
We love to see all the children attending our different clubs. Extra-curricular activities play a large part in the life of pupils. Through the wide range of activities offered, children are able to develop their skills and interests.

We recognise that all individuals have fundamental human rights and therefore adopt a rights-based approach to equality. Practices are developed that promote the right for everyone to participate in all aspects of life within school by promoting initiatives that remove barriers to participation and by actively promoting equality and social inclusion.

See the current club timetable here and read on for information about each club and everything you need to know if your child attends a club at school.

Club summary

RACHEL BELL'S ATHLETICS CLUB - For Years 4 and 5 only. Sessions will take place on Tuesday term 5 and 6, 3.20pm-4.15pm on the adjacent school field by the park.  Children will be taught the basic skills of athletics i.e running, jumping and throwing.  Success will not be measured by comparison but on personal striving and progress.  Rachel Bell is a qualified PE teacher at Oldfield School who has a  passion for athletics.  The cost will be £5.00 per session, payable directly to Mrs Bell.  To secure a place in the club please make payment directly to Rachel Bell. Payments can be made by online transfer to Account: Mrs R C Bell sort code 60-12-11, account number 26621703. To contact Rachel 07970847945. This club is only run during Term 5 and 6.

MOLLIE MOON SEWING CLUB - For children in Years 2 - 6.  Children will learn simple embroidery stitches and hand sewing techniques.  This club will run on a Tuesday lunchtime in The Badger Room. Registration is via

FUNKY ART CLUB  - For children in years 3-6. Children will have the opportunity to explore lots of areas of art and design- drawing, painting, textiles, clay, paper-crafts, print and more. As well as creating some fantastic items to take home, pupils will take inspiration from local and international artists, learn about creative professions, enter art competitions and work towards an end of year art showcase. The club runs every Wednesday after school until 4.30pm.  The club costs £5.50 per session, paid termly. One off trial sessions are available to new pupils to try out the club. For more info or to reserve a space please email, phone Amy on 07737615152 or visit

FUNKY ART LUNCHTIME CLUB - This is for children in Year 3-6 and will be run on a Thursday lunchtime. A packed lunch will be required. Please contact, phone Amy on 07737615152 or visit Not running in term 1.

RICKY'S FOOTBALL CLUB  – The club is for children who are interested in football or who want to be active and learn a new sport.  In the sessions we coach the basics of football for part of the time through basic training techniques.  The second part of the session revolves around small sided games. Our coaches are all CRB checked and hold either UEFA & or FA qualification or Coaching Degree. 

Training takes place on the School Field on a Monday after school from 3.20 pm to 4.20 pm.  We take boys and girls from Year 1 through to Year 6.  Each session is £6 and this is paid termly -  registration and payment to be made via the club.  Please contact

BATH CITY FOOTBALL CLUB - Bath City Football club run a lunchtime school football club for girls in Year 3 and Year 4.   Year 5 & 6 girls football club takes place on Thursday at 3.15pm-4.15 on the field adjacent to the school, if your child is not attending a session please email

SPANISH CLUB - Learn Spanish through songs, stories, games and by having lots of fun! The programmes are designed to enhance students’ learning skills, giving a strong and positive foundation for future language learning.   

Lessons are priced at £6.50 per week paid termly in advance and the activity books and CDs are priced from £20.00.  If you are interested in enrolling your child please get in touch by phone 07892685611 or email  

Katherine Mallia BA (Hons) 
La Jolie Ronde Licensee of the Year, South West Region 2013 

MRS BURSTON'S NETBALL CLUB – For Year 5 only. The basic principles of netball are taught and the club develops movement skills including speed, agility and balance. The aim is to progress the pupils' passing and catching. The club also encourages team spirit. This club will run on a Monday for Year 5 after school from 3.20 pm - 4.20 pm on the school playground.  It will be run by Mrs Cath Burston, a PE teacher at Wellsway School.  The cost will be £5.00 per session, payable directly to Mrs Burston. 

SCHOOL NETBALL TEAM -  Mrs Hathaway will send a letter home during term 1 to all year 6 girls, to invite them to join the team.  The team will meet on a Tuesday on the playground from 3.20 pm - 4.15 pm.  Mrs Andrea Hathaway will coach the team. 

GYMNASTICS CLUB – The club is run by Artistic Stars Gymnastics, Jo Cary and Louise Gwinter Tel 01179476449 or email Jo and Louise have been teaching Gymnastics for over 20 yrs. They have qualifications in gymnastics, early years and disabilities and also have 3 children each of their own. Registration and payment will be made to Jo Cary.

RECORDER CLUB Yr2 Recorder Club with Mrs Hayden meets Friday lunchtimes in Class Apple class from 12.20. Yr 4 & 5 Recorder Group with Mrs Sewell meets Friday lunchtime from 12.00 pm in the Badger Room. 

RECORDER CLUB - Year 3 Recorder Club is run by Mrs Hamlen in Lime class from midday on a Tuesday lunchtime.

TOM BAKER'S CRICKET CLUB – Tom Baker was the Sky Sports Coach of the Year 2008 and 2011.  Tom’s After School Cricket Club runs every Wednesday, regardless of the weather – if it’s wet, the sessions will take place in the hall and in the fine weather the sessions will take place on the playground.  The club is open to boys and girls in Years 2 – 6, split as follows: 

3.20pm – 4.20 pm Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

For further information please contact Tom Baker 07814 627167 or visit .

DANNI'S DANCE ACADEMY  Street Dance Club – The club is open to all pupils in Years 3 – 6.  The cost will be £5.00 per session. Registration and payment directly to Danni.  For further information please contact, or telephone 07581 356526 

THE STEM FACTORY -KS1 and KS2 Robot Engineering.  Learn about sensors, actuators & data flow by building a range of different robots.  Then get creative by inventing your own.  Modular robots allow you to build almost anything you can think of.  Be prepared to put your imagination and problem solving skills to the test. Held in Willow class on Thursday 3.20pm-4.20pm.

Open to any pupil in KS1 and KS2. To register your interest contact:

TIGER MARTIAL ART CLUB - This club will now be running in Saltford Hall for details please contact or 07921 855900.  

BASKETBALL CLUB - Matt Analts Basketball Coaching for years 2, 3 & 4 on Thursday morning 7.55 am - 8.45 am and for years 5 & 6 on Wednesday morning 8 am - 8.50 am.  Sessions will be based on the playground and will involve learning all of the basic skills and rules of the game along with plenty of fun and competitive games. Cost is £5 per session. 

To secure a place in the club please bring payment  to the school office or make payment directly to Matt Analts. Payments can be made by Cash, Cheque (Made out to ‘MATT ANALTS BASKETBALL COACHING’) or Online transfer to Account: Sort Code 30-98-75, Account Number 03527457.  To contact Matt 07799646613.

YEAR 5 AND 6 CHOIR - The choir will be run by Miss Benton in Elm classroom, on Wednesday lunchtime from 12.00-12.30 for children in year 5 and year 6.  Children will be given the opportunity to learn a variety of songs both modern and classics.

YEAR 3 AND 4 CHOIR - The choir will be run by Mr George in Sycamore classroom, on Wednesday lunchtime from 12.00-12.30 for children in year 3 and year 4.  Children will be given the opportunity to learn a variety of songs both modern and classics.

KS2 CHESS AND GAMES CLUB - The Chess and Games club is run by Mrs Bond on Tuesday after school 3.20-4.00 pm in Oak class.  This is specifically aimed at children who can play chess and want to pass on and learn new skills from their peers. Please contact Mrs Bond on

DIGITAL LEADERS CLUB - This club is run by Mrs White for children in Year 1 and Year 2 on a Friday lunchtime from 12.30 pm in the ICT Suite.  Term 6 only.

GUITAR CLUB - Guitar club is run by Mr Jimmy Goodrich and is open to year 3-6, beginners are welcome.  You will learn classics, pop, rock and film themes.  Sessions run on Tuesday from 3.15-4.15 in the Music Room. The cost per session is £10.00 paid half termly in advance. For more information and booking please contact

FOREST SCHOOL CLUB - This club will be run by Claire Pickman for children in Year 5 and 6 in Term 1 & 2, Year 3 and 4 in Term 3 & 4 and Year R, 1 & 2 in Term 5 & 6.  It is a wonderful opportunity for your child to experience nature and the outdoor environment in a fun, creative and hands on way.  Please contact Claire at  

Please look out for more information on this page or in the school newsletter.

Some of the clubs we offer at Saltford Primary School are not available all year around.  Please look out for more information on clubs which will return later this year.

Requirements for club attendance

We do need to know who is going to each club. If your child would like to join a particular club, arrange this through the school/club provider and make sure the relevant form has been completed. Please do not just turn up on the off-chance. IT IS THE PARENT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM THE CLUB PROVIDER IF YOUR CHILD IS NOT ATTENDING.

If you need more information, please contact school or speak to the office on 01225 872185.

Some of these activities are run by the teachers and helpers voluntarily, but some clubs are subject to a charge.

Very occasionally these activities have to be cancelled. Parents will be given sufficient notice of any such cancellation. Netball and football clubs may be cancelled on the actual day of the club in the event of wet weather.

A register is taken for each club at each session. If your child has attended school and then does not attend a club for which they are registered we have a statutory responsibility to ensure that they are safe. We would therefore require that parents advise the club provider or phone the office if your child will not be attending a club on a particular day. Many thanks for your assistance.