Starting in 2025
See our school in action
Please get in touch if you are interested in your child starting in September 2025. There are tours of our school and a stay and play afternoon where you and your child can stay and play in our Early Years setting, meeting the staff and using our facilities.
School tours
We are pleased to be able to offer tours around our school on the following dates:
- Monday 16th September 2024 at 1.30pm
- Tuesday 17th September 2024 at 9.30 am
- Tuesday 17th September 2024 at 11.00 am
- Friday 20th September 2024 at 1.45 pm.
- Friday 4th October 2024 at 1.45pm
- Monday 7th October 2024 at 9.30am
- Monday 14th October 2024 at 1.30pm
Each hour-long tour, guided by our Headteacher Mrs Sage, gives parents and children the opportunity to see our school as it really is and ask plenty of questions. To book a tour, please get in touch by emailing or calling the school office on 01225 872185.
Video tour of the school
You can also take a virtual tour of our school on YouTube here and we would encourage you to look through the extra information that follows on this page.
To view this video directly on YouTube in full screen mode, follow this link:
Stay and play afternoon
You and your child are invited to our fun play afternoon on Tuesday 17th September 2024 from 2.00-3.00pm where you can explore our wonderful facilities and meet the Headteacher and the Early Years team. Please email to secure your place.
We look forward to meeting you.
Life at Saltford School
A slideshow created by the children in our School Council gives more in-depth information about life at Saltford School. Please take a look here.
Why choose Saltford?
Here's why we believe parents can be confident in choosing Saltford School. Our Ofsted inspection in 2023 rated us Outstanding. Ofsted found that 'Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the education and care their children receive at the school'. See some of the responses from our parents and children to our surveys:
We are a happy school
We feel this in school every day but here are just some of the responses from parents and children from all year groups:
'we couldn't have hoped for a better primary school experience'
'he has enjoyed his first year and been very happy'
'she has had the best imaginable start to her school life, thanks to the incredible teaching staff… she wants to go into school every day and is smiling when she comes out.'
'1 You make really good friends. 2 You learn lots of skills. 3 We've got our own swimming pool'
Children feel safe at school
'she is always happy to go to school' she feels 'comfortable and secure'
'fun and safe place to learn'
'when I went on camp I felt really safe'
Children enjoy learning and staff enjoy teaching
'I love what our teachers provide this school because they always make it fun and when i'm worried about something I know i can go to them when i need to'
'The teaching he has received this year has been truly excellent'
'They always help you when your upset. When your stuck in a lesson they always help you'
Children are involved at school
Our elected school council is very influential in shaping children's school experience at Saltford. Children also participate in school life through the green team, the equalities team, digital leaders, and our house system. Please see our Children section for more details and pictures.
Wide range of extra-curricular opportunities
In our position at the heart of the village, we are well placed to promote extra-curricular opportunities for our children, whatever their interests. All children have the chance to participate in extra sporting and musical activities within the school community. We provide instrumental lessons on site through the West of England Music Alliance. Our PTA regularly lays on entertainments such as school discos and film nights for all children too.
- See our sports reports for a taste of the range of sporting provision we offer
- Take a look at our clubs page for what's on offer within the school grounds
- Browse our community notices page to see what's on offer in the wider community
We are proud of our environment
Through a constant programme of maintenance and improvement, our school is a welcoming and safe environment.
Children at Saltford are particularly lucky to benefit from
- our own on-site swimming pool
- a large and stimulating library
- an IT suite with individual workstations for a whole class
- excellent IT in every classroom
- exciting outdoor spaces including our secret garden, pond and new play equipment
- special play area for Reception children
Benefits of the Futura Learning Partnership
- Pupils benefit from being part of the Futura Learning Partnership family of schools, where teachers and leaders work together across schools to provide the best possible education and enrichment
- Pupils enjoy access to Futura’s fantastic facilities at its other schools, for example science experience days at IKB Academy and sports events at the Wellsway Sport Centre
- Our catering manager, Lynne Portlock, and her team were awarded the highest five-star hygiene rating in June 2022. They are part of Zest catering who provide the catering service for the Futura Learning Partnership.
Partnership with parents/families
We encourage parents and families to keep in touch with school in many ways. We regularly survey parents and seek informal feedback too. We communicate regularly through a variety of media including texting, newsletters and email. See a summary here.
We are an inclusive school, committed to supporting and challenging all children to achieve their full potential.
Our vibrant PTA community pulls together with school to provide lovely events for the children and to raise significant funds that are used to enhance every child's school experience.
A warm welcome to children and parents
It's all about teamwork in EYFS.
Miss Davis, Miss Hansford, Mrs Morgan, Mrs Knight and Mrs Browne, who will all be working in your classes, would love to say 'hello' by sharing some of their favourite story books with you.
You can watch them here or follow the additional links if you would like to view them in full screen:
Miss Davis reads 'The Great Snortle Hunt'
Welcome to Saltford School! My name is Miss Davis and I am class teacher in Bumblebee class and Early Years Leader. I hope you enjoy listening to me reading one of my favourite books. to view in full screen on YouTube
Miss Hansford reads 'The Gruffalo'
Hello everyone. My name is Miss Hansford and I am class teacher in Butterfly class. I hope you enjoy listening to me read this story. to view in full screen on YouTube
Mrs Morgan reads 'Sharing a Shell'
Hello Everyone. My name is Mrs Morgan and I am looking forward to working with all of the Butterflies and Bumblebees this year. I hope you enjoy my story. to view in full screen on YouTube
Mrs Knight reads 'Little Croc and Bird'
Hello children. My name is Mrs Knight and I work in both Bumblebee and Butterfly class. I look forward to meeting you all very soon. to view in full screen on YouTube
Mrs Browne reads 'Dangerous'
Hello everyone. My name is Mrs Browne and I work in both Butterfly and Bumblebee class. I can't wait to meet you all very soon. to view in full screen on YouTube
What's it like starting school at Saltford?
The period from age three to the end of the Reception year is described as the Foundation Stage. It is a distinct stage and important both in its own right and in preparing children for later schooling.
At Saltford School we have an intake of 60, organised into two classes called Bumblebee Class and Butterfly Class.
Our recent Ofsted report highlighted positive behaviour systems, observing that 'Children in Reception are very kind and helpful towards each other. They understand the importance of turn taking and sharing'.
They also reported that in EYFS, 'staff read many stories and rhymes to the children. In discussions, they use well-chosen vocabulary to help children to improve their language skills rapidly'.
Please have a look around our school and meet the staff with this photo tour of our EYFS area.
You can see more about the role children play in the life of our school by visiting our Children section here.
Inspector reports that 'pupils thrive' at this happy, safe and inclusive school.
"New teaching strategies are already in place and contributing to children’s strong progress."
Our last inspection was on 28th February and 1st March 2023 when we welcomed Ofsted Inspector Kelly Olive and her team. We were pleased to be able to share with them all that makes our school the special place that it is. We are delighted that the final report recognises all the outstanding work going on here at Saltford Primary.
We were judged by Ofsted to be Outstanding in all areas of our provision. Inspectors said pupils and staff were rightly proud of an inclusive school, where all children are encouraged to be the best versions of themselves. They said headteacher Dawn Sage and her team pursued excellence at all times and had constructed a curriculum that was exceptional. You can read the Ofsted report here.
The children and staff were amazing ambassadors. The children spoke to the inspector with confidence and showed excellent recall of what they had learned. The inspectors also saw that pupils 'are rightly proud of their school… and are extremely well behaved'.
We were also overwhelmed by the positive response to the parental survey. Ofsted concluded 'Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the education and care their children receive at the school.'
Apply now for 2025
Please see the admissions information for those starting school in 2025 in our Academy Admissions Policy 2024-25 here.
Please also see the B&NES website here and select School admissions.