saltford broke the deadlock and found the back of the net! With a one nil advantage going into the second half, our lionesses’ confidence grew and any early nerves were a distant memory.  The second half saw an astonishing eight more goals! An incredible performance by our girls who should all be incredibly proud of themselves. Bring on the next round, next term- Farnborough Away. Thank you to all the parents for their support with transport and to Bath City's Emily and Ben.

Athletics fun in the warmth of Wellsway Sports Hall.

Runners Up!

On an icy Tuesday 17th January, twenty seven children from Year Six were delighted to take part in an indoor athletics competition held at Wellsway sports hall where they competed against five other primary schools from the area.  The events included: relay, obstacle and hurdle races as well as javelin throwing, the triple jump and speed bounces. It was an extremely competitive event with a fantastic atmosphere which showcased all of the talented children we have at our school. The children were an absolute delight and a real pleasure to accompany. They should all be extremely proud of their second place, narrowly losing to a superb Newbridge team. Thank you to Mr Godwin and Mrs Dixon for their support and to Dean Garrett , Dave & Cath Burston for organising such a wonderful event. A special mention to the fantastic Sports Ambassadors too -many of whom were former pupils of Saltford School.


Penalties in the dark (again!)


On Monday 16th January, a Y5/6 football team travelled to Moorlands Junior school to play in the second round of the schools cup competition.  The boys were met with a well drilled side who continued to press deep throughout the entire match.  Our team worked brilliantly however to block them at every opportunity and together with the help of Brookyln’s Teflon gloves and his amazing ability to clear his goal line time after time led to the 0-0 score line after full time and extra time.  The dreaded penalties followed but Thomas, Jenson and Reggie all showed  immense concentration and composure to slot the ball in the back of Moorlands net.  It was Brookyln’s skills once again which broke the deadlock- a fine save from the penalty spot meant Saltford won 3-2 and of course a place in the next round of the cup.   It was noted by the referee how well our team conducted themselves throughout the match and that it was a pleasure for him to referee the game.  Well done boys, we are all very proud of you.  Thank you to Mr O Toole and Mr Jones who helped coach the team and to all of the parents who helped with lifts and came to cheer them on!


Fun Run for Dorothy House

Smiles in the Sunshine



On Monday 28th November, KS2 took part in the annual inter-school cross-country competition but this year they ran it to raise money for Dorothy House which is a local charity who supported our dear friend Mrs Parfrey and her family. The children were already dressed in mufti as it was also our annual fund raiser day for our Christmas Fair, so many of the children were eager to set off in their own sports clothes.  There was a buzz around the school leading up to the event, with some children taking part in their very first KS2 competition. 

The day started strongly with the year 3 setting a high standard of competition. The year 3 girls set off with a blistering pace before Aria B broke away from the pack to claim 1st place followed by Rosie B and Farah H. The year 3 boys had Noah H, Harrison M and Niall all battling it out for first place with Noah eventually crossing the line in first place with Harrison and Niall claiming 2nd and 3rd place respectively. 

Next, it was the turn of the year 4 girls. Flo S continued her form from last year to yet again claim gold. Alana KB came in 2nd followed by Holly S to claim the third podium position. The year 4 boys was an equally competitive event seeing Christopher L and Benji continuing their success from last year with Elliott S crossing the finish in 3rd place. 

The year 5 girls was an incredible competitive event with Robyn H and Clara F in a sprint finish with Robyn eventually crossing the line in a photo finish! Esther W claimed the 3rd spot. The year 5 boys matched the girls in competitive spirit. Oscar B looked very comfortable in first place, closely followed by Louie C and Mikey M. 

Finally, the year 6’s did not disappoint and finished what was already a brilliant afternoon on a high. The girls showed great maturity and ran with ease and class. With Poppy D winning a medal in 1st place, followed closely by Hannah S in 2nd and Harriet in 3rd.  The boys wrapped up the afternoon’s fun with an incredible sprint from Finn W to claim gold with an equally amazing run from Lucas and Harry who won silver and bronze respectively.   Thank you to everyone for participating and to all the parents/grandparents who donated.   It was a pleasure to watch the children participate with great resilience and passion. A big thank you also to the Wellsway sports ambassadors (including ex pupils) and Mrs Burston without whom the competition could not take place. If you would still like to donate, it isn’t too late.  Just follow the link.


Saltford narrowly miss out

On Friday, following their terrific performance on the Tuesday the boys had a cup knockout match against St Phillips. Saltford started off superbly with both of the St Phillips goals coming against the grain in quick succession. With the score 2-0 to the oppo, Saltford turned on the magic to score a superbly worked goal. Unfortunately, with some fantastic saves, hitting every part of the woodwork imaginable, the score remained 2-1. The boys performed admirably and if only VAR was implemented in primary school football. Well done to the boys who have been a joy to coach by what will be Mr Bowkett’s last game. Thank you to St Phillips for hosting and the parents who helped with lifts and supported our team to the bitter end.

Saltford Lions Secure Silver.

On Tuesday 22nd November, Mr Bowkett and Mr O’Toole travelled with our Year 6s to Odd Down Sports Centre for the annual football tournament. We were drawn into a tough pool and were in the opening set of fixtures against St Stephens, a very closely contested match that our boys struggled to settle in to. St Stephens opened the scoring with a looping ball, which clipped the bottom edge of the crossbar. The score stayed at 1-0, the team opening the tournament with a loss.

Keen to forget the opening defeat the boys found their legs and their momentum winning our two games 4-0 and 8-0 with Max, Jack, Felix, Lucas. With the group looking slightly settled, Saltford knew a win would put them through to the next round, they burst into the game and went onto win 2-0, they were through.

Next up in the quarter finals Saltford faces local rivals St Johns, it was 0-0 for much of the game with Fred stepping up to make some fine saves to keep us in it. We caught St Johns on the break with a super strike rocketing into the net. Saltford progress.

A tough semi-final awaited Saltford with Moorlands looking in good form and confident. A similar game to the quarters with end to end football being played throughout. It looked like it could go either way until the keeper parried a curling ball; Finn was able to poach it into the goal. Reggie and Joey steadied the ship from this point to keep the score at 1-0 and put us through to the final.

The final was a repeat of the opening game; the boys were very up for the game. A fiercely contested game, but Saltford looked comfortable soaking up pressure and in complete control. They opened up the scoresheet with a thunderous effort on the near post. St Stephens were able to catch Saltford out on the break to level the scores at 1-1. With extra time remaining goalless, even with both teams having chances, the match went to penalties. Unfortunately, like many glorious England teams, Saltford were unable to seal the trophy. Nevertheless, the boys should be very proud of themselves and played some of the best football seen in the mighty Saltford red. Thank you to Mr Burston and the team for refereeing and organising the event. Big thank you to parents for transport and support.

Semi Finalists!

A brilliant morning of football!

On Thursday 10th November, Mrs Brook & Miss Walker had the pleasure of accompanying our Year 6 girls to compete in the annual Bath & District football tournament. Our girls played some superb football throughout the whole tournament scoring a staggering 10 goals in the group stages and maintaining a clean sheet to set up a thrilling quarter final.  The girls played a fabulous game against WASPS , winning 1-0 to seal their place in a thrilling Semi against Moorlands.  

The semi-final was another exhilarating game; Moorlands took the lead early on - the first goal that we had conceding all day which was tough to take, but the girls came back strong to score in the second half bringing the prospect of penalties closer. In the final minute however, Moorlands scored bringing our successful tournament to a close. (Congratulations to Moorlands who went on to win the whole tournament)

We could not have been any prouder of our girls. Congratulations and a massive well done to all- Illy , Isla , Souad , Jess, Nicole, Emma, Charlotte, Roisin, Rosie and Ruby. Thank you to Dave & Cath Burston, Emily from Bath City FC and to our wonderful parents for their support too. 

Tense match at the Saltford Fortress

Saltford played a superb match on Monday night against WASPS. With WASPS coming in their droves with a well stocked bench of subs. The Saltford '7' showed no fear and from the off were running themselves ragged. The match was fiercly contested with our own keeper Brooklyn making some fine saves to hold the deadlock. Tanaka making his Saltford debut partnered Kai brilliantly in the backline, with shades of prime Charlton and Moore displayed. With Reg pulling the strings from center mid with Zack and Beau exploiting the width, Saltford eventually scored with Jenson finishing off a fine move. Saltford pushed for a second, rattling the woodwork. Unfortunately, WASPs countered effectively levelling the score 1-1. Going into penalties, the crowd would've been on the edge of seats if we had any. The first set of penalties were both saved, next up both shots narrowly missing the target. Up stepped Kai who sent a thunderous strike to which the keeper got a hand to but couldn't prevent rippling the net. Elation, joy, party rings, Saltford progress to the next round. Thank you to WASPs for a fantastic fixture, to our crowd and teachers for organising. 



Saltford rapid runners strike gold

Running up that hill!

On Wednesday Mrs Brook and Mr O'Toole took 12 of our year 4 future sports stars to the glasshouse playing fields for a cross country festival held by the SSP. The event was made up of four races, two individual and two relay races. The individual boys were off first flying off the line and they set the standard high for the girls to follow. With all the boys running fantastically, the icing to the cake to the team was Benji running a fantastic race to come 2nd overall. Following the superb boys the girls were up, they picked up from where the boys left off with them all making a blistering start and maintaining it to show excellent performances, Florence made a brilliant start to the race and led throughout to get the gold medal. Following this there were the relays, both teams gave it their all to displaying awesome teamwork, with the boys coming 1st and the girls coming 3rd. Thank you to the SSP and Mr Burston for organising, and to all the parents who helped with transport and support.

Goals Goals Goals for Opening Football Fixture.

On Monday 10th October we welcomed St Keyna for our opening game of the football season. It was a fantastic match with incredible support from the sidelines and both teams demonstrating superb sportsmanship.

Saltford pressed high from the whistle and were keen to attack from the off. St Keyna defended valiantly and put their bodies on the line to block shots that appeared to be destined for the back of the net. Saltford maintained the pressure to break the deadlock with Jack breaking at speed to coolly finish in the bottom corner. St Keyna had some brilliant passages of play and broke throughout the game but Fred, Joey and Felix were there to command the half and keep the clean sheet. The game continued this way with Harry, Max, Lucas, Finn, Thomas and Felix all getting on the score sheet to win the game.

Thank you to Mr Pope and St Keyna for travelling and Mrs Brook for providing refreshments. 

Superb Saltford Smash Cross Country.

Following our Mrs Brook and Mr Bowkett took 18 hopeful runners to the BANES school cross country competition held at the Odd Down Sports Park, competition was fierce with over 500 pupils competing across the day. The Year 5 boys got us off to a flying start with Oscar, Charlie, Sam, Freddie and Zach setting a high standard from the off. The boys ran their hearts out and all did brilliantly finishing in the top half of competitors, Oscar did superbly, narrowly missing out on a podium coming 4th in his race. The Year 5 girls were up next and picked up from where the Year 5 boys left off, Clara, Freya, Esther and Daisy all ran superb races, each picking up important places in the dash towards the end. Up next were the seasoned cross country veterans, Fin, Harry, Fred and Jack were speedy from the off and maintained that speed to each finish in the points. Finally to top off the day the Year 6 girls were off, Poppy, Nicole, Jess, Harriet and Souad all ran like the wind. Souad was at the front of the pack from the start and was able to pick up a silver medal finishing 2nd. The rest of the girls also did brilliantly, with the whole of the year 6 girls finishing in the top 20. A special thank you to Mr Burston, Mrs Burston and Mrs Bell for organising and hosting us. Also thank you to the parents who helped with transport and cheering the team on. 


Keynsham Schools Swimming Gala 2022



On Friday 15th July, the annual schools swimming gala returned after a two year gap and it did not disappoint-in fact it was just as thrilling and entertaining as always! It is always one of the highlights at the end of the academic year in the sports calendar and one with an electrifying atmosphere.  Six school from B&NES participated: St Keyna, Pensford, Castle, Chew Stoke, Chandag and us.  The event began with the girls' 25 metre Freestyle Relay, quickly followed by the boys' 25 m Freestyle Relay.  There were then 15 further races which were all extremely competetive as well as being highly entertaining and pleasureable to watch.  Tanaka and Amelia both showcased their exceptional talents with convincing wins in their individual races.  The rest of the squad swam brilliantly and either came second, third or fourth in their races, resulting in a cumulative second place overall.  We were all thrilled with our second spot and a position that we have managed to retain proudly for many years.   Many congratulations to: Amelia, Seren,Thea,Emily S, Emily H,Daisy,Sophia, Anselm,Tanaka,Lucas,Hudson,Zach and Ollie. Thank you to Dave Burston for organising and to the parent helpers who priovided the transport and cheered the team on.

Y5 Semi Finalists!

Fabulous Cup run comes to an end...

Congratulations Y5's!

On Monday 13th June, Mr Bowkett & Mrs Brook had the pleasure to accompany our Y5 boys’ football team to play against St Mary’s R.C Primary School in the semi final of the BANES Cup Competition.  Our boys played brilliantly and continued to show much determination and resilience despite losing to this Y6 team who were physically the stronger side.  Fred made some excellent saves throughout the match with Fin, Jack and Harry creating many chances.  Felix, Lucas, Thomas, Max, Reggie and Joey all ran their socks off but unfortunately, it wasn’t our day.  There is no denying however that this Y5 team should be immensely proud of themselves for reaching the Semi finals of this highly competitive competition- we salute you all! Congratulations.

Quadkids success


Incredible athleticism on display


 Many congratulations to our Year 5 Quadkid athletes who competed in the Bath and Distric Competition alongside five other local primary schools, last Friday 10th June at The Glasshouse Playing Fields which was organised by Dave Burston. Throughout this wonderful event, the children’s passion, determination and self belief were in abundance as they competed against 7 other teams in four disciplines including: a 75 metre sprint, a 600 metre race, a javelin event and the Long Jump.  The children's passion and determination was a credit to them with some extraordinary displays of athleticism. The team results were as follows:

Pensford 1,294 5
OPJS 1,138 8
WASPS 1,337 3
Saltford "B" 1,212 7
Saltford "A" 1,344 2
Combe Down 1,241 6
St Stephen's "B" 1,327 4
St Stephen's "A" 1,464 1

A fantasic set of results for Saltford 'A' : Nicole, Souad, Poppy, Erin, Rosie, Jack, Fin, Harry, Tanaka and Joshie for finishing in second place.  A massive well done to Saltford 'B' : Jess, Emma, Harriet, Pip, Charlotte, Anselm, David, Jenson, Beau and Joey for their seventh place finish.

A special mention has to go to Souad who ran a sensational 600m in just 2minutes and 32 seconds, Finn W for running 75 metres in an outstanding 10.4 seconds, Jack B for throwing an incredible 35.7m in the javelin.  (Each of these athletes beat the other 79 children who participated on the day to score the maximum points available)  A huge congratulations to Nicole also whose brilliant perforamce in all four events earnt her an individual Silver medal and Souad's incredible overall performances earnt her a Bronze!

Thank you to the parents who kindly offered to transport the children and to them and the others who supported the team throughout the event. Thank you also to Mr Burston for organising it.

Mrs Brook.

5-0 to secure Semi Final Place!

On Friday 20th June our Y5 boys team played Combe Down in the quarter final of the B&NES cup competition. Saltford dominated the game from kick off when Max scored from Jack’s corner to put Saltford one up. Combe Down responded immediately but Fred saved their shot at goal brilliantly. The ball travelled back up the pitch quickly where it made contact with Fin’s head and hit the back of the net once again. Fin scored another goal after a fabulous assist from Lucas.  Saltford were 3-0 up at half time and looked very confident going into the second half. Combe Down started the second half promisingly and would have scored some goals if it had not been for some hardy defending by the trio of Joey, Felix and Reggie. Saltford again pressed with Harry making several weaving runs, one of which culminating with an acrobatic goal from Fin to round of his hat trick! The game ended Saltford winning 5-0 after a rebounded shot by Thomas was calmly finished by Jack. Bring on the semi final!

Saltford represent Bath City in Nationals

On Monday 23rd May I had the pleasure in accompanying 10 of our Y6 girls to represent Bath City FC at The National League Schools Football Tournament at Odd Down. The girls played a total of four matches in the group stages against, Torquay United, Hereford, Eastleigh Oxford-  winning, drawing, drawing and losing respectively but managed to reach the semi finals on goal difference  where they lost narrowly by a single goal.  Final score 1-0.  They all played brilliantly and were a pleasure to accompany.  We are very proud of them all.  Well done girls- what a fantastic achievement to represent Bath City FC at this prestigious event where we’re sure the memories of the day will stay with you for many years to come.

Incredible Cup run comes to an end

Well done girls!


On Thursday 19th May, our Y6 girls’ football team played their semi final match against St Philips in the school B&NES cup competition. Saltford dominated the game from kick off and secured a 1-0 lead by half time with some brilliant football.  Minutes before the final whistle and against the run of play, St Philips scored a lucky equaliser bringing the full time score to 1-1.  Throughout the 10 minutes of extra time neither side could find the back of the net so the dreaded penalty shoot out followed.  The girls bravely took their turn on the spot, supported by the numerous members of staff, parents and pupils who cheered them on from the side-lines.  Unfortunately, luck was not on our side and the final score of 3 penalties to 2 penalties meant our amazing cup run had come to an end but it’s been quite an amazing journey and one that they can all be very proud of.

Wimbledon stars of the future!

Many congratulations to our Y4's who competed in a tennis tournament on Wednesday 18th May at the prestigious Sports Village at Bath University . We took two mixed teams to compete in the tournament and it was clear from the start that the standard was very high amongst the other 15 teams. Each team played 4 matches initially , playing some superb tennis. The scores reflected the high standard of tennis that was played ; one of our teams went through to the semi finals with the other team narrowly missing out on a place . The children beat Freshford 3-1 in the semi finals and went on to meet Pensford in the final , beating them 3-1 to clinch their gold medals!

Many congratulations to all of the children who took part. Thank you to the parents for transporting and supporting the team and thanks to Mr Burston for organising it.

Tennis tournament 2022Tennis tournament 2022

Defending masterclass from Saltford

On Monday evening, 16th May, our Year 5/6 football team travelled to Moorlands school for the quarter final of the cup. There was a tension and nerves around the “stadium” as the girls warmed up, some of them having not played a game in many months. The Moorlands team had been on a good run of form, brushing previous opponents to the side with ease. From the off, Saltford were pressed high but dealt with it beautifully. Unfortunately, Moorlands opened the scoring with two goals in quick succession. Saltford played brilliantly throughout the first half, defending valiantly. This carried on into the second half and Saltford eventually won a penalty from a Moorlands handball, it was rifled towards the top corner only to be tipped over the bar by the fingertips of the keeper. The game ended up with Moorlands progressing to the Semi’s. Well done to all the players who gave it their all and played with a smile on their faces throughout the whole match. Thank you to Moorlands for hosting and Mr Gunnings for refereeing. Good luck in the next round.

County Finals Again!




On Thursday 28th April, I had the pleasure to accompany 28 of our Y6s to the country finals of indoor athletics at UWE Bristol. The children competed against 12 other schools from the South West in events such as sprinting, relay, javelin and speed bounces. The children all performed to a very high standard showing great sportsmanship throughout the day. We finished a very respectable 7th place overall and everyone left with huge smiles on their faces. Thank you to Mrs Saunders, Mrs Kidd and Mr Jones for their support. Well done everyone.


There would be many superlatives we could use to describe the girls' knock out football match this afternoon against St Vigor & St John's Primary School: excellent, epic, extraordinary, brilliant... they are many more we could use.

This quarter final game was exciting from the very first kick. It was end to end quality football with neither team able to break through their oppositions defence. At half time it was 0-0. The second half began in the same manner with Rosie our goal keeper making several exceptional saves on her debut. When the full time whistle blew and five minutes of extra time were played without any goals, the girls were ready for the penalty shoot out. 

The penalty shoot out which followed was the most exciting , extraordinary and memorable one in Saltford School's history. 

It took an unbelievable 24 separate penalties to decide the winner which was eventually scored by us! 

Many, many congratulations to our 10 super heroes . A special well done to Rosie T in Y5 who stepped up to be our fabulous goal keeper at the last minute due to illness and thank you to all the supporters who provided the electric atmosphere. Bring on the semi finals !!

Silver Medals Galore!

Many congratulations to both our Y4 gymnastic teams who competed today at the annual Baskervilles gymnastics competition. It was wonderful to see them performing their skills during their routines which they have been practising before and during school for the past couple of weeks. It was wonderful to see them demonstrate their brilliance and we are very proud of them. Each team came second in their group out of nine schools and Sophie and Scarlet each won a bronze medal for their individual performances. Many congratulations to them all.

A special mention and thanks to Erin in Year 5 who volunteered to come in before school and help coach the teams. Thank you to all the parents who helped with transport and to Mr Burston for organising the event.

Hockey success for Keynsham U10s

Saltford players in the team

Keynsham Hockey Club’s U10 team took part in the end of season Avon Hockey tournament on Sunday 6th March and won the Plate competition.  The team included 3 players from Saltford year 5: Erin, Seren and Anselm.  In the morning they played in a group of 4 teams: they were narrowly beaten 1-0 by by Firebrands (who went on to win the Shield), beat South Glos 5-0 (including a goal by Erin) and drew 1-1 with Team Bath Buccs.  This meant that they finished 3rd in the group on goal difference so went into the Plate knock-out competition in the afternoon.

There they beat South Glos B 1-0 in the quarter-finals (with the goal by Anselm), beat Bristol & West 2-0 and in a very exciting final beat Weston-super-Mare 1-0.  Seren was the team’s excellent goalkeeper all day and let in the fewest number of goals of any team in the whole competition.  The team played superbly well throughout the day and completely deserved their win.  They were then awarded their medals and trophy by the tournament organisers.

Hockey U10 2022

U10 Hockey 2022

U10 Hockey 2022 U10 Hockey 2022

Keynsham Hockey Club runs training sessions for primary aged players every Friday 4.30-5.30pm during term-time throughout the year (except the last Friday of each term).  The club is actively looking for more players from year 3 upwards.  If your son or daughter would like to have a go, please email or visit for more information.  Children are welcome to attend a session free of charge to try it out.

Incredible Gymnastics at Baskervilles

Gymnastics do Saltford Proud

Many congratulations to the 15 children from year 5/6 gymnasts who competed yesterday at the annual Baskervilles competition. It was wonderful to see them  back performing their skills in their routines; all of them demonstrated their brilliance and we are very proud of them all. 
A special mention to one of the teams who all won silver medals and to Erin in Year 5 who won an individual silver medal for her excellent performance.
Y5 footballers continue their winning streak!

A wonderful game to watch.

A wonderful game of football was played on Thursday evening between our Y5’s and Oldfield Park Junior School despite the hail, rain and freezing temperature!  Our team showed great resilience against the strong opposition who scored early on after kick off.  Saltford settled down quickly however and played such delightful attacking football which was rewarded with three goals in the first half and two more in the second.  OPJS showed such wonderful sportsmanship; they were unlucky not to score anymore goals albeit thanks to Fred’s great goalkeeping! Final score: 5-1! We await eagerly to find out our next opposition to see how far this incredible team can go....


Bring on the next round!

Saltford girls shoot 6

Another fantastic performance from our Year 6 girls team on Tuesday 30th November when they played against St Saviours in the next round of the Bath & District Schools Cup Competition. There were goals galore in the first half: Ava (1) Isabella (1) and from Megan (2) At half time Saltford were 4-1 up and went on to score another 2 ( Ava,1, and Megan got her hat trick) after the break to put the game to bed at 6-1. Many , many congratulations girls - We can’t wait to watch you play in the next round. 

Year 5 get off to a winning start!

We have entered 3 teams into the Bath & District Schools Cup Competition this season and on Monday 29th November Mr Bowkett and Mrs Brook had the pleasure accompanying our Year 5 team to play against Moorlands Junior School in their first round. Saltford attacked from the start and their early pressure was rewarded when Harry found the back of the net after the first quarter of the game. Moorlands responded with a powerful shot outside the box to level the game before the second half. It was a tense second half with both teams eager to make it through to the second round but it was Saltford who finally put the game to bed with a wonderful cross from Jack to Harry to score again- Well done boys- bring on round two!

Saltford Speedsters Smash Cross Country!

Following our inter-school competition, Mrs Brook and Mr Bowkett took 22 hopeful runners to the BANES school cross country competition held at the Glasshouse Recreation Field. The Year 5 boys got us off to a flying start with Harry and Fred in the front pack throughout the race. Harry K finished the fantastic race with a brilliant gold medal with Fred narrowly missing out on a podium place, coming home an incredible 4th! The Year 5 girls’ team made an incredible start with Souad sprinting from the off and leading the race from start to finish to claim the gold medal. Nicole was then next over the line from the Saltford team, claiming bronze place after a scintillating sprint finish to pip third place. Year 6 boys were up next with high expectations set by the year 5s. They did not disappoint, with William biding his time in 2nd throughout the race to then put on the afterburners to power through to finish 1st. With the pressure mounted on the Year 6 girls to complete the set of golds, they made a controlled start with the whole team running in a tight pack around the course, encouraging each other as they started to move away from the pack. This continued throughout the race with them finishing very strongly. Special mention to the top 4: Megan, Ava, Lila, Amelia who finished 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively. Well done to all that participated, everybody ran brilliantly showing great resilience. A special thank you to Mr Burston, Miss Wilson and Mr Banahan for organising and hosting us.

Bath and District Girls' Football Tournament

The most exciting penalties of 2021!

On Tuesday 9th November, 2 teams from Saltford represented the school at the BANES girls football tournament. Each team played 5 games in their pool. Both teams got off to a brilliant start with the ‘A’ team beating St Stephens ‘B’ 2-0 and the ‘B’ team drawing the local Saltdag derby 1-1. Following these group stages the A team progressed to the semi-finals on goal difference to face St Stephens ‘A’ team. The ‘B’ team unfortunately were unable to progress, although showed some fantastic skills, scored some amazing goals and displayed brilliant teamwork throughout. Saltford ‘A’ won their semi-final 2-0 scoring a goal near the end to put the game to bed. They met Oldfield Park ‘A’ in the final (a team they had already lost to in the group stages) the game was on a knife edge after full time with neither side able to penetrate the oppositions defence. The game went on to penalties, with both team’s keepers making some incredible saves. Unfortunately, it wasn’t to be, and Saltford lost 1-0. Well done to all the girls who participated, and thank you to all the supporters. A special thank you to Mr White whose coaching skills inspired the team throughout. Thank you to Mr Burston and Beechen Cliff Sports Ambassadors to who without we wouldn’t be able participate in such events.

Great start to cup competition!

Well done Team Saltford

On Thursday 14th October, our year 6 girls hosted Combe Down Primary School to play in the first round of the BANES School Cup Competition.  Throughout Year 5, the girls trained every Thursday with Emily from Bath City so were extremely excited to be playing in their first competitive match.  It was evident from the kick off that they were the stronger team, scoring their first goal within the first 5 minutes.  By half time the girls were 5-0 up and held on to this fantastic score line throughout the second half when, in the spirit of sportsmanship we played 6 of our players against their 8! A massive congratulations to all of our girls:  Megan, Sophia, Elen, Nia, Maya, Lila, Ellouise, Erin, Ava and Isabella.  We can’t wait to play St Saviours in the second round! 

Y6 Saltford girls' football team

Well done boys!

On Friday 15th October, our year 6 boys hosted Combe Down Primary School to play in the first round of the BANES School Cup Competition.  Although our boys didn't manage to score aginst a very strong Combe Down side, they continued to create chances, dug in deep and made some superb tackles.  The boys were congratulated by the numerous memebers of staff who came aloing to support them.  They all showed superb resillence, great teamwork and excellent sportsmanship.  Congratulations to: Peter, Seb, Thomas M, Thomas B,  Tommy, Louie, Kas, Jacob and Seb.  Thank you to all of the parents and staff for their support on the day.

Year 6 girls in Netball Hi 5 Competition at Wellsway.

On Wednesday 13th October, 14 year 6 girls took part in the Keynsham & District Netball Hi 5 Competition at Wellsway.  Both teams played exceptionally well, winning many matches in their pools.  Unfortunately, they then had to play each other in the next round which meant only one team could go through to the final.  The final was against St Johns A team and was a closely fought match, losing by only 1 goal.  Saltford came 2nd overall.  Well, done to all girls that took part and a big thank you to all parents and siblings that came to support.  

Hi 5 netball team

Cross Country 2021

On Monday 11th October, KS2 were invited to take part in the annual inter-school cross-country competition. There was a buzz around the school leading up to the event, with some children taking part in their very first KS2 competition.

The day started strongly with the Year 3 setting a high standard of competition. The Year 3 girls started with a blistering pace before settling. Florence broke away from the pack early to claim 1st place closely followed by Summer Louise and Ava. They were followed by the Year 3 boys, with Benji and Christopher battling it out for first place with Benji eventually crossing the line ahead. With Tommy just beating Eliot with a sprint finish to claim 3rd.

After break, it was the turn of the Year 4 girls. Clara F continued from her form last year to yet again claim gold. Freya on her debut race came in 2nd followed by Daisy who improved from 4th last year to claim a podium position. The Year 4 boys was an equally competitive event seeing Charlie and Oscar repeat their 1st and 2nd places from last year with Freddie coming 3rd.

After a carb loading lunch, the year 5 girls were up. An incredible competitive event with Souad coming 1st on her debut. Followed by Jess and Nicole in 2nd and 3rd respectively. The Year 5 boys matched the girls in competitive spirit. After narrowly missing out on a medal last year, Finn grabbed 1st place leading from the front, closely followed by last year’s winner Harry in 2nd and Jack in 3rd, who just just beat Leo in a photo finish.

Finally, the Year 6’s did not disappoint and finished what was already a brilliant day on a high. The girls showed great maturity and ran with ease and class. With Megan following suit from her brother to grab a medal in 1st.  Followed by last year’s winner Ava in 2nd and Lila repeating last year’s performance with a strong 3rd place. William claimed first place again having followed Sam for much of the race who claimed 2nd with Reuben coming 3rd.

Thank you to all that participated and spectated. There were times when Mr Bowkett and Mrs Brook thought we had ended up at the London Marathon by mistake.  It was a pleasure to watch the children participate with great resilience and passion. A big thank you also to all 20 sports ambassadors (including ex pupils) and Mrs Burston without whom the competition could not take place.

See you all next year.


Year 6 Boys Football Success!

On Friday afternoon, Mr Bowkett and Mrs Brook had the pleasure of accompanying eight year 6 boys to St Martins Garden in their first round of the BANES School Football Cup. Fantastic football from the start with some well worked passes. Saltford started particularly strongly passing the ball and using Ollie and Leon on the wings to spread the play. William opened the scoring with an easy finish after a superb through ball. Saltford continued to pepper the St Martins goal scoring 4 goals in quick succession. Jack, Seb and Kas, defended expertly soaking up pressure with James making some fine saves to maintain the lead. After a strong Saltford attack, St Martins managed to break and score on the counter attack at the start of the second half. Following this there was some super end-to-end football with Louie coming off the bench to score 1 and Leon cut in from the wings to score 2. St Martins fought to the very end making the final score 7-3 to Saltford. Well done boys! Let’s hope our other team can follow suit this Friday. Thank you to all the parents who helped transport the team to Bath and for your fantastic support.


Bristol Community Football Project

Football and new friends

Last Wednesday, Mrs Brook accompanied a team from Year 6 to the annual Bristol Community of Purpose football Tournament at UWE.  The programme, which we have been involved with for the last year, brought together 20 primary schools from across the Bristol area that were diverse in ethnicity, race, class, faith and geography to give them the opportunity to do what children do best, which is to connect and build friendships.. We teamed up with West Town Lane Academy to play several matches against the other schools.  Throughout the day, we played seven matches winning three, drawing two and losing two leading to a very respectable fourth position overall.  Many congratulations to all of the children and a huge well done to those who represented Saltford School: Jayden, Kas, Tamika, Tommy and Jack.  Our joint team were given a special mention at the end of the tournament by the organisers for their excellent attitudes and display of fairness and mutual respect towards the other teams.  We are all so proud of the way they interacted throughout the day. 

Y6 Basketball Winners!

Well done to the children who took part in a thrilling basketball tournament at St. Nicholas School, Radstock on Wednesday 30th June. They won 4 games out of 4, the last one being decided by a "golden basket" after a tie in normal time. The children conducted themselves brilliantly throughout the event and many thanks to the parents who helped transport the children to and from the event. Thank you to Matt, our basketball coach, who ensured that the children were brilliantly organsed. Thanks also to Mr Burston for helping to organise the event. Well done Saltford!

Community of Purpose Program

New skills and new friends!

A group of Y5 children have been involved in a wonderful opportunity this term with The Community of Purpose program. Over the last few weeks we have enjoyed numerous training sessions with a group of children from West Town Lane Academy. All of the children have loved playing football, learning new skills and above all, making new friends. Thanks to Becca and Paul from the program for their enthusiasm in providing this wonderful opportunity for us; the children have thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.

Due to the current restrictions, the annual tournament which involves 20 other schools in the Bristol area will now take place in September- watch this space for more information next year! 



Goals galore for Saltford

Saltford girls bring home silverware


On Thursday 24th June, 3 teams from Saltford represented the school at the BANES girls football tournament. There was brilliant football throughout the day, with all 30 girls playing out of their boots. Every team played 6 games in total, showing great energy and enthusiasm throughout. The ‘A’ team won all three of the group matches making a fantastic start to the competition, the ‘C’ team who were in the same group were narrowly beaten by the ‘A’ team in the group following on from a hard-fought win and draw. The ‘B’ team battled and challenged every team in the group but unfortunately lost two and drew one. From the group stages, teams were seeded into a cup and plate competition. The ‘A’ and ‘C’ team were seeded into the cup. The ‘C’ team unfortunately didn’t get the results they deserved, but their players demonstrated some fabulous football and will definitely be the ones to watch next year. The ‘A’ team drew their first game in the cup 0-0, followed by a hard-fought win against the ‘C’ team. It was all to play for in the last game of the cup, with the winners between Moorlands and Saltford winning the cup overall. Both teams came close rattling the woodwork, but our own Heta ‘Beckham’ carried on her scoring streak to score in the last 30 seconds to win the cup, well done ‘A’ team! The ‘B’ team following on from the group stages, regrouped and rallied to begin the plate with a 0-0 draw. The team then went on to win their next game 2-0. Again, with it all to play for in the last game between Moorlands and Saltford, Saltford went down 1-0. Maya scoring to equal it 1-1. With the game on a knife edge, from almost in their own half Maisy scored what can only be described as… a screamer. The ‘B’ team going on to win convincingly 3-1 and win the plate overall. Thank you to Bath City Foundation and School Sports Partnership without whom none of today would have been possible. Thanks also to all the parents who helped with transport the teams. Well done girls!


Saltford Cricketers Hit Other Teams For 6

Success for Saltford Cricket Teams

On Thursday 10th June, three cricket teams, from Saltford School, competed in the annual BANES schools cricket tournament ,at the Sulis Club in Bath, for the first time since 2019. The focus as always was on the children having fun, practising their skills and enjoying the thrill of competition-and hopefully making a friend or two along the way. The A, B and C teams played in the group stage first, coming first, second and third in their respective groups. Both the A and B teams qualified for the quarter finals of the cup competition whilst the C team qualified for the quarter finals of the plate competition. Following more exciting cricket, the B and C teams were knocked out of the competition and went on to play one more friendly game each before tea. The A Team went on a surging run of victories beating teams in the quarter and semi final to reach the final and cricketing glory. Saltford A played Oldfield Park in an exciting final and eventually won by more than 50 runs to lift the cricketing cup. Well done to all the teams who competed, demonstrating fantastic sportsmanship and skills. All the players were a credit to Saltford School. Thank you to the parents for providing transport to the Sulis Club and support for those who stayed and witnessed a fun day of cricket. Finally, thank you to Dave Burston who organised the tournament, Mr Bowkett and Mrs Brook for organising the Saltford teams and to Mr Bowkett, Mr Evans and Mr Boyle for coaching the teams on the day. Hip-hip...hooray!

Saltford A TeamSaltford B TeamSaltford C Team

Anyone for cricket?


What is there not to love about watching a game of cricket in the sunshine?!  17 of our Y6 girls represented the school at the annual B&NES Kwik Cricket competition held at Glasshouse Playing Fields on Monday 14th June.  Our two teams enjoyed numerous matches throughout the day playing plenty of competitive cricket.   One of our teams lost two of their matches in the morning but after lunch began a winning streak to win their final two of the day!  The other team remained unbeaten throughout the whole day, playing some incredible cricket, fielding some magnificent balls and deservingly winning  a place in the final against St. Stephens.  The final match was incredibly close which didn’t fail to entertain the large crowd of supporters.  There were plenty of fours and sixes scored and numerous runs but after in the end it was St Stephens who ‘pipped us to the wicket ‘by just three runs!  Many congratulations to all of our girls who took part and thank you to all of the parents who helped with transport and supported the teams throughout the day.  Thank you also to Dave Burston for organising the whole event.


Football Came Home!

Year 6's wait was finally over - with a win!

Another glorious June day, another superb football match! This time we welcomed Oldfield Park Junior School to play in a friendly against our Y6 boys’ team.  We had high hopes for this team this season but as with many other events, the Virus put those plans on hold!  This game however quickly lived up to the high expectations and didn’t fail to disappoint any of the spectators- parents, staff and former pupils alike. Within minutes of the kick off, Saltford peppered the goal line.  It was Alfie’s  strike with a whopper into the back of OPJS’s net  which sealed the first well deserved goal.  The second and third quarters of the game didn’t see any further goals but the skills and great football on display provided such superb entertainment that even Gareth Southgate would have been pleased.  In the dying seconds of the final quarter, Alex weaved himself and the ball through the oppositions defence to seal the win for Saltford with wonderful strike;ecstatic celebrations from everyone including Mrs Brook and Mr Bowkett followed!  The girls’ match is next .....keep watching  this space!



Year 5 football fun!

Good to be back.


We were delighted to welcome Oldfield Park Junior School to play some friendly football on Monday 7th June.  After the dismal weather in May, we finally played this match under glorious June sunshine with the boys’ smiles matching the sunny weather!  All 20 have been training regularly on Mondays with Mel from South West Soccer and were very excited to play their first match.  The first half was highly competitive with two excellent goals from William and Leon and some superb saves from Jack W in goal. The second half was equally exciting with a lovely goal from Thomas M. All of the boys finished the game with even bigger smiles than they started with -a truly wonderful sight to see!

Well done to: Jack W, Kas, Seb, Leon, Freddie, Ollie, Zane, Will, Jacob, Sam P, James, Jack F, Peter, Sam A, Adrian, Jack S, Jayden, Thomas, Louie and Tommy.  Thank you to Mel for coaching the team and to Mr Bowkett for refereeing.

Tour De Saltford School

 The Peloton gathered early on Tuesday 11th May for the ‘One Day Classic’ event on the school field, otherwise known as the ‘Salterium’ . Riders from Class JG & Class NS participated in a series of highly competitive races as well as receiving some expert coaching tips from Mark Smith from British Cycling. By the end of the day, the children were exhausted having enjoyed a wonderful, energetic event and it was clear to spot a future Geraint Thomas, Chris Froome, Lizzie Armitstead and Laura Kelly amongst our talented bunch.  Many thanks to Mark Smith for leading this exciting and memorable day. 


The results are in!

Gold, Silver and Bronze

We are absolutely delighted to share with you the results of the Year 6 In-School Virtual Pentathlon Competition: The outstanding collective points won by the girls’ team resulted in them topping the table and beating all the other nine teams! Furthermore, Zara and Phoebe’s individual scores earnt them an incredible silver and bronze medal respectively.  In addition, the boys’ team thoroughly deserved their second place in the table, beating five other schools convincingly. Meanwhile, Ellis’ incredible individual display of athleticism earnt him the gold medal, beating 34 other competitors. Many, many congratulations to all of the children who took part…. Is that Tokyo we can hear calling?...



Y2 & Y6 Playground Pethathlon

Great to be back!

On Wednesday 17th March, we were thrilled to welcome back Dave Burston to school to work with a group of children from Y2 & Y6. Each child competed in five events including; sprinting, balancing, throwing and catching, speed bouncing and skipping. The Y2's were given personal challenges whereas the Y6’s scores were recorded and will be compared to the results from different schools. ( we will know the overall results soon. ) All the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and all of them demonstrated a very high standard of skills and ability. Thank you to Mr Burston for organising such a fun and competitive event.

Well done Y2's: Tommy, Bailey,Charlie, Elliott, Benji, Lauren, Sienna ,Summer Louise, Grace and Chloe.

Well done Y6's: Harry, Barney, Tom, Elis, Ewan, Niamh, Maisy, Zara, Heta and Phoebe.


KS2 Cross Country Competition

Flying start to inter-school competitions.


On Monday 9th November, KS2 were invited to take part in the inaugural inter-school cross country competition. There was a buzz around the school leading up to the event, with some children taking part in their very first KS2 competition. 

The day started strongly with the Year 3 bubble setting a high standard of competition. The Year 3 boys all started positively with great determination. Eventually Charlie T broke away from the pack to claim 1st place closely followed by Oscar B and Theo W. The Year 3 girls were lead by Clara F from the start who claimed hard fought win, followed by Robyn H and Esther W. 

Next up to compete, was the Year 6 bubble. It was fiercely competitive from the start with the all the boys determined to win a medal. Ewan S sprinted ahead of his peers to take a well deserved 1st place, repeating this feat from last year. Tobias F followed in second, with Tom H pacing himself well to take the bronze. The girls then followed suit by another well run race by all, with twins Isla and Darcy W claiming 1st and 2nd place respectively, with Phoebe L pushing them all the way to the end to take 3rd. 

Year 5's were next to take place on the starting line. Yet again they showed us all Saltford grit and determination. Ava D claiming 1st place, Amelia L hot on her heels in 2nd with Lila O in 3rd. The boys race proved to be hotly contested, ending with a photo finish to determine 3rd place. 1st place was awarded to William A, 2nd Seb K, with Jack F narrowly claiming 3rd. 

Last but not least the Year 4s were up, rounding off the morning on a high. Again, another photo finish was required for 3rd place in the Boys, with Jack B claiming the bronze, Harry K won gold and Anslem W claiming silver. The girls race was equally competitive with Nicole F claiming 1st, Harriet C and Poppy D then finished 2nd and 3rd respectively.

Thank you to all that participated and spectated. There was great sportsmanship by all involved, which saw some fantastic competitiveness. A big thank you also to all helpers who without, the competition couldn't take place. 

We can't wait to see what happens next year! 

Mr Bowkett and Mrs Brook

Mixed football team success

8 goals scored and 3 conceeded

Many congratulations to our Y6 mixed football team who represented the school on Monday 9th March at Odd Down competing against 11 other schools. Throughout the day, the children were a pleasure to accompany, scoring a total of eight goals between them and only conceeding three. Many congratulations to them all. 

Netball Success at Ralph Allen School

Well done girls!

Very proud of our girls today at the Bath & District Hi 5 Netball tournament at Ralph Allen school. They won all games, first against OPJS B team 12 - 0, then St Mary's 5-0, then OPJS A team 3-0 and finally Bathwick 3-1. 

They are winners of the Bath & District Hi 5 tournament.  Well done to all the girls and thank you for all the parents for their support. Thank you to Mrs Hathaway for coaching the team.

More success at Baskervilles!


Many congratulations to our Year 3 and Year 4 gymnasts who each earnt themselves a medal at the annual Baskervilles competition on Friday 28th February.  The children competed at two levels: Level One which was for those less experienced gymnasts and Level Two for those with more experience. The children have been working hard practising their routines before school, expertly coached by Mrs Lewis. 

Megan from Year Four, Erin, Seren, Poppy and Joshua from Year Three, competed in the Level Two category which was an extremely competitive one. The judges even commented that the standards this year were higher than previous years so when it was announced that Saltford had won Bronze, we were all ecstatic!

Our less experienced gymnasts from Year 4 were: Amelia, Lulu, Nia, Lila and Ellie.  These girls were awarded first place and each given a gold medal in their catergory.  In addition, Ellie was awarded a bronze for her outstanding individual routine.

Many, many congratulations to them all and thank you to Mrs Lewis for all of her superb coaching.

Quicksticks Success!


On Thursday 13th February, Mr Bowkett and Mrs Brook accompanied 10 Y6's - two teams, to the B&NES Quicksticks Hockey Tournament to compete against 12 other local primary schools.

The schools were divided into 4 pools and each school played in a round robin competition to begin with.  Many goals were scored during these initial matches which led to one of our teams- Saltford B, qualifying as Runners Up in the Cup Competition.  Our other team- Saltford A, finished in third place and went through to Plate Competition. 

In the next round, The Quarter Finals, Saltford B were drawn against OPJS A.  The game was very closely contested that extra time had to be played before OPJS eventually scored putting Saltfiord B out of the competition.

Saltford A meanwhile, were dominant in both their QF and SF matches winning them both convincingly.  They met High Littleton in the final which was one of the most exciting matches ever witnessed. The atmosphere under the floodlit pitch was truly electrifying.  Again, extra time had to be played to decide the winner and it was a brilliant team effort from our players which gifted Leo the ball to score and win the match for Saltford School!  Many congratulations to them all.

Saltford A: Leo, JJ, Tom C, Mo and Kaiya.

Saltford B: Cooper, Adam, Phoebe, Belle and Stella.



Y5/6 Gymnastics Success

Baskervilles competition medals haul


On Tuesday 28th January I had the pleasure of accompanying 10 children from Y5&6 to attend the annual gymnastics competition at Baskervilles gym in Bath.

The children competed at two levels: Level One - which was the category for the less experienced gymnasts and Level Two, the category for those children with more gymnastic experience.

All the children were given a routine to learn and perform on the vault and on the floor which they have been practising before and during school this term.

Many,many congratulations to all of the children, each of them winning a medal!

Our more experienced team were awarded gold medals- 1st place overall out of 15 teams and our less experienced group were awarded bronze medals -3rd place out of 11 teams.

A special mention to Zara who won herself an individual gold medal, to add to her gold team medal, for her outstanding performance and also to Tom and Phoebe who were both awarded individual bronze medals, to add to their gold team medals.

Everyone should be very proud of their efforts as they completed their routines with such flair and finesse that it was very clear to see how much hard work and determination they dedicated to learning their routines. 

Many, many congratulations to: Zara, Phoebe, Chloe, Ava and Tom. Also to: Poppy, Holly, Stella, Theo and Leo.

Thank you to Mrs Wetherley, Mrs Gregory and Ms Corlett who transported and supported the team.  Also a special thank you to Mrs Lewis for all of her hard work with coaching the children to such a high standard.




Winners for the third consecutive year!

Congratulations Team Saltford

Indoor athletics 2019

Another year, a different Year 6 team but remarkably the same result!  For the third consecutive year, Saltford school continues to be the reigning champions at the annual indoor athletics competition which was held this week at Wellsway School. Our Year Six team competed against five other Primary Schools in relay, obstacle and hurdle races as well as javelin throwing, the triple jump and speed bounces. It was an extremely competitive event which showcased all of the talented children we have at our school. Many, many congratulations to the all of the children.

Thank you to Mr Bowkett, Mr Godwin and Mr Boyle for their support and to Dean Garrett, Beth Jones and Dave Burston for organising such a wonderful event.

Year 5 football success comes to an end

Saltford Y5 boys' football

Mrs Brook, Mr Boyle and Mr Bowkett accompanied their Year 5’s football team when they travelled to St Martin’s Garden Primary School on Monday 9th December to play in the second round of the knock out cup football league.  Our boys started the match strong with Tobias finding the back of the net within the first 5 minutes after kick off to give Saltford a 1-0 lead.  The opposition however, responded immediately and scored with a wonderful volley to level the match 1-1.  After leveling the score, the opposition scored 5 more goals with a few more brilliant saves from our goalkeeper, Joe.  Our Year 6 opposition team were the stronger team on the day which has, unfortunately, brought our Year 5 cup matches to an end.  Our Saltford boys however, showed remarkable resilience throughout the match and despite going behind, they never gave up and continued to battle throughout the entire match, demonstrating many wonderful football skills throughout.  Well done Saltford! This was a superb learning curve for the boys and a great experience to have the chance to play an older team in a school cup competition.

Shootout decides winning team!

Saltford beat Moorlands on penalties to reach the next stage.

On Wednesday 20th November, our Year 5 football team travelled to Moorlands Junior School to play against them in the first round of the Cup Competition.  It was an enthralling match to watch with end to end action throughout the first and the second half.  Neither Saltford nor Moorlands could find the back of either net despite numerous shots on target from both teams.  The prospect of penalties became a reality after full time and extra time was played without any goals.  In the end, it came down to Tom who kept his nerve and fired home the emphatic winning shot!  Final score: Saltford  2-1. Well done boys!  St Martin’s Garden Primary School are our next opponents! 


Well done Joshua
Well done Joshua

Silver standard at National Karate Championship

Congratulations to Joshua in year 5 who travelled to Sheffield to compete in the National Karate GKR Karate Championship on Saturday 16th November. We are delighted to report that he achieved a silver medal at national standard.

Joshua had been unwell leading up to the championships, leaving him little time for training, but he was determined to compete. With the support of his whole family and his Sensei (coach) he managed to pull off the silver medal. We commend Joshua for his tenacity and determination and his teacher and school friends will enjoy sharing in his success when he brings his medal into school.

In order to qualify for this National Karate GKR Championship, Joshua competed earlier in the year at the Qualifier Championships in Birmingham. Here he displayed great resolve in his Kumite (sparring) resulting in a gold medal. He also achieved a silver medal in Kata.

Joshua at karate qualifiers

Joshua's parents and the school are extremely proud of him, particularly as he puts in lots of practice at home without going to extra Karate lessons. Keep up the good work, Joshua.

Bath & District Boys Football Tournament


Ten boys from Y6 represented the school on Wednesday 13th November at the annual 7 aside boys football tournament at Odd Down Sports Ground in Bath.

In our pool were: The Meadows, St John’s RC Primary and St Keyna.  We started very strong scoring an amazing six goals in our first match against The Meadows and only conceding 2.  The next game against St John’s was much closer but we eventually managed to score against them, keeping a clean sheet. St Keyna were our final opponents in the pool.  It was another extremely close match which they eventually won 1-0 against us.  Saltford were very happy to finish in second place in this group stage which meant we played Moorlands next, in the knock out round.  Our boys played brilliantly and after full time the score was all even at 1-1. Five minutes of extra time was needed which saw Moorlands score the winning goal. Final score 2-1.

 Nevertheless, our boys can be extremely proud of themselves for their efforts at the tournament. Throughout the entire afternoon they demonstrated many footballing skills as well as a lot of determination, resilience and amazing teamwork.

Many, many congratulations to: Tyreik, Sam, Oscar, Adam, Jared, JJ, Tom, Oliver M, Oliver T and Freddie.  Thank you to the parents for transporting the team and to all of those who cheered them on from the sidelines. Thanks also to our wonderful coach, Ricky.



Lucky Penalty Shoot Out for Saltford


Salford win in dramatic style

The Y6 boys’ football team celebrated on Friday evening with a win on penalties against St Keyna to progress to the next round of the B&NES Schools Cup Competition.

This was the boys’ first game and they quickly demonstrated how skilful and determined they are. The match was fast and furious from kick off with the majority of the first half spent in the oppositions half. At half time it was 0-0 and all to play for.

Going into the second half, Saltford continued to put pressure on St Keyna with more and more accurate passing, communication on the pitch and a volley of chances. However, neither team could break the deadlock and at full time the match remained a tie , 0-0, leaving the game to be decided on the unpredictability of penalties.

 Again, all square after 6 each, (4 goals and 2 misses from both teams!) leaving Freddie in goal to make the winning save! A very dramatic end to a wonderfully competitive and good spirited football match.

Many congratulations to: Freddie, Ty, Adam, Ollie M, Ollie T, Tom, Sam, Jared, Oscar and JJ.


Bath and District 7-a-side Girls Football Tournament

Maximun 9 points achieved in the Group Stage!


Nine girls from Y6 represented the school on Wednesday 6th November at the annual 7 aside girls football tournament at Odd Down Sports Ground in Bath.

It was an absolute pleasure to accompany the girls who demonstrated such a flare for the games despite only forming a month ago.  For some of the girls, this was their first ever football game!  Throughout the whole tournament, they showed a fantastic attitude and sportsmanship and continually encouraged each other on and off the pitch.  In our first game we played St Keyna and won 2-1, in the second game we played Moorlands and won 2-0 and in the final game of the group stages, we played Chandag and won 3-1! The girls had achieved their aim by winning three out of three matches in the group stages and just missed out topping the table on goal difference to finish runners up. Next, in the knock out stage we met St Stephens.  Despite our girls continuing to give 100% throughout the entire match, we were outplayed by the skills of one of their girls whose outstanding football won them the game, knocking out Saltford from the competition.  Nevertheless, our girls can be extremely proud of themselves for their efforts at the tournament. To have won three out of four matches at their first competition is a truly remarkable achievement for them all.

Many, many congratulations to: Ava, Eva, Amelia, Holly, Poppy  G, Mo, Stella Freya and Belle.  Thank you to the parents for transporting the team and to all of those who cheered them on from the sidelines.


Cheerleading success
Cheerleading success

Congratulations to Emma and Eryn

We are very proud of Emma and Eryn from class NJ who achieved 2nd place in the Dream Legacy cheer and dance competition at NIA Birmingham on Sunday. They are both members of Phoenix Allstars cheerleaders.C

Out but not down!

Girls’ team gave their best effort in exciting cup game.


On Wednesday 23rd October, one of our girls’ football team travelled to Bath to play Weston All Saints Junior School in the first round of the B&NES School Football Knock Out Cup Competition.

The girls showed great composure and resilience throughout their first ever game and never gave up trying to find the back of the opposition’s goal net!

Despite all of their efforts, they were outplayed by an equally determined WASPS team whose goalkeeper was kept busy throughout the entire match. At the final whistle, it was just their one and only shot on goal that found the back of our net

which separated the two sides. Despite the score line, our team left Weston with their heads held high and smiles on their faces. Well done girls- you should all be very proud of your efforts.

Thank you to all of the parents who transported the team and gave many words of encouragement from the sidelines.


Zane's in the swing

Congratulations on your golfing achievements

There was an extra reason to celebrate on Zane’s 9th birthday recently. He heard that he had got in to Somerset Under 12’s squad for golf, having tried out at the age of only 8.

The icing on the cake came with the news that he had reduced his handicap to 30 while on golf tour, which meant he was then able to join the Yellow Tee members at Saltford Golf Club.

Well done Zane. We're looking forward to following your progress.

Authentic cross country conditions

Success at the start of 2019



Authentic cross country conditions were on offer last Wednesday 9th October when twenty of our finest distance runners participated in the wind and rain at the annual B&NES schools competition. The year five boys raced first with an outstanding individual performance from Ewan who led the pack from the very start to the cross the finish line in first place, earning himself a gold medal. Tobias ran home in 9th place overall with Tom closely behind him finishing in 11th place. Harry finished in 23rd place and Barney 33rd.

The Y5 girls competed next. Darcy was pipped to the post into third place and thoroughly deserved her bronze medal. Abbie crossed the line in 4th place just missing out on a medal by the smallest of margins. Phoebe L sprinted the last fifty meters to finish in 8th place , Zara was 11th and Niamh 15th overall.

Oscar F was the first Saltford Y6 runner to cross the line. He finished in 9th place closely followed by Sam W in 10th, JJ was 20th, Matthew 24th and Adam 27th.

A sprint finish saw Phoebe S thoroughly deserve her bronze medal in the year 6 girls race. Ava finished 7th, Freya, 11th, Belle 13th and Stella finished in 17th place.

Overall, both of our year 5 teams ( boys and girls) and our year 6 girls team won first place out of all of the 17 schools that entered. A truly remarkable achievement. 

Many, many congratulations to all of the children. They ran absolutely brilliantly despite the heavy rain and somewhat slippery conditions under foot. Each heat consisted of approximately fifty children from across B&NES and it was clear to see all of training from the Saltford children paid dividends.

Thank you to all the parents who either transported the children and to all of those who cheered them on from the side lines.

Mrs Brook



Synchro success!

Our girls take the plunge

Belle M and Holly K took up synchronised swimming with Team Bath at the University of Bath in September last year.  They've had a fantastic first ten months with the U12's squad, coming 2nd in the SW regional competition in June and 12th (out of 23 teams) in the Swim England National Combo Cup at the Olympic Aquatic Centre in London last week.  They have the last competition of the season on Saturday at Culverhay pool.

Well done girls!

Synchronised swimmers

Semi-final success in the scorching Saltford sunshine

Saltford 6 Newbridge 0

The long awaited football cup semi-final kicked off, with immense anticipation, with the Saltford team playing in blue bibs, due to a kit clash. The first shot on goal came from the exuberant Saltford team- eager to open the scoring: a long range shot to test the keeper’s mettle-just wide of the post! Another shot followed in quick succession-this time wide of the other post. A positive start by Saltford.

More Saltford pressure followed, on a very hot summer afternoon, a week before the summer holiday break-the great ocean of time. Another shot wide from the blue bibs. Jack, in defence for Saltford, stopped every counter attack to feed the front players; heaping even more pressure on the valiant Newbridge defence and overworked goalkeeper. Finally, the deadlock was broken on 5 minutes with a precise cross, tapped in by Harry at the far post. 1-0 to the hosts.

After the restart, Newbridge played their best move with quick passing from defence ending in a shot wide of the Saltford post. Ollie, the Saltford keeper, made his first goal kick of the game reaching Ed on the left wing for another surging run, putting enormous pressure on the Newbridge midfield and defence. The Saltford wingers made life very difficult for the Newbridge players the whole afternoon under the scorching sun.

A rare mistake in the Newbridge box saw Tom reacting at lightning speed, latching onto the ball, rounding the keeper and coolly slotting the ball into the back of the net. 2-0 Saltford. Shortly after the restart, Tom made another blistering run towards the Newbridge goal, unleashing a tremendously powerful shot from 20 yards with the ball bursting the net. 3-0! A relentless opening 10 minutes from Saltford.

However, Newbridge kept their heads up and continued to try to get back into the game with resilient defending and counter attacks. For a brief moment, Saltford switched off, resting on their laurels momentarily, conceding a corner from Newbridge pressure. Ricky reminded his team to keep their concentration and soon the boys were communicating and pushing forwards again. In the next corner for Saltford, the boys worked a new training ground tactic-four players stood shoulder to shoulder then spread out into the box at speed as soon as the corner kick was taken. This made the Newbridge defence’s job even harder-making it very difficult to mark the attacking players. A corner tap-in was saved! Close!

Saltford surged down the wing again eager for more goals. Ed’s lightning pace beating two players before whipping the ball into the box for Charlie to slot the ball home. Goal! 4-0. In the dying seconds of the half, Ollie, the fresh Saltford keeper, had to spring into action to close the angle and cleared the ball from a Newbridge counter attack. Newbridge were not giving up just yet.

Second Half:

Newbridge kicked off the second half positively. They were rewarded immediately with a penalty after a trip in the 18 yard box. Saved! Ollie quickly dived to his right, stopped the ball and drop kicked it into the opponents’ half for a goal scramble ending in a corner. Cleared! The pace of the game continued from where it left off in the first half; both sides trying their best to score goals and stop the other team from scoring. More shots just wide from Saltford. Corners cleared. Ed then controlled a goal kick from Ollie and put his laces through the ball which flew into the bottom corner of the goal. 5-0!

Newbridge attacked, after the restart, with a huge kick that bounced over the Saltford keeper. Ollie raced to the goal line to safely gather the ball eager to keep a clean sheet. Newbridge still had their heads up-never giving up. Saltford attacked again. The keeper came to save, half blocked the shot and the ball trickled over the goal line. 6-0! Newbridge attacked straight after the restart, taking it round Ollie in goal then shooting wide from an impossible angle-the closest to scoring yet for Newbridge. More corners followed in the last few minutes; more goalmouth scrambles; more shots; more saves. Could there be any more goals in this thrilling semi-final? Finally, the whistle blew on a classic cup football game full of goals, fair play, resilience and sportsmanship. The beautiful game played by two committed and competitive sides. A joy to watch. Commiserations to the valiant Newbridge players and  huge congratulations to Saltford who will be playing Moorlands in the final.

Thank you to Ricky for coaching and encouraging the team, Mrs Brook for organising the matches, Mr Martin for refereeing the game fairly and the vocal parents(super fans) on the touchline. A huge well done to the wonderful Saltford team. Good luck in the final boys.

Y4 rounders festival

Fun in the sun!

Rounders team

On Monday 15th July ten of our Y4 children took part in the WMAT Y4 Rounders Festival at Wellsway School which was organised by Mrs Burston.  On arrival, the children were divided into six different teams which were a mixture of all the participating primary school in our WMAT cluster. Before the five games were played, the children practised their throwing and catching skills as well as making some new friends. The afternoon was a huge success and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  Thank you to Mrs Burston, the young Sports Ambassadors, the parents and to Mrs Dixon who all accompanied the children.

Runners up!



To round off a busy sporting year, 22 children travelled to Bath Leisure Centre on Friday 5th July to take part in the annual schools gala. This event is always a highlight in the sporting calendar and this year was no exception. Once again, the standard was exceptionally high with many Club swimmers participating from the other local schools. We started the gala very strongly; Tayla’s 100m Individual Medley was worthy of a place in the GB squad! The next sixteen events comprised of 50m and 25m swims and relay races. Saltford won eight of these races with strong individual wins from: Daisy and Ewan. Saltford came 2nd in five further races and 3rd in the remaining three races.  Many, many congratulations to: Tayla, Daisy, Georgie, Millie, Ben, Ollie H H Ollie K, Jake, Chloe, Tessa, Frankie, Lily, Kobi, Ben, Ewan, Barney, Ella, Daniel H, Daniel B, Fergus, Amelia and Anselm. Everyone swam brilliantly and should all be extremely proud of themselves. We finished in second place overall, narrowly missing out on the top spot by just two points!

Thank you to Mr Lye for coaching our superb team.  Thank you also to Mrs Hathaway and Mrs Oliver for all of their help and to all the family members who cheered the team along.

Mrs Brook 05.07.19


Quadkids County Champions!

The best athletes in the West of England



Many congratulations to our Year 6 Quadkid athletes who were crowned the county sports champions on Tuesday 2nd July at Wesport’s 2019 Summer School Games Competition.

This fantastic event, which was attended by 45 Primary Schools and 10 Secondary Schools, began with the Opening Ceremony where the children were reminded of The School Games Values: Respect, Determination, Teamwork, Passion, Self Belief and Honesty.  Simran Kaur a Team GB para athlete gave an inspirational speech informing us that she too had participated at this very event in 2017 before qualifying to represent her country.    

Throughout the day, the School Games Values were evident.  The children’s passion, determination and self belief were in abundance as they competed against 19 other teams from the South West, creating a truly extra special atmosphere.  We were all ecstatic when the results revealed that Saltford were crowned The 2019 County Sports Champions with their staggering total score of 1768 points for each discipline: 600 metres, Javelin, Sprint and Long Jump.

Furthermore, Jake S and Brooke T were each awarded individual bronze medals, Ed N, a silver and Holly S a gold!

Thank you to the parents who kindly offered to transport the children, to Mrs Smith who provided the much needed gazebo and to Wesport for organising a such a brilliant event!



Y5 Cluster Schools Athletics Festival

Once again our children were invited to attend another cluster festival which was organised so brilliantly by Mrs Burston and her team of Y8/9 Sports Ambassadors. On Monday 1st July, our Year 5 children mixed happily with the other children from St Johns, Chandag and Marksbury to practise their skills with the javelin, shot put, sprinting, hurdles and the triple jump to name a few.  All the children finished the afternoon with huge smiles on their faces having either learnt a new skill, improved on another or having made a new friend.  Thank you to the parents and grandparent who walked to and from Wellsway with us, to Mrs Burston and to all of the wonderful Sports Ambassadors

Year 5 Wellsway Cluster Athletics Festival

Spectacular sports in the summer sunshine

On Monday 25th June, the year 5 children from HR and AB attended an athletics festval on Wellsway sports field. After marching along the pavement from Saltford to Wellsway School, the children had a well earned rest to eat their lunch under the shade of the trees. Having replenished their energy, the children were placed into groups, with children from other local schools by Mrs Burston, who organised the event. The children were then guided through a carousel of athletics activities, including relay, long jump, javelin and discus, led by year 8 sports ambassadors from Wellsway School. As the temperatures were very high the children took breaks in the shade and rehydrated themselves continually, with water and snacks, throughout the afternoon. Well done to all the year 5 children, who competed in the festival, practising and aqcuiring new skills, demonstrating sportsmanship and making new friends. Thank you to the large number of parents who helped to walk the children safely to Wellsway school. A special thank you goes to Mrs Burston for organinsing such a wonderful event and to the sports ambassadors who led by example, encouraging and inspiring the children.


Mr Boyle 27/06/18

Class HR Cricket Festival

Fun in the Sun!

On Thursday 27th July, Class HR walked to Keynsham Cricket Club to participate in a cricket festival with other local schools. It was a lovely sunny day so we enjoyed our packed lunches in the fields on route. The afternoon was spent learning the skills needed for kwik cricket and playing games. Thank you to all of our parents helpers for joining us - the trip would not have been possible without you.

Sports reports
